Where is the outrage?


I saw a lot of people all up in arms and very indignant with righteous outrage over those duke lacross players being falsely accused. Oh, they had their lives ruined! What a bunch of hand-wringing was going on over that on talk shows all over the MSM.

Why is that we never hear any outrage over stories like this? Stories that are far more common? This man served 25 years in prison.

Does anybody want to guess what color Jerry Miller is?

DNA exonerates man who served 25 years
On parole since March 2006, he is now freed of 'sex offender' label
The Associated Press
Updated: 2:06 p.m. ET April 23, 2007
CHICAGO - After spending 25 years in an Illinois prison for rape, Jerry Miller was found innocent Monday after DNA evidence showed he was not responsible for the 1981 attack.

After a judge vacated his conviction, Miller smiled, and a courtroom of his family and friends cheered.

"I will get on with my life, start a life, have a life," Miller said at a news conference after the court hearing. "I'm just thankful for this day."

The exoneration is the United States' 200th based on DNA evidence, according to the Innocence Project in New York, a nonprofit group that works to exonerate wrongly convicted inmates.

Miller, 48, had been found guilty of rape, robbery, aggravated kidnapping and aggravated battery. He was paroled in March 2006 and now works two jobs and lives with a family member in a Chicago suburb.

He no longer has to register as a sex offender.

He had been arrested after a 44-year-old woman was attacked as she got into her car at a Chicago parking garage in September 1981.

The attacker raped the woman, put her in her car's trunk and ran away after two parking attendants approached him.

The garage workers later picked Miller out of a police lineup of suspects.

At the trial, Miller testified he was home watching a championship boxing match at the time of the crime. Still, the jury found him guilty and sentenced him to 45 years.

Last year, the Innocence Project persuaded Cook County prosecutors to conduct new DNA tests on a semen sample taken from the woman's clothes.

The accused at Duke, dispite being amorous with paid strippers, where white southern frat boys who are to be left alone.

The example was about a black man.

Does that answer your question?
Seriously. This is one of the largest reasons I am against the Death Penalty. I also believe that society owes this man a ton of cash for the misapplied "justice".
The accused at Duke, dispite being amorous with paid strippers, where white southern frat boys who are to be left alone.

The example was about a black man.

Does that answer your question?

Thanks for playing another exciting round of "Simple Answers to Simple Questions!"
Seriously. This is one of the largest reasons I am against the Death Penalty. I also believe that society owes this man a ton of cash for the misapplied "justice".

This is my biggest qualm with the death penalty. That's pure hel* on earth to be accused and convicted of a heinous crime that you had no part in and have to serve 25 years. I only wish we could personally go after prosecutors and police for gross negligence in extreme cases.
This is my biggest qualm with the death penalty. That's pure hel* on earth to be accused and convicted of a heinous crime that you had no part in and have to serve 25 years. I only wish we could personally go after prosecutors and police for gross negligence in extreme cases.

He was identified by two witnesses as well. How irresponsible do you have to be, to just pick somebody out of a lineup like that? They could not have been 100% certain, because they picked the wrong guy. And unless you are 100% certain, you should say, sorry, I can't be sure.
I agree that there should be some financial recompense, but that can hardly make up for the fact that essentially, they took his life away from him. This wasn't isolated, either. Apparently a guy in Texas was exonerated last week when DNA testing cleared him, again after decades behind bars.

We can only hope that the better forensic tools and techniques available today (assuming that they're used correctly) will go a long way toward preventing such injustices as this.
DNA exonerates man who served 25 years

Only the lucky ones get exonerated...IF DNA evidence even exists in their case. People get convicted of murder, and sentenced to death based on eye witness and circumstancial evidence. Cases where there is no DNA. Basically, if they are innocent, they're totally screwed. There's no DNA to exonerate them.
Lets not forget we have the highest percentage of our citizens either in jail or on parole than any other "civilized" country. So what is wrong ?
Suburban caucasians often wonder why urban blacks do not trust the police, or government. Why should they?

On another note, if 32 inner city kids were killed because two different gangs were battling it out in their school, would it be more than a fleeting mention in the news? Would sports teams, and The President, take time to speak about it.

Almost a decade after Columbine, we still care ONLY when it isn't poor people dying.

That same day, over 100 people died in Baghdad.

It doesn't matter if it is "THEM" dying, whether it be "foreigners", or (inser racial epithet)
Suburban caucasians often wonder why urban blacks do not trust the police, or government. Why should they?

On another note, if 32 inner city kids were killed because two different gangs were battling it out in their school, would it be more than a fleeting mention in the news? Would sports teams, and The President, take time to speak about it.

Almost a decade after Columbine, we still care ONLY when it isn't poor people dying.

That same day, over 100 people died in Baghdad.

It doesn't matter if it is "THEM" dying, whether it be "foreigners", or (inser racial epithet)

Well said!
The poor never count. Safety regulations, a new traffic light, etc only seem to happen after someone of importance dies....
topspin lights fuse
More false outrage
18,000 murders here annually bothers me way more than Iraq.
Put lefties can make political points on Iraq, domestic murders score no points for them.