Which religion is more poisonous?

Disagree, Eyebee. Marx was eloquent enough to make my signature.
So you agree then. Marx realized that religion was the way to control everyone ... so he created one. He published his Bible on February 21, 1848. At some point, your scientific illiteracy and your mathematical incompetence convinced you to join his church and you surrendered all ability to grasp economics.
Marxism and the Marxist umbrella of religions, e.g. Global Warming, Climate Change, socialism, etc.., have surpassed Catholicism by far in influence and have taken the overall top slot in social rot. The Marxist denominations have had profoundly negative impacts on every country. Christianity has had its low points but overall it has been constructive and positive. Hinduism and Judaism have been closer to nothing-burgers, ... you know, there but not much going on. Buddhism has been a substantial force for peace throughout history; you never read about any Buddhist jihads converting people at the edge of a sword.

The worlds major problems began when Karl Marx began to rave and preach. Today, children who fall sway to Marxism have little hope of being scientifically literate or mathematically competent ... and have zero hope of grasping economics.

Yep, Marxism is poison alright.

You're funny.
this board is lousy with zionist non-critical thinkers.

im not anti-jew or anything.

but i will not give them the "best at separation of church and state" award.

well, i guess maybe if you're talking about OTHER people's churches and OTHER people's states....maybe

(cue dick ditch and a new screed of shriekery about white supremacy)
You should know, having firsthand knowledge riding in the seat next to him... :rolleyes:
I'm the burr under your saddle, Terry. You're an embarrassment to the US Navy to simultaneously claim to be a retired Navy Chief then act like a angst-filled teenager.

Actually, as a retired Navy Chief I made a whole career out of insulting people' intelligence first, you braindead piece of buttfuck residue!

MAGAts commonly have a lot of mental issues.

Consider that 2/3s of the Insurrectionists had previously reported mental issues and a similar 2/3s had serious financial issues. Both of which commonly go hand-in-hand.

Also consider how much praise the MAGAts place upon Ashli Babbitt, who was known to have both serious mental and financial issues.

Is it really a stretch to believe the MAGAts on JPP are no different?

:lolup: Brain dead leftist moron just described himself. Of course, in order to comprehend the obvious, he would need an IQ above room temp.
My problem is the impact that inane religious superstitions of all kinds have on the law of the land.

Looking just at the "Big Three" Semitic religions of which I've seen the most,

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam,

recognizing that each has multiple denominations,

my observation is that Judaism has the best modern record on separating church and state.

Christianity and Islam both have a Taliban mentality,

and American Evangelicals are largely responsible

for America being in the cultural mess that it's in.

:lolup: Another historically ignorant, low IQ leftist atheist who stupidly believes that morality is inherent and not learned.
I'm the burr under your saddle, Terry. You're an embarrassment to the US Navy to simultaneously claim to be a retired Navy Chief then act like a angst-filled teenager.


No, you're an ignorant troll that is best ignored. If you haven't noticed, I generally don't bother to respond to your trolling because it's inane and irrelevant. As for reporting you, I'll leave that to others. I don't care if you troll me, and no it isn't a "burr under (my) saddle."
No, you're an ignorant troll that is best ignored. If you haven't noticed, I generally don't bother to respond to your trolling because it's inane and irrelevant. As for reporting you, I'll leave that to others. I don't care if you troll me, and no it isn't a "burr under (my) saddle."
Yet you don't ignore me, Terry. Is it because you're lying or simply as weak and demented as I've observed you become over the past two years?

Calling out the truth is not trolling, Terry. You've openly admitted that you have abandoned your oath even while using the Argument from Authority by claiming to be a retired Navy Chief. You support Trump's lies, his call for violence and his attacks on the Constitution. The fact I've condemned your posts doing so isn't trolling no matter how often you and your Trumper Traitor friends say it is. The fact you won't report it backs up the assertion that you know you are lying.
Religions are bad jokes and cons pulled on people through childhood inculcation and fear. Why people cannot figure it out amazes me.
We will move away from religion eventually, and civilization will be better for it.

One of those things where you have to ask, why can't we just ditch religion now? But it's so ingrained still. It will take time.
We will move away from religion eventually, and civilization will be better for it.

One of those things where you have to ask, why can't we just ditch religion now? But it's so ingrained still. It will take time.

Do you believe there is not a spiritual component to mankind? Both Stalin and Mao worked hard to stamp out religion for decades and failed. Hitler tried to stamp out Judaism and failed. Why do you think they failed?

The fact that most successful human cultures have a spiritual component seems to negate your claim that the reason religion can't be stamped out in Western culture is because it's "so ingrained".
Do you believe there is not a spiritual component to mankind? Both Stalin and Mao worked hard to stamp out religion for decades and failed. Hitler tried to stamp out Judaism and failed. Why do you think they failed?

The fact that most successful human cultures have a spiritual component seems to negate your claim that the reason religion can't be stamped out in Western culture is because it's "so ingrained".

I wouldn't support the kind of forced removal of religion that some have tried, at all. People have to grow out of it.

Most religion is based on writing from thousands of years ago, from people who were fearful, superstitious and had very little actual knowledge to work with. EVERY country has religion - so of course the most successful cultures will too.

I believe in higher realms and other planes of existence - but that belief doesn't have to be "religious" and I don't ascribe it as such. Ultimately, everything - even God - can be scientifically explained. I reject the mysticism around our eternal lives.
I wouldn't support the kind of forced removal of religion that some have tried, at all. People have to grow out of it.

Most religion is based on writing from thousands of years ago, from people who were fearful, superstitious and had very little actual knowledge to work with. EVERY country has religion - so of course the most successful cultures will too.

I believe in higher realms and other planes of existence - but that belief doesn't have to be "religious" and I don't ascribe it as such. Ultimately, everything - even God - can be scientifically explained. I reject the mysticism around our eternal lives.

Behind every pious person is a self righteous jackass.