Who is going to pay? The same people who pay for pregnancy now... or whatever we come up with to cover those expenses in the long run. If your sole reason to support killing anything is that it might cost you some money then you don't really have a moral platform to stand on. Sometimes there are costs to doing the right thing. I also believe that we can do better with birth control.
Ding ding ding -- that's a winner. As far as who pays for the fetuses/post-birth children -- that is not my argument; I was playing Devil's advocate from the conservative side since they only care about the pre-born. After that, in conservaworld, you're on your own. Notice that I prefaced my comments with the remark about the religious do-gooders being against such a scheme and not wanting taxpayer funds to go towards it. In other words, it would be a very difficult sell -- to them, not myself.
BTW, the incidence of abortion being used as primary method of b.c. has been dropping, thankfully. (
https://www.guttmacher.org/news-rel...-report-using-contraception-month-they-became) To me personally it is abhorrent. Yet it is not *my* place to tell another woman what she can or cannot do with her own body. I hope that we can get over our Puritan squeamishness about discussing sexuality and starting in grade school, even, begin to teach kids how our bodies work, how to prevent pregnancy and STDs, and to talk openly and factually about sexuality.
And while there are kids waiting for adoptive parents, there are far too many restrictions placed on those who may want to adopt. Often, like a friend who recently wanted to adopt found, there are age restrictions placed by the agencies. Often kids are available for fostering, but not adoption. It really is way too difficult. On this we have agreement.
I believe, like historic genocides of the past (not saying it is the same thing here, just saying like the fact those people who lived then didn't think of it this way), we will eventually look back at the time we used abortion as birth control as an atrocity.[/QUOTE]