Where did Syria get their chem weapons?

jesus you people hate your own president more than you love your country.

do you have any idea how fucked in the head you are?

Obama won this fight and Putin is now doing the bitch work

Freeze Frame! dunt dunt dunt-a-dunt! dunt dunt dunt-a-dunt!

Your apparent love of the former President Bush throughout these pages makes your argument here absurd.
dear fucking idiot,

your Bush ran up the deficit, crashed the world economy and lied us into war.

history will hate your president who you cheated to put in office twice.

Obama will not face that same fate.

you have no idea why.

because you suffer from hate fail
he never asked for a war declaration huh fool.

he was going to do it wether they said they agreed or not.

Guess who flinched because he stood tuff?


he wobbled in his tighty whities and admitted he had the weapons.

Putin was on the phone begging assad to NOT embarrass him with the fact that Pootin trusted him with these weapons when he sold them to him and now assad was making an international incident out of that sell.

Pootin runs around like a chicken with his head off telling everyone what a hero he is and you like the fucking asshole are so stupid you side with a Russian dictator who sold the monster the weapons and is trying to keep from being declaired complicit in the crime and you praise him and trash your own country.

fuck you very much you fair weather patriot
If we could look back to p.com and 2001 I'd bet we'd see some Rightwinger talking about how Desh hated her President more than "loved" her country... and we'd hear her complain about how they tried to say that she was unpatriotic and un-American... You'd see quite a few posts from me where I informed people that protest is very American and a true patriot that sees something wrong will protest what the government is doing...

The conversation hasn't changed, only the jerseys changed... Now we know who the real "team players" are, you know those who will do anything or say anything if somebody from their own party promotes it.
Did this Administration lie about Benghazi? You know, the place where Al Qaeda go their weapons? Did this Administration literally ignore the same kind of attacks in the past and only grab onto this one when the conversation was getting away from them? Did this Administration make what they say would be even stronger attacks in Libya without going to Congress? Why did they feel they had to go to Congress now?

Poll-driven random foreign policy is absolutely putting Americans in more danger and encouraging the very people who attacked us on 9/11/2001.
Did your party you pretend is not your party crash the world economy yet again?

Oh yeah, compelling banks to issue mortgages to people who can't pay them back... that's a fundamental GOP position.

Compelling financial institutions to take on some of these risky bundled mortgages so the banks can issue more mortgages to the poor, another fundamental GOP position.

Complete disregard for financial realities in favor of expanding home ownership for the poor.... the virtual earmark of Republicanism.

lol. you dopey.