White Christian nationalists are poised to remake America in their image during Trump’s second term,

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
There’s an image that captures the threat posed by the White Christian nationalist movement — and how it could become even more dangerous over the next four years.

Taken during the Jan. 6 insurrection, the photo shows a solitary White man, his head pressed in prayer against a massive wooden cross, facing the domed US Capitol building. An American flag stands like a sentinel on a flagpole beside the Capitol under an ominously gray sky.

The photograph depicts a foot soldier in an insurgent religious movement trying to storm the halls of American power. What’s unsettling about the photo four years later is that much of the religious zeal that fed the insurrection is no longer outside the gates of power. Many of that movement’s followers are now on the inside, because their Chosen One, Donald Trump, returns this month to the Oval Office.

This is the scenario Americans could face in Trump’s second term. Under Trump, Christian nationalists will have unprecedented access to the power of the federal government. Trump’s GOP has unified control of Congress. And a conservative supermajority, which has already blurred the line between separation of church and state in a series of decisions favoring Christian interests, controls the US Supreme Court.

Trump has not been shy about what comes next. He ran a presidential campaign that was infused with White Christian Nationalist imagery and rhetoric. He vowed in an October campaign speech to set up a task force to root out “anti-Christian bias” and restore preachers’ power in America while giving access to a group he calls “my beautiful Christians.”

“If I get in, you’re going to be using that power at a level that you’ve never used before,” Trump told an annual gathering of National Religious Broadcasters in Tennessee during a campaign stop earlier this year.

Jesus was a Jew, so were the Apostles. Christianity is a Jewish sect, the largest one, in fact.

The average Baptist is more Jewish than most Jews. Get over it.
If they are making it great for all Americans, I am all for it. If they are selective based on skin color, I am not.

Did you object to the selection criteria used by the current Administration in Washington when considering appointments, pop pop?

Roll, Tide!
Christian nationalism
Political ideology

Christian nationalism is a form of religious nationalism that focuses on promoting the Christian views of its followers, in order to achieve prominence or dominance in political and social life.

Clearly they are not out to make America great again.
I do not hate America. In fact, I love America! I love that all races, religions and sexual orientations can succeed here.

The issue with white nationalists is that they are all for white America. Anyone else? Not so much.
citizens of all races benefit from opposiion to open borders and fascist work visas of all types.
The issue with white nationalists is that they are all for white America. Anyone else? Not so much.
Perhaps what would help your puny disoriented mind would be for you to understand what it means
to be a nationalist. I happen to be a White Nationalist, that in terms for you to understand, means
that I am a White American manly man who happens to believe in American nationalism, and not
in what most dems and or lefties believe in with their globalist ideology. America First is mine and
Trump's dedication to our nationalism over the Left's globalism.

Any and all political or cultural actions taken by people to advance others by skin color, affirmative action,
CRT, race, class etc. are all done by LEFTISTS.
If they are making it great for all Americans, I am all for it. If they are selective based on skin color, I am not.

Joe Biden explicitly stated during his campaign that he would appoint a black woman to the Supreme Court if given the opportunity.

This promise was reiterated multiple times, including by Biden himself during debates and campaign events, and was notably confirmed when he announced his intention to fulfill this pledge following the retirement announcement of Justice Stephen Breyer.

Biden made this commitment a part of his campaign platform to increase diversity on the Supreme Court, and he fulfilled this promise with the nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson.


Roll, Tide!