Actually if you apply to a historically black college, they are actively recruiting white students.
And that's wrong too.
Actually if you apply to a historically black college, they are actively recruiting white students.
Actually if you apply to a historically black college, they are actively recruiting white students. You may fair better in getting a scholarship. Howard is a pretty good school in DC.
But I know how racist you southerners are so that may not be an option for you.
Like what?
I've honestly never been shunned by a group of people in my life because I was white.
Why don't you ask Tiana or Black if they've ever been shunned? I guess it's just that 3% of the population that's Jews, though!
And that's wrong too.
Not really a good thing.
We get out of one dying industry, agriculture, and immediately replace it whith another one, manufacturing.
But what are you talking about? Florida's not the south.
We're talking about active discrimination in the workplace. It's adult stuff. have you heard of affirmative action? It's just a nice sounding phrase for racial discrimination against white people.
AssHat, "recruiting" doesn't equate to "specifically favoring in admission policy". All they're doing is trying to counter them image that if you go to a historically black school a bunch of big 'ole black Jews will come up and steal from your dorm and rape you. An image that certain people on this site probably think of whenever they hear "historically black"... though I'm not pointing any fingers.
I find race based pandering objectionable. Marry it if you want to.
Like what?
I've honestly never been shunned by a group of people in my life because I was white.
Why don't you ask Tiana or Black if they've ever been shunned? I guess it's just that 3% of the population that's Jews, though!
Of course I have. But guess what, I move on.
AHZ reminds me of this muslim guy that came into my hair shop a while ago. He blamed everything on jewish people. He said that the civil rights movement was some sort of covert way of making us into their slaves. It was wild. But then again, so is he. I can't even take him seriously anymore.
AHZ is a Muslim ?![]()
Of course I have. But guess what, I move on.
AHZ reminds me of this muslim guy that came into my hair shop a while ago. He blamed everything on jewish people. He said that the civil rights movement was some sort of covert way of making us into their slaves. It was wild. But then again, so is he. I can't even take him seriously anymore.
I doubt they favour them by a margin that would let me in. LOL.
It was. You were taught to settle for handouts, setasides and dependancy.
Tiana was? Asshat, you're seriously crossing the line now.
Wow. I'm scared. What are you gonna do about it, half-q?
I wasn't threatening you, Asshat.
A guy like you has probably benefitted more than you even know from being white. Do you honestly think you would've been better off in life had you been black?
That is a problem with your management then.Actually, I have to be twice as good, to pick up the slack of less skilled minorities who have been socially promoted and babied all their lives.
That is a problem with your management then.
Poor performers of any race need to be managed properly.