Where is the outrage?

Yep it would bother you more than the hundreds of thousands killed in Iraq. After all they are not americans anyway....
And which Bush lie did they die for ?

Thanks for reinforcing my posts about the poor and those of other races not mattering.
Seriously. This is one of the largest reasons I am against the Death Penalty. I also believe that society owes this man a ton of cash for the misapplied "justice".
I agree, on both counts. I'd go a wee bit farther in that this kind of thing is the deciding reason why I can't support the death penalty: the justice system is not perfect and can never be made perfect.
It does become more obvious all the time how imperfect our "Justice" system is.....I did support the death penalty, but am not sure I can do that any longer. too much evidence of mistakes popping up.
I agree, on both counts. I'd go a wee bit farther in that this kind of thing is the deciding reason why I can't support the death penalty: the justice system is not perfect and can never be made perfect.
Well, I also believe that the Death Penalty is way too nice. People who have committed acts that "warrant" such a penalty do not deserve such a nice ending or release from the constant reflection that would have to take place in a nice tiny cell that they never get to leave.
Well, I also believe that the Death Penalty is way too nice. People who have committed acts that "warrant" such a penalty do not deserve such a nice ending or release from the constant reflection that would have to take place in a nice tiny cell that they never get to leave.

I've always been against the death penality. But in the past couple of years, I've had to reevaluate how I feel about using it for child-murderers. You know the 9 year old girl who was buried alive and found clutching her stuffed pengiun? See, if that were my niece, first of all, I would never recover, and second of all, I would want the person who did it dead, and if I had to, I would kill them myself.

So how can I preach to someone else, oh the death penality is wrong no matter what the circumstance-though I know logically that it is- when I also know full-well that if it were my niece or my nephew, God forbid, if it ever were, I wouldn't stop until that person was dead.
I've always been against the death penality. But in the past couple of years, I've had to reevaluate how I feel about using it for child-murderers. You know the 9 year old girl who was buried alive and found clutching her stuffed pengiun? See, if that were my niece, first of all, I would never recover, and second of all, I would want the person who did it dead, and if I had to, I would kill them myself.

So how can I preach to someone else, oh the death penality is wrong no matter what the circumstance-though I know logically that it is- when I also know full-well that if it were my niece or my nephew, God forbid, if it ever were, I wouldn't stop until that person was dead.
Imagine, instead, them stuck in an 8x8 room until they leave in that narrow house assigned to all the living... One lightbulb and only the religious text of their choice to keep them company. Make available a nice post where they can affix their sheets... Well, I think you can see where I am going here.
I've always been against the death penality. But in the past couple of years, I've had to reevaluate how I feel about using it for child-murderers. You know the 9 year old girl who was buried alive and found clutching her stuffed pengiun? See, if that were my niece, first of all, I would never recover, and second of all, I would want the person who did it dead, and if I had to, I would kill them myself.

So how can I preach to someone else, oh the death penality is wrong no matter what the circumstance-though I know logically that it is- when I also know full-well that if it were my niece or my nephew, God forbid, if it ever were, I wouldn't stop until that person was dead.

Put that child molester out in the prison general population. No protection in special solitary confinement cells.

Child molesters are the bottom of the barrel in the prison heirarchy. Do you know what happens to child molesters, if stuck in with the general prison population? I can let you guess, but I suspect its worse than death.

Imagine, instead, them stuck in an 8x8 room until they leave in that narrow house assigned to all the living... One lightbulb and only the religious text of their choice to keep them company. Make available a nice post where they can affix their sheets... Well, I think you can see where I am going here.

Yeah maybe. It would take a lot of like, meditation I guess, for me to get to the point where I could accept that I think. But maybe.
Put that child molester out in the prison general population. No protection in special solitary confinement cells.

Child molesters are the bottom of the barrel in the prison heirarchy. Do you know what happens to child molesters, if stuck in with the general prison population? I can let you guess, but I suspect its worse than death.


Yes, I know what would happen to the guy who did this to that 9 year old child, in prison. But I will bet he is not in General population. He's protected.
Although, I think this happened in Fl, so he might have gotten the death penality anyway. You know, I didn't follow the trial, I just know he was convicted. Because I couldn't read about it after I read what he did. It was probably the most horrific case I've ever heard of yet, and there have been some really terrible ones in the last few years.
Yes, I know what would happen to the guy who did this to that 9 year old child, in prison. But I will bet he is not in General population. He's protected.

It's a tough call for me. I hate the death penalty. But, these guys are the scum of the earth.

And, since I'm against torture, releasing a dude like that into the general population would be tantamout to condoning torture. Not that I'd feel bad for the dude. But, I might question my own morals. I don't know.

I hate these guys with a passion. And I can understand the desire for revenge, especially if the vicitimization happened to a relative of mine.
Suburban caucasians often wonder why urban blacks do not trust the police, or government. Why should they?

On another note, if 32 inner city kids were killed because two different gangs were battling it out in their school, would it be more than a fleeting mention in the news? Would sports teams, and The President, take time to speak about it.

Almost a decade after Columbine, we still care ONLY when it isn't poor people dying.

That same day, over 100 people died in Baghdad.

It doesn't matter if it is "THEM" dying, whether it be "foreigners", or (inser racial epithet)

I'd even go one further, missing cute white women get 100X the attention than brutally murdered minorities.
It's a tough call for me. I hate the death penalty. But, these guys are the scum of the earth.

And, since I'm against torture, releasing a dude like that into the general population would be tantamout to condoning torture. Not that I'd feel bad for the dude. But, I might question my own morals. I don't know.

I hate these guys with a passion. And I can understand the desire for revenge, especially if the vicitimization happened to a relative of mine.

Yeah, it's a terrible moral issue to struggle with and the only thing you can hope is that you never have to personally struggle with it. But it still hits home when you hear about happening to another. The only thing I know for certain is that, if I were on a jury where a parent was being tried for killing one of these guys, I wouldn't convict, no matter what. The DA could go on and on about jury nullification and vigilantism leading to anarchy, and I still wouldn't convict.
When you personalize it and imagine such atrocities happening to your loved ones, its only natural to want to do unspeakable acts of violence on the perpetrators, however in the discourse of what makes sense for policy and laws, the fact that our judicial system is scewed and full of flaws makes it immoral to support the death penalty. Now, in some sort of utopic society, where you either had the crime on tape or the ability to read a persons mind and know for certain even to an accuracy of 99.99999999999999% I'd probably have no problem having state sponsored killings for murderers.
I definitely could never support it. The DA and the arresting officers have incentives for closing cases and convicting murderers and they don't always act in good faith. I can't ever support killing someone knowing this.
When you personalize it and imagine such atrocities happening to your loved ones, its only natural to want to do unspeakable acts of violence on the perpetrators, however in the discourse of what makes sense for policy and laws, the fact that our judicial system is scewed and full of flaws makes it immoral to support the death penalty. Now, in some sort of utopic society, where you either had the crime on tape or the ability to read a persons mind and know for certain even to an accuracy of 99.99999999999999% I'd probably have no problem having state sponsored killings for murderers.

I agree, but I'd say that in the child murders I am speaking about, there never seems to be any doubt about who did it. I mean, these guys pretty much confess, and there is DNA evidence and all. This is a very specific kind of crime, akin to a serial murderer. They don't usually deny it when caught either. But I'm not saying that makes it right, I'm just saying that I reached a point where I felt it was really dishonest of me to tell someone else that supporting the death penalty was morally wrong, when I know that I would support it, in a very specific circumstance. One that is not common.

In common usage, the death penalty relies on eyewitness accounts and black men are charged with it far more than white men. From what I have seen, I would be highly, highly hesitant to send a black male to prison based on eyewitness accounts, never mind the death penalty. In fact, I don't see myself doing it, even with two or three witnesses. I do not believe they are reliable and I believe much of that is racial, though not always consciously so. However, I also think that there is a lot of unreliability from witnesses overall, no matter the race of the accused. I just think it's more common when the accused is black. If I were on a jury, I'd need something else, and it had better be something good. Fingerprints, blood, a videotape...that would hold weight with me.
If we restricted it to child-killers usc, I could get behind that.

I know how you feel, but that is an emotional thing like the VT massacre . Not a logical issue. Is it less of a crime to kill the childs mother or father as opposed to the child ?
I know how you feel, but that is an emotional thing like the VT massacre . Not a logical issue. Is it less of a crime to kill the childs mother or father as opposed to the child ?

No. As you say, it is an emotional reaction.

But, at least I'm not getting emotional over toilet paper usc, you have to give me that.