Scut Farkus
It was on television years before your dad and mom conceived you at a drunken Prom party.
holy shit. sucker punched. I havent even had my coffee.
It was on television years before your dad and mom conceived you at a drunken Prom party.
holy shit. sucker punched. I havent even had my coffee.
More like his looking in the mirror.
Agreed. Like with Star Trek and the commercials, I think they reflect changes in society. That the "norm" of the social needle is moving toward not to just more tolerance, but to embraced acceptance.
Robin Williams starred in a 1992 movie titled "Toys". I think it's highly underrated at 5.1 on IMDB and worth more of a 7. Besides the main story, one thing that made the movie remarkable at the time was the casting; Irish-English actor Michael Gambon played the evil General Zevo and LL Cool J played his special ops trained son Patrick. No mention was ever made in the movie about race or how the General had a rapper for a son.
Then there's the South Park episode about their flag: Chief goes Nanners
The main point is that everyone should be treated equally under the law. This should be more emphasized in schools. Making special rules for special people only serves to divide Americans into special and not special.
Hello Dutch Uncle,
I agree with everything you said except the part about special rules for special people. Some people do have special needs. It is appropriate to have special rules for special people. We don't tell the handicapped they are being treated equal so they don't need special parking and/or access requirements.
Lots of people have special needs. If somebody had a bad upbringing and they simply lack the ability to function as a productive member of society, I have zero problem with providing for their needs. If a family lacks the ability to function as self-supporting members of society, it is appropriate to try to intervene and find a way to break the cross-generational poverty cycle. That would be an example of society doing itself a favor. If that is not done then it is like asking for the problem to be perpetuated and expanded. We should try to reduce poverty and seek the goal of eliminating it. If we try a policy that doesn't work, then we simply need to try something else until we find a method that does work.
Special needs are one thing. Do you think every person's "special needs" should be determined by a color strip? I don't.
Hello Dutch Uncle,
I'm not catching what you're referring to. Please elaborate?
There are some ignorant people who don’t realize the Lincoln Project are Republicans or former Republicans who are trying to take the trash out of their own party. They are hardly Biden’s people. They will challenge Biden if they feel he deserves it.
Another soldier in the left's war against Whites.
It works.
Murphy's Law of Combat #73 If it's stupid and works, it ain't stupid.
I'm open to suggestions on something better.
well in your case any opinion on "combat" would be theoretical.
How do you know? What is your combat experience, inmate? Please prove it to everyone before you check into MCC for the weekend.
Against Americans of all races and creeds.
Another soldier in the left's war against Whites.
Aren't nazis like this clown amazingly tedious? How can they bear to get up in the morning?
Except that those that made that piece are from the right, oppps. There is no war against whites, but the majority of Americans oppose white racists.
Special needs are one thing. Do you think every person's "special needs" should be determined by a color strip? I don't.
“Our society must make it right and possible for old people not to fear the young or be deserted by them, for the test of a civilization is the way that it cares for its helpless members.” -- Pearl Buck
Aren't nazis like this clown amazingly tedious? How can they bear to get up in the morning?
You Western Europeans don't realize how dumb you are as a people.