Which side are you on?

And a House and Senate Chaplain each making $167,800 annually who begin each session with a prayer.

That is not "required" by the government but a part of the free exercise clause for the members.Also, the courts have ruled it is a part of tradition and allowed. Courts don't always rule consistently.

Oh! The backpedalage! :laugh:
Some were, some weren't. Many were free men. Some owned slaves themselves. Learn you some history, boy.

They all were Christian, though.

So it was a white Christian nation where blacks and women don't have much rights. Thanks for conceding.

So basically you want to go back to the good old days.
Prove that there are many churches and Christian schools in America? Boy you are dumb.

^Halfwit thinks I am the dumb one. Hey dumbass, you're the one that made that claim.

douche·​bag | \ ˈdüsh-ˌbag \

an obnoxious, offensive, or disgusting person
In America even scummy douchebags like you should be able to catch a cold.
— Stephen King

Thank you for conceding that you do not know of anyone who hates Christians.

That wasn't a concession halfwit. That was a statement about what a dishonest, halfwitted gasbag you are.

dumb·ass | \ ˈdəm-ˌas \

: a foolish or stupid person : IDIOT
It hurts society when we abandon our morality and beliefs and the family unit. So yes, it is insipid and stupid to claim that we should ban religious faith from all facets of Government and our lives.

Society cannot be moral and practice our religious faith unless government imposes it on us? We have not banned religion from any facet of our lives including government. School students, prisoners, military members can all freely practice their religious beliefs. Freely practicing religious beliefs is very different than government mandating those activities.
If you could read graphs, you'd understand that it debunks your claim.

If you could read, you would see that that graph had nothing to do with my statement. But you, being the uneducated, mentally unstable halfwit that you are, are too stupid to comprehend the obvious.

id·​i·​ot | \ ˈi-dē-ət \

a foolish or stupid person
"… Idiot that I am to wear my heart on my sleeve! …"
— George Bernard Shaw

a person affected with extreme intellectual disability
And a House and Senate Chaplain each making $167,800 annually who begin each session with a prayer.

That is not "required" by the government but a part of the free exercise clause for the members.Also, the courts have ruled it is a part of tradition and allowed. Courts don't always rule consistently.

So school prayer = UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!. Congressional chapels and sermons on the payroll = OK.

If you could read, you would see that that graph had nothing to do with my statement. But you, being the uneducated, mentally unstable halfwit that you are, are too stupid to comprehend the obvious.

You made this claim without proof: "Dipshit probably doesn't know that a vast majority of the anti-abortion crowd are women of both parties."

I debunked your claim with a graph. Try to read the words and the lines very, very slowly.
Society cannot be moral and practice our religious faith unless government imposes it on us?

STRAWMAN. Government didn't impose school prayer on us dimwit. :palm:

We have not banned religion from any facet of our lives including government.

There is an concerted ongoing attempt to do so however. Remove your head from you ass before you type. :palm:

School students, prisoners, military members can all freely practice their religious beliefs. Freely practicing religious beliefs is very different than government mandating those activities. [/SIZE]

STRAWMAN. We aren't talking about the free exercise of religion. We are talking about the "establishment" clause and Government's role in it. :palm:
I realize that graphs and numbers aren't your strong suit so I'll try anyway.

According to the National Congregational Study Survey, there are an estimated 380,000 churches in the U.S.


Your claim was that there is one on almost every corner in the US. I'm sorry, how does this make your asinine and laughably stupid claim?

Then, right in my wheelhouse argument:

‘Difficult days are ahead’ for America’s churches, faith institutions

Even before the outbreak, many churches were struggling. In a country where nearly 70% of Americans identify as Christian, just one in three attends worship services on a consistent basis.

\ ˈdən(t)s \
: a slow-witted or stupid person
It is not backpedalage (new word?).

ob·tuse | \ äb-ˈtüs , əb-, -ˈtyüs \
obtuser; obtusest
1 formal : stupid or unintelligent : not able to think clearly or to understand what is obvious or simple
He is too obtuse to take a hint.
an incredibly obtuse person
So school prayer = UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!. Congressional chapels and sermons on the payroll = OK.

NO. Read carefully. School prayer is not unconstitutional--government just cannot require a school to say a prayer. Students are free to pray all they want in school.

Chaplains and sermons are so members of Congress could exercise their religious freedom in the early days of the republic when the Capitol was built in a swamp few other opportunities existed.

Establishment of religion
Freedom of religion

These are two separate and independent constitutional rights that prohibit governmental action.
Give me names of those who hate Christians.

Right after you give me the names of those who don't hate Christians.

Do you see how moronic your arguments are? Of course you don't. You would need a brain for that.


\ ˈhaf-ˌwit , ˈhäf- \
: a foolish or stupid person
NO. Read carefully. School prayer is not unconstitutional--government just cannot require a school to say a prayer. Students are free to pray all they want in school.

School prayer has been banned. They cannot sanction a prayer. It has to be ion you own time. So.....

school prayer = UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!. Congressional chapels and sermons on the payroll = OK.

Chaplains and sermons are so members of Congress could exercise their religious freedom in the early days of the republic when the Capitol was built in a swamp few other opportunities existed.

These are two separate and independent constitutional rights that prohibit governmental action.

Let me translate your gibberish for you:

blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

But hey, I get it. School prayer = UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!. Congressional chapels and sermons on the payroll = OK.
Your claim was that there is one on almost every corner in the US. I'm sorry, how does this make your asinine and laughably stupid claim?

I see that you do not understand what a metaphor or a figure of speech is.

Here in the downtown, there's so many churches everywhere. Throw a rock and you'll be able to bet it will hit one.

‘Difficult days are ahead’ for America’s churches, faith institutions

Even before the outbreak, many churches were struggling. In a country where nearly 70% of Americans identify as Christian, just one in three attends worship services on a consistent basis.
