I'm probably not "white" enough for it to matter anyway.NO. Racial Revenge as public policy is a bad idea, imho.
I'm probably not "white" enough for it to matter anyway.NO. Racial Revenge as public policy is a bad idea, imho.
I'm probably not "white" enough for it to matter anyway.
University of Mississippi, notable for having the 80th or so best law school in the nation, and this:
MBL, stop drooling.
Try a few other ones anyway, but you can do fine regardless. Good luck with it.
I'm not anti-college. I just think that if Water would like to go someplace else, he should at least apply, and not just tell himself "oh they won't take me". You don't get anywhere with that feeling about yourself. And you never know. I think that he can be very succesful, regardless of which university he attends. (whatever his idea of success is, because everyone's is different. Maybe he wants to be a lawyer for the Southern Poverty Law Center, and help make the world a better place, who knows?)
you're not even out of highs school yet. Worry about your under grad and then your grad school.
And anyway, unless its Duke or UNC, I'd be careful about Southern Schools. You may want to stick to places where smarter people are. Like blue states.
that's funny ladyt must have a complex about the run down shithole she lives in. There's a whole migration to the south of people with money if you have noticed broadT
Get a life.
I have one, and it's based on values, like being against racial discrimination. You should be against racial discriminatin. It saddens me that you're not. Remember when the indian used to cry about pollution? Well I'm a white man with a tear on my cheek over the various race based discrimination schemes going on in our country.
You mean like white children being taught that they deserve to be discriminated against because of the actions of previous generations of whites?
I'll worry about it whenever I get there.
Southern Poverty Law Center? Now, I'm not sure I can think of any better way to sink my image in Mississippi than work for a place with "poverty" in it's name. As we all know, anyone who combats poverty is a communist, and therefore atheist, which is even worse.
I have one, and it's based on values, like being against racial discrimination. You should be against racial discriminatin. It saddens me that you're not. Remember when the indian used to cry about pollution? Well I'm a white man with a tear on my cheek over the various race based discrimination schemes going on in our country.
Who cares, AHZ?
If any "reverse discrimination" is going on, few of us here support it, and it's nowhere near as large as the actual discrimination going on in this nation. Stop turning every damn thread into this.
FL is the big magnet for Yankees.
There are little NYC and little Cuba zones all over FL.
the other draw of the south is cheap labor.
It's not reverse. It's regular discrimination. And it is going on, there's no 'if' about it. It is the actual discrimination going on in this country.
The SPLC is just a jew based organization which exists solely to beat down alleged "hate groups", and keep the national discourse on race skewed against white people.
HOW ARE THEY EVEN JEWISH? Why is everything in your life you disagree with suddenly "Jewish"? It doesn't even make any logical sense, to call the SPLC Jewish.
Tiana, I'm about to go to college, but if I have to go to a college in Mississippi my last choice is really the University of Mississippi. If I decide to whenever I'm out of graduate school, I may go there, and only because it's the only in-state school that teaches law. My parents is po' folk, can't afford all ya'll's northern hospitality with 40,000 out-of-state fees and such.
What if John Edwards wins Mississippi in 2008? Then I'd be going to a school in a blue state.
that's funny ladyt must have a complex about the run down s*&%hole she lives in. There's a whole migration to the south of people with money if you have noticed broadT