Where should the line be drawn...

your ridiculous assumptions aside, specifically tell us what evidence can be destroyed after a close range shooting.

Residue on the shooter's clothing and hands.

Residue on Martin's clothing.

One would think someone as in love with his gun as you obviously are would know such simple facts...apparently I was wrong.
Residue on the shooter's clothing and hands.

Residue on Martin's clothing.

One would think someone as in love with his gun as you obviously are would know such simple facts...apparently I was wrong.

how ignorant of guns are you? you have no idea how long residue stays on a persons hands and you can't simply wipe them off the clothes. it's a fine dust that penetrates the fibers and pores of your skin. then there's the powder burns. go read a book and come back to us.
how ignorant of guns are you? you have no idea how long residue stays on a persons hands and you can't simply wipe them off the clothes. it's a fine dust that penetrates the fibers and pores of your skin. then there's the powder burns. go read a book and come back to us.

And once again, here come the lies and petty attacks.

Of course I NEVER said one could simply WIPE RESIDUE off clothes or hands, but does that stop the liar STY from claiming that's what I said?

Hell no!

I was specific...I said residue on Martin and Zimmerman's hands and clothing.

You didn't like my answer so you got all snarky and were forced to resort to the usual name calling.
no, you spouted off a bullshit answer and realized I called you out on it. don't play it off, just accept that you're stupid about guns.
Right or wrong, Zimmerman put himself in a position I would never be in.

I will not say that I will "never" be in a position that Zimmerman was. I wouldn't have pursued the young man, if that is what happened. I really think there is fault all over the place with this one. The problem is that none of us know exactly what went on that night other than the man Zimmerman killed a young man with a firearm. I really think that a whole lot on the left hung their hats on this case as a stance against the SYG laws, maybe seeing it as an opportunity to lash out against gun owners in general and SYG supporters specifically (look at the initial posts from a year or so ago and note the focus of most of them), though many saw the racism in it from the inception, pointing out Samford's history even then. It was truly an unfortunate situation.

I have been a neighborhood watch person before. I have called the police [sheriff] on strange people (not from here) acting strangely in our town after dark. I have even held a person at gunpoint until the law enforcement official could get here...about 30 minutes to the nearest one at that time. We had caught him in the act of breaking into the one store in our town. The thing is, if that person had tried to leave, I'd have let him. If he had assaulted me and I feared for my life, I would have responded appropriately as well. Fortunately, none of that happened. But I will ever be prepared and fight for the right to be prepared. Unlike some, I think most law enforcement officials are good guys but they simply cannot be everywhere at once. I owe it to myself and my family to be prepared.
I will not say that I will "never" be in a position that Zimmerman was. I wouldn't have pursued the young man, if that is what happened. I really think there is fault all over the place with this one. The problem is that none of us know exactly what went on that night other than the man Zimmerman killed a young man with a firearm. I really think that a whole lot on the left hung their hats on this case as a stance against the SYG laws, maybe seeing it as an opportunity to lash out against gun owners in general and SYG supporters specifically (look at the initial posts from a year or so ago and note the focus of most of them), though many saw the racism in it from the inception, pointing out Samford's history even then. It was truly an unfortunate situation.

I have been a neighborhood watch person before. I have called the police [sheriff] on strange people (not from here) acting strangely in our town after dark. I have even held a person at gunpoint until the law enforcement official could get here...about 30 minutes to the nearest one at that time. We had caught him in the act of breaking into the one store in our town. The thing is, if that person had tried to leave, I'd have let him. If he had assaulted me and I feared for my life, I would have responded appropriately as well. Fortunately, none of that happened. But I will ever be prepared and fight for the right to be prepared. Unlike some, I think most law enforcement officials are good guys but they simply cannot be everywhere at once. I owe it to myself and my family to be prepared.

We? Were you with someone else when you saw the person break in the store? I can't imagine holding someone at gunpoint, I would have to throw up.
We? Were you with someone else when you saw the person break in the store? I can't imagine holding someone at gunpoint, I would have to throw up.

I was by myself and had called the stores owner when I saw the open window. Just before he got there the guy climbed out of the window with a bag. I had my firearm drawn and said something like, "what are you doing?" The guy took one look and dropped his bag and assumed the position on the ground without me having to say anything else. About that time the owner pulled up and I had him call the sheriff. To say that I was uncomfortable would be putting it mildly.
I was by myself and had called the stores owner when I saw the open window. Just before he got there the guy climbed out of the window with a bag. I had my firearm drawn and said something like, "what are you doing?" The guy took one look and dropped his bag and assumed the position on the ground without me having to say anything else. About that time the owner pulled up and I had him call the sheriff. To say that I was uncomfortable would be putting it mildly.

Thanks, I am glad he knew what to do, lol
I will not say that I will "never" be in a position that Zimmerman was. I wouldn't have pursued the young man, if that is what happened. I really think there is fault all over the place with this one. The problem is that none of us know exactly what went on that night other than the man Zimmerman killed a young man with a firearm. I really think that a whole lot on the left hung their hats on this case as a stance against the SYG laws, maybe seeing it as an opportunity to lash out against gun owners in general and SYG supporters specifically (look at the initial posts from a year or so ago and note the focus of most of them), though many saw the racism in it from the inception, pointing out Samford's history even then. It was truly an unfortunate situation.

I have been a neighborhood watch person before. I have called the police [sheriff] on strange people (not from here) acting strangely in our town after dark. I have even held a person at gunpoint until the law enforcement official could get here...about 30 minutes to the nearest one at that time. We had caught him in the act of breaking into the one store in our town. The thing is, if that person had tried to leave, I'd have let him. If he had assaulted me and I feared for my life, I would have responded appropriately as well. Fortunately, none of that happened. But I will ever be prepared and fight for the right to be prepared. Unlike some, I think most law enforcement officials are good guys but they simply cannot be everywhere at once. I owe it to myself and my family to be prepared.

You have a right to be prepared and do owe it to yourself and your family. You also have the right attitude about avoiding killing someone. GZ was wrong in his assumption that TM was a criminal (I personally believe that racism had something to do with his assumption). GZ should never have followed someone who he thought was dangerous, unless he saw a reason to believe doing so would protect someone. If TM attacked GZ as GZ testified to, GZ should have made every effort to escape before killing the kid. I really wish GZ had a stun gun or mace that night instead of a firearm.
I was specific...I said residue on Martin and Zimmerman's hands and clothing.

You didn't like my answer so you got all snarky and were forced to resort to the usual name calling.
you made a bullshit statement as fact, that it would be easy to destroy gun shot residue and I called you out on it. stop being all butthurt because you looked stupid again.
I was by myself and had called the stores owner when I saw the open window. Just before he got there the guy climbed out of the window with a bag. I had my firearm drawn and said something like, "what are you doing?" The guy took one look and dropped his bag and assumed the position on the ground without me having to say anything else. About that time the owner pulled up and I had him call the sheriff. To say that I was uncomfortable would be putting it mildly.

I don't know that I agree that its okay to escalate a situation like that with a deadly weapon. This guy you apprehended was stealing stuff, not threatening anyone's safety or life. I think I would have just gotten a description and if possible a licence plate number.

A couple years ago, I went to turn a light off in my car, that I did not think I had left on, as I approached and unlocked the door, the overhead light went on, I saw a person sitting in the drivers seat with his head hunched down. I turned around and walked toward my wife and 4 year old and ushered them into my house quickly locking the door. My wife was on the phone with 911. I watched the guy from the window stagger out of my car and jog into the woods down the street.

I was fully prepared to let this guy have my BMW in an effort to not have the situation escalated. I would have preferred to give him the BMW to avoid killing him.