Where Are

was that by Edward Shakespeare? LOL

Edward Faulkner.... Faulknonian.... you are in way over your head little boy

Do you think so, RJS thinks not, he at least can reconize satire, you get an F, butt, an A plus in demonstrating how annoying lefties can be when the shoe is on the other foot, which I would plant up your but right now, if you were close enough, thank you. I am duly amazed that you know Faulkner's correct first name, wow, blow me down, knock me over with a feather, you are too smart, maybe you should have your brain transplanted into a computer with smarts like that you might make solar power obsolete?
I was unimpressed that you did NOT know Faulkner's first name.

Like I said.... I look back on your portfolio here and I don't see any posts of any substance. All hat and no cattle.

I used to come to this website to discuss the war in Iraq or election year politics with folks who were obviously older than you and smarter than you and much less annoying than you.

Like I said before...your e-peen is massive, and your brain is tiny.
was that by Edward Shakespeare? LOL

Edward Faulkner.... Faulknonian.... you are in way over your head little boy

No William Shakespeare, spoken by Macbeth, the "origins" as you asked for, I hope you are duly impressed, I know Shakespeare's first name? I will call you Benji from now on, goodnight not so sweet prince, in fact, one might call you a stinkass princess, touche?
I was unimpressed that you did NOT know Faulkner's first name.

Like I said.... I look back on your portfolio here and I don't see any posts of any substance. All hat and no cattle.

I used to come to this website to discuss the war in Iraq or election year politics with folks who were obviously older than you and smarter than you and much less annoying than you.

Like I said before...your e-peen is massive, and your brain is tiny.

And if I did not know Faulkner's first name, would I be a worthy adversary, that you needed to rush in here and make yourself feel smarter, much like the retard in the back of the class who finally hears a question he can answer? And if I did know Faulkner's last name, then you just made a big fool out of yourself, I would say? As soon as I said it is a tale told by an idiot that should be a clue, you should have known everything you needed to know about what I know, if you were half as smart as you claim to be? I am still not impressed, sorry and goodnight.
And if I did not know Faulkner's first name, would I be a worthy adversary, that you needed to rush in here and make yourself feel smarter, much like the retard in the back of the class who finally hears a question he can answer? And if I did know Faulkner's last name, then you just made a big fool out of yourself, I would say? As soon as I said it is a tale told by an idiot that should be a clue, you should have known everything you needed to know about what I know, if you were half as smart as you claim to be? I am still not impressed, sorry and goodnight.

note: you do realize, that the bolded stuff above is poorly composed to the point of being nearly nonsensical? You obviously did NOT know Faulkner's name and even if you had, it would not have made your status as an adversary any more worthy.

I didn't rush anywhere. I stopped by and saw a guy who was strutting around like the cock of the walk... I read a little bit of your schtick, and I realized you were all hot air. You know a little bit about things....you claim to be a mensa member which is absolutely laughable, but indicative of your whole approach to discussion. You have nothing of substance to offer, only trash talking, like some street punk, but without the burden of ever having to back up your words with actions.

And....just to make one more little point before retiring.... when did I ever claim to be some degree of smart? I have never discussed my intellect, only your lack thereof. One does not need to be a genius to quickly determine that you are not one.
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It occurs to me that people that do have a high IQ don't have to brag about it. It is apparent when they discuss things with you. It makes itself obvious by their actions and their words. They DON'T post it under their name at some bullshit politics website. (no offense Damo.)
It occurs to me that people that do have a high IQ don't have to brag about it. It is apparent when they discuss things with you. It makes itself obvious by their actions and their words. They DON'T post it under their name at some bullshit politics website. (no offense Damo.)

It occurs to me you were desperately hoping someone would reply to this by saying, you are right Socky, and you are a fine example of one of those high-iq'd hide your light under the bushell types, butt, I cannot help but notice no one has said so?
note: you do realize, that the bolded stuff above is poorly composed to the point of being nearly nonsensical? You obviously did NOT know Faulkner's name and even if you had, it would not have made your status as an adversary any more worthy.

I didn't rush anywhere. I stopped by and saw a guy who was strutting around like the cock of the walk... I read a little bit of your schtick, and I realized you were all hot air. You know a little bit about things....you claim to be a mensa member which is absolutely laughable, but indicative of your whole approach to discussion. You have nothing of substance to offer, only trash talking, like some street punk, but without the burden of ever having to back up your words with actions.

And....just to make one more little point before retiring.... when did I ever claim to be some degree of smart? I have never discussed my intellect, only your lack thereof. One does not need to be a genius to quickly determine that you are not one.

It is sad M M that you felt the need to get back out of bed and edit this swannie song of yours, in a sad attempt to kick the but of what you take to be a right wing idiot? We are all duly impressed that you knew Faulkner's first name, the PM's have been flying back and forth, "MainMan knew Faulkner's first name, didja hear?" and there has been much oohing and ahhing over it, with some even speculating that you might know who Hemingway is, making you one man in a million? If RJS did not exist it now occurs to me some leftie would have to invent him just to make his fellow lefties feel good about themselves and their ability to "Kick right wing ass"? You are welcome? Butt, would someone who knew Faulkner took the words out of Macbeth's mouth really not know Faulkner's first name, or, could it be you are using RJS as your own private stock of viagra and thinking you are a big man because you know the name of one of the masters of the past century, probably even Tinfoil knows who Faulkner is, wake up stupit?
It is sad M M that you felt the need to get back out of bed and edit this swannie song of yours, in a sad attempt to kick the but of what you take to be a right wing idiot? We are all duly impressed that you knew Faulkner's first name, the PM's have been flying back and forth, "MainMan knew Faulkner's first name, didja hear?" and there has been much oohing and ahhing over it, with some even speculating that you might know who Hemingway is, making you one man in a million? If RJS did not exist it now occurs to me some leftie would have to invent him just to make his fellow lefties feel good about themselves and their ability to "Kick right wing ass"? You are welcome? Butt, would someone who knew Faulkner took the words out of Macbeth's mouth really not know Faulkner's first name, or, could it be you are using RJS as your own private stock of viagra and thinking you are a big man because you know the name of one of the masters of the past century, probably even Tinfoil knows who Faulkner is, wake up stupit?

Just curious...Are you ever gonna do anything other than puff around here trash talking?

and do you purposely switch the words "butt" and "but" because you think it's cute, or is it just the sad results of a lousy vocabulary instructor?

And Socrtease is right....anyone who is truly intelligent does not need to hang a sign saying so under their name on an internet chat site.

Now...really... I stop by here occasionally to talk politics and foreign policy. If you got something to say on those issues, I would enjoy hearing it.
I was unfamiliar with you so I went and read some of your "material". My initial impression was correct...all heat and noise...no light...no intellectual content.

you go on ignore little man.

damn...this place seems to be filling up with teens with huge E-peens and little little brains.

I never thought I would ever say it, but I wish guys like Dixie were still here. They may have been obstinate assholes, but at least they had some modicum of maturity and intellect.

RJS here could no more talk about foreign policy issues or tax policy or education funding or environmental issues than he could fly.

Damo..... couldn't you put a minimum age limit on here?

LOL. Sometimes people take things too seriously.
Do you think so, RJS thinks not, he at least can reconize satire, you get an F, butt, an A plus in demonstrating how annoying lefties can be when the shoe is on the other foot, which I would plant up your but right now, if you were close enough, thank you. I am duly amazed that you know Faulkner's correct first name, wow, blow me down, knock me over with a feather, you are too smart, maybe you should have your brain transplanted into a computer with smarts like that you might make solar power obsolete?

OH MY oh MY he is speaking of himself in the third person on the internet?

It occurs to me you were desperately hoping someone would reply to this by saying, you are right Socky, and you are a fine example of one of those high-iq'd hide your light under the bushell types, butt, I cannot help but notice no one has said so?
Actually I was just hoping to troll you into a better discussion of how intelligent you think you are but have failed miserably. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.
mensa my ass.....

every pimple faced teenager has a twelve inch cock in cyberspace!

Mainman you are back for moore, and now I see why? I will have to let you down easy, I can tell you, in all honesty, I do not have a 12 inch waazoo (you should not use such bad words we have ladies here, I am starting to think you are not a gentleman), and I do not want to have a 12 inch waazoo, sorry I know you are disappointed, you will have to find one of your lefty cohors they are always on here bragging about being big dicks, touche?