Where do you stand politically? Take the quiz!!!

there is a time and place for tests: scope of knowledge, yes.

Personality profile, no (generally).

The test methodology pigeonholes Democratic Mainstay as fairly moderate, but then they say the plurality of black Americans are in this category. Black Americans strike me as the most economically liberal of any demographic out there.

I think THIS particular test is sketchy because econically, I'm hard left.
I'm more socially conservative that most who are as far to the left as me economically.
Is that really a democratic mainstay?
Let me know when you find one that proves I'm a Nazi like I proved you are an ultraviolent RW extremist seeking to overthrow the US and murder innocent Americans.

Oh didja now?

Your delusions are running away again.

I just want the US to function as it should, without the commie cancer that has infiltrated our government.
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Meh. People can decide for themselves.

Indeed they can, delusional Dutch Boy.

Am I capable of violence? Millions of Americans are capable of the exact same violence. The hunters, the rednecks, the people in "flyover country", crackers like me, pissed off old school American blacks, Cubans who know what a great blessing the US once was, Chinese Americans and all Asian Americans, Mexican Americans that went through the proper channels..

None like what is going on today.