Where I'm going to college


University of Mississippi, notable for having the 80th or so best law school in the nation, and this:


MBL, stop drooling.
Thank God....

University of Mississippi, notable for having the 80th or so best law school in the nation, and this:


MBL, stop drooling.

Old Miss is a good school...unlike the NYU and Columbia schools of Liberal think tanks...Aclu Alumni! I wish you the best in your chosen career...Think before you support a cause..thats all I can offer for advice!
Old Miss is a good school...unlike the NYU and Columbia schools of Liberal think tanks...Aclu Alumni! I wish you the best in your chosen career...Think before you support a cause..thats all I can offer for advice!

Thanks. I'd rather go to a better law school, but this is all that's probably going to accept me.
Ole Miss is a very good school.
Get used to LSU kicking that ass in football though
Amazing how many posters are anti college
Was that anti college aimed at me spinner ?
I am NOT anti college, I am more than a bit anti lawyer though.
I am setting up college trust funds for my grandchildren, I also helped pay one of my sisters way thru college.

I am however anti college elitists who think only college educated people count.
Ole Miss is a very good school.
Get used to LSU kicking that ass in football though
Amazing how many posters are anti college

I'm not anti-college. I just think that if Water would like to go someplace else, he should at least apply, and not just tell himself "oh they won't take me". You don't get anywhere with that feeling about yourself. And you never know. I think that he can be very succesful, regardless of which university he attends. (whatever his idea of success is, because everyone's is different. Maybe he wants to be a lawyer for the Southern Poverty Law Center, and help make the world a better place, who knows?)
you're not even out of highs school yet. Worry about your under grad and then your grad school.

And anyway, unless its Duke or UNC, I'd be careful about Southern Schools. You may want to stick to places where smarter people are. Like blue states.
Was that anti college aimed at me spinner ?
I am NOT anti college, I am more than a bit anti lawyer though.
I am setting up college trust funds for my grandchildren, I also helped pay one of my sisters way thru college.

I am however anti college elitists who think only college educated people count.

Yes, as are all sensible people. :)
you're not even out of highs school yet. Worry about your under grad and then your grad school.

And anyway, unless its Duke or UNC, I'd be careful about Southern Schools. You may want to stick to places where smarter people are. Like blue states.


Que Topper:

he should at least apply, and not just tell himself "oh they won't take me". You don't get anywhere with that feeling about yourself.
You mean like white children being taught that they deserve to be discriminated against because of the actions of previous generations of whites?
that's funny ladyt must have a complex about the run down shithole she lives in. There's a whole migration to the south of people with money if you have noticed broadT
You mean like white children being taught that they deserve to be discriminated against because of the actions of previous generations of whites?

Yes. I have always dreamt of the day we can get some real lawyers into the Southern Povertry Law Center, and stop screwing around with mere "civil rights violations" and "hate groups" and just start imprisoning whites, for being...white.

I expect I will eventually be put in prison as well, being white. Only then will my liberal guilt be alleviated. And you being there too, will just be, you know, fun. :)