Where Are

Calm down. I've actually been saying for years that the French hid the WMD in Syria, or that the Russians moved the WMD to Paraguay.

I think the Marines are flying them around the US right now...
Folks, notice how SuperFreak cannot help butt use two homo buzz words in one sentence when he talks to yours truly? "oversized" and "handle", we know what you would like to handle, butt, sorry, I do not swing that way, try tinfoil his mother cut off his blowjobs yesterday, he is in the market?

Those turbolib lefties are obsessed with gayness. Skewer em good.
Have been lurking here for sometime and finally someone worthy of me brilliance show up.
They have been gloating over the republicans that they have converted to the gay side.
Poor Craig....
Those turbolib lefties are obsessed with gayness. Skewer em good.
Have been lurking here for sometime and finally someone worthy of me brilliance show up.

Lurking...you sound like a neocon, Cheney to be exact!
Nah, Darla does not want a mensa man. She has stated clearly she would never date a conservative/Republican. Her standards are pretty high for a liberal woman. She likes the dumb ones... aka liberal light in the loafer types. Also, has the criteria that they be short, bald and white.

MainMan RJS picked up a new book today, flexing my mensa, a classic of course, it is called The Great Gatsby and it is written by F Scott Fitzgerald, I bet you do not know that the F stands for Fritz, and his best friends called him Fritz Scooter? He was named after a famous American Revolutionary character, from the movie 1776? Fritz "The Scoot" Fitzgerald, how does it feel to be outmensaed again, I would not know?

Hahahahah! Whoever is playing this RJS character is almost as funny as Brother Ted Haggard! Someone who claims to have a giant brain reading The Great Gatsby, an 8th grade requirement! LMAO! Too much! obnoxious butt funny.