Where I'm going to college

let them scream rascism, they did on me too. Just make sure you have crossed all your T's and dotted all your i's. It will stick. Just like you some of them are whiners and will cry.

Now if you fire them because of rascism, your butt is grass.
let them scream rascism, they did on me too. Just make sure you have crossed all your T's and dotted all your i's. It will stick. Just like you some of them are whiners and will cry.

Now if you fire them because of rascism, your butt is grass.

I'm glad you take racial discrimination like a man, but the fact is the world is changing, becoming more competitive, and no individual should be hamstrung by his race, not through official corporate and government policy. How can we claim to be colorblind when getting the data and basing decisions on it is so crucial to many?
I was entirely colorblind in my supervision of employees. Still am.
I would fire a worthless employee regardless of skin tone. Same way with promotions and such, job performance, capability and attitude is what it is all about.
University of Mississippi, notable for having the 80th or so best law school in the nation, ...snip

I'm detecting sarcasm in this post.

Do your undergrad at Ole Miss. Then go out of state for Law School. If you wanna stay in the south, don't Duke and U.Va. have the best southern law schools?

Good luck!
I'm detecting sarcasm in this post.

Do your undergrad at Ole Miss. Then go out of state for Law School. If you wanna stay in the south, don't Duke and U.Va. have the best southern law schools?

Good luck!

I sent my ACT scores to University of Virginia, actually. Not sure how useless that is. I just didn't have anywhere else to send them.
It was. You were taught to settle for handouts, setasides and dependancy.

LOL, umm okay.

Dude, I probably make twice as much as you.

As for your blatent racism, I'm not suprised. We've all learned to expect that of you. But continue to complain about affirmative action. You are fun to laugh at.
Well, anyway, I'm not going to any kind of college if I don't keep on forgetting to attend these orientations...

I'd advise getting a trade in college rather than something like literature or pre-law. Accounting, Finance, Engineering are good back grounds to have before entering law school. You don't have to do pre-law to apply but those will make you more marketable when you are in law school and make nice degrees to have if you want to wait a couple of years before you go to law school.
I'd advise getting a trade in college rather than something like literature or pre-law. Accounting, Finance, Engineering are good back grounds to have before entering law school. You don't have to do pre-law to apply but those will make you more marketable when you are in law school and make nice degrees to have if you want to wait a couple of years before you go to law school.

The other training could also benefit you in a specialized corner of law.
I'd advise getting a trade in college rather than something like literature or pre-law. Accounting, Finance, Engineering are good back grounds to have before entering law school. You don't have to do pre-law to apply but those will make you more marketable when you are in law school and make nice degrees to have if you want to wait a couple of years before you go to law school.

Good advice.

For real, are there even any real colleges that offer "Pre-law" as an undergrad major? I thought that whole Pre-law and Pre-Med stuff was a considered a joke these days.
I'd advise getting a trade in college rather than something like literature or pre-law. Accounting, Finance, Engineering are good back grounds to have before entering law school. You don't have to do pre-law to apply but those will make you more marketable when you are in law school and make nice degrees to have if you want to wait a couple of years before you go to law school.

That's why I'm getting economics, which is more "marketable" than engineering.

I couldn't find a pre-law degree at any college. I don't think anyone offers it, and I wouldn't want one anyway.
I'm sure double majoring in literature and economics will be better than soloing in economics. And Tiana, I'd honestly rather kill myself than solo in econmics, accounting, or any of that stuff. Just being able to go to law school isn't going to cut it.
I'm detecting sarcasm in this post.

Do your undergrad at Ole Miss. Then go out of state for Law School. If you wanna stay in the south, don't Duke and U.Va. have the best southern law schools?

Good luck!
Emory, but perhaps too liberal for WM.
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