Where Are

I hate to admit it, but it is true...

MainMan RJS picked up a new book today, flexing my mensa, a classic of course, it is called The Great Gatsby and it is written by F Scott Fitzgerald, I bet you do not know that the F stands for Fritz, and his best friends called him Fritz Scooter? He was named after a famous American Revolutionary character, from the movie 1776? Fritz "The Scoot" Fitzgerald, how does it feel to be outmensaed again, I would not know?
Given the spelling of "butt"... US is trying to tell us that in reality HE is RJS. So delusional.

Almost as delusional as you, Mister not a lefty lefty, who is trying to masquarde as RJS, a mensa, it is more likely for people to believe the congenial idiot Damocles is yours truly, not very if you get my drift? I have appointed USC as my protege, a big step up from my personal stepinfetchit, Asshat, butt, I might assign that position to MainMan if he keeps this cauterwalling up?
MainMan RJS picked up a new book today, flexing my mensa, a classic of course, it is called The Great Gatsby and it is written by F Scott Fitzgerald, I bet you do not know that the F stands for Fritz, and his best friends called him Fritz Scooter? He was named after a famous American Revolutionary character, from the movie 1776? Fritz "The Scoot" Fitzgerald, how does it feel to be outmensaed again, I would not know?

Folks, who wants to bet the Mensa Man that mainman, like a typical lefty fool, will come running in here any moment yelling that the F doesn't stand for fritz, butt, for Francis, and then expect kudos from all of his lefty cohors? Which one of them do you think will be first in line to congratulate him, and claim he is a genius?
Personally I think..............

rjs/rwa/azzhat et al should just change his screen name to 'Hannibal Lector' and be done with it already...roll the duel personalities into one name!:cof1:
Probably Darla. You know how she is.

I think the lefty firecracker Darla wants mensa man, she might fool you and not be the first one to tell MainMan how smart he is for knowing F Scott Fitzgerald's first name, butt, we will see? My money is on SuperFreak, he will do anything to try and make RJS look bad, butt, it always backfires on him, he still doesn't learn, not exactly a mensa is he?
rjs/rwa/azzhat et al should just change his screen name to 'Hannibal Lector' and be done with it already...roll the duel personalities into one name!:cof1:

I am not Asshat, butt, I must say, I do not think you are fit to shine Asshat's shoes, he strikes me as possibly the most unappreciated poster here, almost a mensa?
I think the lefty firecracker Darla wants mensa man, she might fool you and not be the first one to tell MainMan how smart he is for knowing F Scott Fitzgerald's first name, butt, we will see? My money is on SuperFreak, he will do anything to try and make RJS look bad, butt, it always backfires on him, he still doesn't learn, not exactly a mensa is he?
Maybe Watermark.. Hmmm... I don't think SuperFreak will be the first though.
I think the lefty firecracker Darla wants mensa man, she might fool you and not be the first one to tell MainMan how smart he is for knowing F Scott Fitzgerald's first name, butt, we will see? My money is on SuperFreak, he will do anything to try and make RJS look bad, butt, it always backfires on him, he still doesn't learn, not exactly a mensa is he?

Why does everyone here think I want them? I'm just friendly, back off ok?
I am not Asshat, butt, I must say, I do not think you are fit to shine Asshat's shoes, he strikes me as possibly the most unappreciated poster here, almost a mensa?

Asshat, giving yourself away? RJS would not compliment anyone, now you compliment Asshat? Seems like a clue...
I think the lefty firecracker Darla wants mensa man, she might fool you and not be the first one to tell MainMan how smart he is for knowing F Scott Fitzgerald's first name, butt, we will see? My money is on SuperFreak, he will do anything to try and make RJS look bad, butt, it always backfires on him, he still doesn't learn, not exactly a mensa is he?

Nah, Darla does not want a mensa man. She has stated clearly she would never date a conservative/Republican. Her standards are pretty high for a liberal woman. She likes the dumb ones... aka liberal light in the loafer types. Also, has the criteria that they be short, bald and white.