Which Living President's Family Did Not Own Slaves?

Dumbass, you're attacking what is probably an under-25 girl. She shoots off her mouth a lot. Probably because her parents were like you and yours.

OTOH, it's funny that's the only post you objected to. :rofl2:
I only mentioned the one post because it was in response to a post that was reprehensible.
Don't laugh too hard old man, you may hurt yourself.
It's very much a legal question. Should the children of a mass murder be held responsible for the actions of the parent? That's what this boils down to. Reparations are the same way. Should we be giving the several generations removed children of persons wronged in the past compensation for that wrong? How far back do we go? Why stop at just selectively choosing what wrongs we do that for?

It's utter insanity to hold people that had nothing to do with an event in the past libel to pay other people who had nothing to do with that event for its occurrence. Blacks today deserve NOTHING for slavery in the past any more than Whites deserve reparations for being slaves in Roman times or whatever. It's only the childish, shallow, 'thinking' of the radical Left that says we should pay reparations. They need to be bitch slapped for a week or two to knock some sense into them.
The dumb ones speak again. The logic for reparations is that the blacks have been held back from equal opportunities by state, local and national policies since they were freed. I bet you heard of Jim Crow, lynching, and the black massacres of Tulsa, Wilmington, Atlanta, Elaine and Rosewood. The blacks had developed economic institutions and entertainment and shopping only to have whites burn them down and kill many blacks. To suggest they did not have their wealth destroyed and have to start over with nothing is right wing talk.
In modern times the monetary suppression was more subtle with redlining, police and legal abuse by the institutions.
Schools are supported by property taxes. Can you guess which schools are rolling in funds?
I know it helps some whites to pretend we are blameless in what happened to keep blacks down. It helps assuage your guilt.
There is an argument for reparations.
His point is to remind us all that Trump is from an IMMIGRANT family. And his mom was a straight-up immigrant. A group of people who were having a tough time of it in their homelands and who wanted to make a better life where they could take care of their children and their families.

In fact, Trump's dad, Fred, was raised in a household that only spoke German WHILE LIVING IN AMERICA. Can you imagine??? Why couldn't they assimilate? Fred apparently did a lot to hide his foreign background.

And Fred Trump was able to make it as a slum lord and racist bigot in America (arrested along with a bunch of KKK ralliers once!)
Stop making shit up.
The dumb ones speak again.
You could always stop posting, Sybil.
The logic for reparations
There is no logic of reparations, Sybil. Theft is not logic.
is that the blacks have been held back from equal opportunities by state, local and national policies since they were freed.
Caused by DEMOCRATS.
I bet you heard of Jim Crow, lynching, and the black massacres of Tulsa, Wilmington, Atlanta, Elaine and Rosewood. The blacks had developed economic institutions and entertainment and shopping only to have whites burn them down and kill many blacks. To suggest they did not have their wealth destroyed and have to start over with nothing is right wing talk.
Caused by DEMOCRATS.
In modern times the monetary suppression was more subtle with redlining, police and legal abuse by the institutions.
Caused by DEMOCRATS.
Schools are supported by property taxes. Can you guess which schools are rolling in funds?
Non-sequitur fallacy, Sybil.
I know it helps some whites to pretend we are blameless in what happened to keep blacks down. It helps assuage your guilt.
There is an argument for reparations.
None. There is no argument for theft.

The racism is by DEMOCRATS. The bigotry is by DEMOCRATS. The theft is by DEMOCRATS.
Yeah it is sad that leftists take blacks for granted. Shit you assholes think they aren't black if they don't know who they are supporting? How do I know that? The dipstick you morons voted for said so. What's that name you gave to Larry Elder? Oh yeah, the black face of white supremacy because of course no black person could sincerely disagree with the leftist narrative. I wonder if you have enough brains to stop talking? What am I saying, you're a leftist so the question answers itself.

Sum dum cracka