Where did Syria get their chem weapons?

dear idiot.

the banks cheated you fucking idiot.

how long are you going to pretend it was the government?
Your right wing ideas of economic policy fucking FAILED.

they don't work!

face facts and stop fucking making shit up



its crap just like fast and furious was.

jesus they got to your brain

Neither are crap, you only think they are because you don't want people pointing out the insanity in the policy of those who wear the same political jersey.

To coin a salient phrase to match your own: You love your political party more than you love your own country.

You are absolutely willing to let anything happen and actually salivate over how great it is, even stuff you'd be nearly pooping your depends over if it were an R in the office, just because of party. It really is disgusting, Desh. Beefy was absolutely right.
we are tired of your idiot lies and fake scandals.

Your IDEAS don't WORK!

stop pretending they will
Neither are crap, you only think they are because you don't want people pointing out the insanity in the policy of those who wear the same political jersey.

To coin a salient phrase to match your own: You love your political party more than you love your country.

dude its YOUR ideas that made this mess no matter how much you try to pretend "oh they just didn't do them hard enough".

they proved to be failures damo
drumming up fake scandals wont make your idiot ideas work NEXT time.

they are failures designed by the wealthy to dupe you into fucking your self
hating government ?

want a stupid fucking idea to buy.

hating the power of the people ?

how can you be so lame to buy that turd
dude its YOUR ideas that made this mess no matter how much you try to pretend "oh they just didn't do them hard enough".

they proved to be failures damo

Proven failures, Egypt, Lybia, and now Syria. They couldn't even keep on your message, Desh. They went and told everybody that they had no idea that Putin was going to steal their show so effectively. This Administration is stumbling in the most dangerous stage in the world, and all you have to say is "you're not American because you don't support the ineffective bombing of more brown people!"
that didn't even make sense

Only because you literally shut off your brain when somebody wearing a "D" Jersey walks by. You've spent the last few days trying to say that Obama was masterminding this idea, only to have his own Administration make you into a stupid cheerleader after they flat said they had no idea.
why did you hate Bush yourself?

for shaking up the bottle of bees and taking the shit cork SADAM out of the bottle huh?

You want Obama to wave a magic wand and make all of your teams fuckups disappear?

buy a clue
Only because you literally shut off your brain when somebody wearing a "D" Jersey walks by.

I really thought you were better than this damo.

tell us why your big scandal of Benghazi has not caught on?

because its nothing but crap wrapped in glen becks undewear
why did you hate Bush yourself?

for shaking up the bottle of bees and taking the shit cork SADAM out of the bottle huh?

You want Obama to wave a magic wand and make all of your teams fuckups disappear?

buy a clue

I expect Obama not to simply double down on the same "mistakes"... Obama didn't just do that, he went off and started making his own. If you think supporting the same groups who attacked us on 9/11 is a good idea then you refuse to even learn from the lessons of the Mujahadeen.

This President is absolutely more dangerous than Bush in the ME. Why do I hate their foreign policy in that region? Because they both make the same frickin' mistakes.
dear idiot.

the banks cheated you fucking idiot.

how long are you going to pretend it was the government?


So community organizer/attorney Barack Hussein Obama and others drag banks into federal courts, demanding more mortgages be issued in minority "red-lined" zones, and the federal gov't picks up the flag and enforces these demands, and infects the entire economic system with these poisoned finances....

... it's the fault of the banks? And Republicans? They "cheated"?


On a side note, look how far astray you have to drag the conversation to justify bombing Syria?

LOL. you a dopey scatterbrain.
hating government ?

want a stupid fucking idea to buy.

hating the power of the people ?

how can you be so lame to buy that turd

If this Syrian War baby truly represented the "power of the people," it would have only made it half-way out of the birth canal before its skull was pierced with a pair of scissors and its brains vacuumed out.

So community organizer/attorney Barack Hussein Obama and others drag banks into federal courts, demanding more mortgages be issued in minority "red-lined" zones, and the federal gov't picks up the flag and enforces these demands, and infects the entire economic system with these poisoned finances....

... it's the fault of the banks? And Republicans? They "cheated"?


On a side note, look how far astray you have to drag the conversation to justify bombing Syria?

LOL. you a dopey scatterbrain.

your an economics idiot.

you pretend what you want

pretending means you don't have the facts

bad info in means bad decisions out
dear fucking idiot,

your Bush ran up the deficit, crashed the world economy and lied us into war.

history will hate your president who you cheated to put in office twice.

Obama will not face that same fate.

you have no idea why.

because you suffer from hate fail

Translation; Im a hyper partisan leftist asshat devoted to cluelessly parroting Marxist class envy rhetoric in a vacuum of reality or the facts and nothing is going to change my mind because I don't have a brain.

Dismissed asshat.
your an economics idiot.

you pretend what you want

pretending means you don't have the facts

bad info in means bad decisions out

Perhaps. However, I am intelligent enough to distinguish between "your" and "you're".

Nonetheless, you opted to ignore what I posted, and I could post the numerous times President Bush warned about the ticking time bomb Fannie and Freddie were constructing, but you'd no doubt ignore that as well.

Anyway, how can I argue with logic that states "Because Bush gave out so many minority-owned home mortgages that couldn't be paid back we now have to bomb Syria."

I mean, the logical construct is flawless.
Perhaps. However, I am intelligent enough to distinguish between "your" and "you're".

Nonetheless, you opted to ignore what I posted, and I could post the numerous times President Bush warned about the ticking time bomb Fannie and Freddie were constructing, but you'd no doubt ignore that as well.

Anyway, how can I argue with logic that states "Because Bush gave out so many minority-owned home mortgages that couldn't be paid back we now have to bomb Syria."

I mean, the logical construct is flawless.

Speaking of that mortgage time bomb, here is what Democrats said in hearings in 2004 where the Republicans felt they should act and Democrats shrieked RACISISM!

Notice how they also attacked the regulator Congress hired to provide oversight for bringing the mismanagement issues to their attention (pay special attention to Waters and Meeks) For those of you who are low information voting supporters of Democrats, the Franklin Raines they are trying to protect was a Democrat political chrony and crook:
