Where is the outrage?

No. As you say, it is an emotional reaction.

But, at least I'm not getting emotional over toilet paper usc, you have to give me that.

LOL, well the tp incident is a bit strange to get upset about. imho "justice" should be logical not emotional, emotions are one of the factors that contribute to false convictions.

I do understand where you are coming from and if it were my granddaughter he would be lucky to live to trial. A price I would be willing to pay. But not right.
LOL, well the tp incident is a bit strange to get upset about. imho "justice" should be logical not emotional, emotions are one of the factors that contribute to false convictions.

I do understand where you are coming from and if it were my granddaughter he would be lucky to live to trial. A price I would be willing to pay. But not right.

Very good advice, you are very right.
what am I missing? What happened with toilette paper?

Oh Topspin has been in a regular tizzy over Sheryl Crowe's joke that in order to save the enviroment we were going to be limited to one square of toilet paper.

He's talked of nothing else for two days. I fear he needs smelling salts to snap him out of it.