Heaven forbid people use their own time to pray. Now you want the government to set time aside to do so? We wouldn't want God to take any of your personal time away from you. Next he will expect you to attend church.
This is what is known as useless flailing, deflecting and pontificating strawmen.

You have plenty of time in school to pray--before class starts, before lunch, while sitting in class. At many schools groups of students gather around the flag pole in the morning to pray.
REALLY? Proof of all these Christian activities?
The Supreme Court just agreed to hear the case about the football coach who prayed on the field after games while team members gathered around him. [/SIZE]
I remember this one. He got FIRED for having the audacity to force those poor young souls to kneel and pray.
But alas, in your and lefty's tiny myopic world, there are not attacks on morality, families and religion. It's just a silly right wing radio talking point. Run along. Life is too short fo your dishonest bullshit.