Where should the line be drawn...

Then....just shoot them....not run away while dialing 911 on your cell phone....just end their lives.... I disagree.
too bad. it takes LONGER to run and try to dial 911 than it does to draw a weapon and shoot. the plus side to people being able to use deadly force in self defense is that criminals MIGHT be more hesitant to attack others.
So what's to stop me from walking down the street, finding someone to kill, shoot them, then bang my head on the sidewalk a little and claim self defense?

Especially if I am white and they are not?
So what's to stop me from walking down the street, finding someone to kill, shoot them, then bang my head on the sidewalk a little and claim self defense?

Especially if I am white and they are not?

You should try it and then let us know how that works for you.
So what's to stop me from walking down the street, finding someone to kill, shoot them, then bang my head on the sidewalk a little and claim self defense?

Especially if I am white and they are not?
your inability to intelligently plan the perfect murder, most likely.
Fortunately, the idea of killing anyone is repulsive to me. It would likely cause me great and lasting distress, even if I did it accidently.
Fortunately, the idea of killing anyone is repulsive to me. It would likely cause me great and lasting distress, even if I did it accidently.
let me ask you, if you found yourself (or a loved one) in danger of loss of life or serious bodily injury, would you then be willing to kill the attacker?
let me ask you, if you found yourself (or a loved one) in danger of loss of life or serious bodily injury, would you then be willing to kill the attacker?

I suppose, IF it were the only way out I would, it would still cause me great distress to have done so. I suspect it is incredibly unlikely that I will ever be in such a position.
All great revolutionaries must be willing to kill in the blink of an eye, with no mercy or regret.

Ya, I'm not and likely will never be a great revolutionary.

Although, Come to think about it, your statement is simply not true.

Gandhi never killed anyone.
Martin Luther King never killed anyone.
Jesus Christ never killed anyone.

I am sure that there are more.
I suppose, IF it were the only way out I would, it would still cause me great distress to have done so. I suspect it is incredibly unlikely that I will ever be in such a position.
I hope you never find yourself in such a position. I think that your hesitation to act would cost you the life of a loved one, or your own life. Imagine how distressed you or your family would be then.
I hope you never find yourself in such a position. I think that your hesitation to act would cost you the life of a loved one, or your own life. Imagine how distressed you or your family would be then.

I also hope I am never in such a position, but I find it HIGHLY unlikely that it will happen. None of my friends or family have ever been in such a position, and I take measures to avoid such a position.
Statistically speaking, considering I don't do illegal drugs or deal in illegal street drugs, I am more likely to be killed in a car accident, airplane crash, or struck by lightning.
Statistically speaking, considering I don't do illegal drugs or deal in illegal street drugs, I am more likely to be killed in a car accident, airplane crash, or struck by lightning.
even playing the odds like that, being unprepared for violence can cost you dearly. I found that out the hard way. again, I hope you never do.