Which Living President's Family Did Not Own Slaves?

Since when did progeny become guilty of the sins of their ancestors?
That's a metaphysical question. But in the everyday world that we live in, it is ridiculous to hold people responsible for slavery they were not part of. Blacks in America have already had close to 70 years of reparations in kind.
They need to take responsibility now for their own families.
That's a metaphysical question. But in the everyday world that we live in, it is ridiculous to hold people responsible for slavery they were not part of. Blacks in America have already had close to 70 years of reparations in kind.
They need to take responsibility now for their own families.
It's very much a legal question. Should the children of a mass murder be held responsible for the actions of the parent? That's what this boils down to. Reparations are the same way. Should we be giving the several generations removed children of persons wronged in the past compensation for that wrong? How far back do we go? Why stop at just selectively choosing what wrongs we do that for?

It's utter insanity to hold people that had nothing to do with an event in the past libel to pay other people who had nothing to do with that event for its occurrence. Blacks today deserve NOTHING for slavery in the past any more than Whites deserve reparations for being slaves in Roman times or whatever. It's only the childish, shallow, 'thinking' of the radical Left that says we should pay reparations. They need to be bitch slapped for a week or two to knock some sense into them.
It's very much a legal question. Should the children of a mass murder be held responsible for the actions of the parent? That's what this boils down to. Reparations are the same way. Should we be giving the several generations removed children of persons wronged in the past compensation for that wrong? How far back do we go? Why stop at just selectively choosing what wrongs we do that for?

It's utter insanity to hold people that had nothing to do with an event in the past libel to pay other people who had nothing to do with that event for its occurrence. Blacks today deserve NOTHING for slavery in the past any more than Whites deserve reparations for being slaves in Roman times or whatever. It's only the childish, shallow, 'thinking' of the radical Left that says we should pay reparations. They need to be bitch slapped for a week or two to knock some sense into them.
it's time to consider that maybe it's a Jew-banker backed war on white people.
The question becomes why is the alt right even pretending not to be Neo-Nazis?
There are many good Jews. I'm not talking about Jews, I'm actually talking about the synagogue of Satan, the frankists.

actually the Nazis are the Transgender advocates who advocate sterilization of children who don't fulfill perfectly their gender stereotype.
There are many good Jews. I'm not talking about Jews, I'm actually talking about the synagogue of Satan, the frankists.

actually the Nazis are the Transgender advocates who advocate sterilization of children who don't fulfill perfectly their gender stereotype.
No "Jewish friends"? Neo-Nazis are always claiming to have a lot of Jewish friends, and KKK members are always claiming to have a lot of Black friends. I always wonder what sort of Jewish, or Black person would be friends with someone who hated them.
The question becomes why is the alt right even pretending not to be Neo-Nazis?
there are many good Jews.
No "Jewish friends"? Neo-Nazis are always claiming to have a lot of Jewish friends, and KKK members are always claiming to have a lot of Black friends. I always wonder what sort of Jewish, or Black person would be friends with someone who hated them.
I have jewish friends yes.

as I said the real Nazis are the ones sterilizing children at school.

is norman finkelstein a neo-nazi?

talking about Frankists isn't Nazi-ism. eugenics is nazi-ism.
Yes. Nazis like Wernher von Braun, but with less brains and more stupidity. Von Braun renounced Nazism. Trump, not so much.

not really.

his hobby was still mass death.

spooks are known satanists.

Consider satanist Michael Aquino

That is a rotten thing to say about people you don't know. You sound like a nasty hater.
I know you because I've read your posts. What more should I know? That you are really a great and generous person? That you only play an asshole online? Your signature and posts say everything anyone needs to know about you.

Like killing one ant in a large ant hill.
DemonRats paying for illegal votes.
Now you are directly advocating violence. You are a typical unhinged D-Rat and very dangerous to our Democracy, to your peoples own words.
You are a true piece of pig excrement.
Because they will get away with anything. Obama wasn't vetted. He had a fake Hawaiian birth certificate. The 14th amendment was crated because of the children of slaves not for illegals who have breached our borders.
I know you because I've read your posts. What more should I know? That you are really a great and generous person? That you only play an asshole online? Your signature and posts say everything anyone needs to know about you.

You are a true piece of pig excrement.
This was said of a poster that wished that the next assassination attempt is successful on Trump.
I stand by my posts.
You are most definitely a person that has hate deep down in his soul. Actually I feel sorry for you. You appear to be an old, ill and bitter man.
This was said of a poster that wished that the next assassination attempt is successful on Trump.
I stand by my posts.
You are most definitely a person that has hate deep down in his soul. Actually I feel sorry for you. You appear to be an old, ill and bitter man.
Dumbass, you're attacking what is probably an under-25 girl. She shoots off her mouth a lot. Probably because her parents were like you and yours.

OTOH, it's funny that's the only post you objected to. :rofl2: