Which party represents the future

Not entirely. They hate those that have the unmitigated gall (in their view) to stand up to them and say "Hell no!" They want that sort eliminated and aren't able to use concentration camps or a gulag... yet.

No one is allowed to disagree....those who do must be tuned up (abused) till they reform, and if they dont within a reasonable time then they must be sacrificed.....there is no time to waste.....we cant spend too much energy reforming those who are not ready for UTOPIA....the world is about to end if we dont get to UTOPIA....ONWARDS TO VICTORY!
Unfortunately, when you are talking about a Leftist government they almost uniformly rule in the minority. They don't care what we the people think. They care only about maintaining their power and growing their wealth. Their view of the 'peasants' is sort of "Let them eat dirt."

Nonsense. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Unfortunately, when you are talking about a Leftist government they almost uniformly rule in the minority. They don't care what we the people think. They care only about maintaining their power and growing their wealth. Their view of the 'peasants' is sort of "Let them eat dirt."

You are young aren't you? You don't remember the precinct halls?
Donald Trump’s coalition in 2016 was an archaism, a throwback — the last gasp of a fading white America, a last dance with the voting blocs that once delivered Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan their landslides, a resentment-soaked attempt to maintain the power that white Christians once took for granted even as its demographic basis slips away. The Democratic Party’s coalition, on the other hand, looks like the American future — a kaleidoscope of diversity, a multiethnic majority that only voter suppression and the rural bias of the Senate can keep at bay.


Why do racists see EVERYTHING only through the prism of race?

Your view of the world is as stupid and limiting as anyone seeing anything from any single, myopically constricting, point of view.

You REALLY need to abandon this stupidity and open you mind to all possibilities.
Dems represent the future of urban life, once we can get Defund implemented everywhere.

The problem with the defund movement is that the cities will soon be abandoned to the mobs entirely.

The dregs living there will abandon the blight they have created and spread it elsewhere.

We will probably soon see "Walled Cities" with the rest of guarding against the escape of the morons from the blighted areas they have created. ;)

Something like a quarantine to prevent the spread.
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To answer the question posed at the beginning of this thread: Both. The real question is What kind of future will they create?

The answer to that is the Democrats will create another failed Socialist utopia and nation that languishes in mediocrity much like Europe now does. The Republicans on the other hand are harder to figure out. They're all over the map. The thing they won't create is some religious theocracy and mendacious puritan state of repression like Progressives and Democrats claim.

I would add, if the Democrats and Left get their way on issues such as race and social standing, the US will become just another Second World, backwards, crime ridden, economic basket case like say, Mexico or Brazil are. Ghettos, barrios, and other slums will flourish. The social elite--who ever they may be--will live in separatist, gated, communities with a ton of security. The politicians will talk about "fair and equal" but their actions will be to keep the various factions of society fighting each other for the scraps handed down by their bureaucratic minions.

The Democrats will try to put America back together as it was, which may just be possible. Trump will set in motion the final destruction of the human species by destroying the climate entirely and allowing every sort of disease to spread unchecked.
Not entirely. They hate those that have the unmitigated gall (in their view) to stand up to them and say "Hell no!" They want that sort eliminated and aren't able to use concentration camps or a gulag... yet.

"The Big Lie" is the tool of choice for the would be despots. We now have a willingly compliant media class that seems to be a part of what Eisenhower warned against with his Military Industrial Complex reference.

Trump refers to this whole expanded structure to now include the press as the Deep State.

In Eisenhower's day, the flow of the crooks between the Defense Contractors and the Defense Department was a turnstile operation.

Now add in the Press as we see political operatives in subpoenaed to hearings one day and hosting shows on CNN the next.

We have allowed the creation of a money laundering machine that steals from the government to support the Deep State.
The Democrats will try to put America back together as it was, which may just be possible. Trump will set in motion the final destruction of the human species by destroying the climate entirely and allowing every sort of disease to spread unchecked.

You are gripped by a dogma that is unsupported by actual, real world fact.
Hello guno,

Donald Trump’s coalition in 2016 was an archaism, a throwback — the last gasp of a fading white America, a last dance with the voting blocs that once delivered Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan their landslides, a resentment-soaked attempt to maintain the power that white Christians once took for granted even as its demographic basis slips away. The Democratic Party’s coalition, on the other hand, looks like the American future — a kaleidoscope of diversity, a multiethnic majority that only voter suppression and the rural bias of the Senate can keep at bay.


Onward to the brighter future!

Let us leave this grim past in the past.

Trump people are not happy people.

The USA has better things to be about.