White Christian nationalists are poised to remake America in their image during Trump’s second term,

The US has a history that includes blatant and brutal racism. If you need to know who is effected, just look at the demographics of that history.
All the progress made in my lifetime could be destroyed in they have their way.

The burden of proof rests upon the claimant, pop pop, doesn't it?

Why so vague and mysterious?

Could it be that you're the victim of a conspiracy theory?

Roll, Tide!
Jesus was a Jew, so were the Apostles. Christianity is a Jewish sect, the largest one, in fact.

The average Baptist is more Jewish than most Jews. Get over it.
Trump evangelical Christians have a blond blue eyed, Capitalist,anti-gay,pro-gun Messiah
Trump has not been shy about what comes next. He ran a presidential campaign that was infused with White Christian Nationalist imagery and rhetoric. He vowed in an October campaign speech to set up a task force to root out “anti-Christian bias” and restore preachers’ power in America while giving access to a group he calls “my beautiful Christians.”
It hilarious watching Libtards panic because they've been brainwashed by Keith Olbermann types for years. That's why I call them drones among other things, the brainwashing and repetitive mantras turn the weak into drones.

White Christian Nationalist - let's break down their ultimate fear:

White: Reality check - some people are white. There are Black Christian Nationalist, Asian Christian Nationalist, etc. The title just highlights who the real racists are. Libtards always see melanin levels first.
Christian: America has always had a Christian majority, with Judeo-Christian values embedded in our founding (a truth that sends the woke into meltdowns).
Nationalist: Pride in your country? Sign me up. I love America - it's the greatest nation on Earth. But watch the Libtards scream HITLER at the mention of nationalism. Yes, Hitler was a nationalist, but his unique brand of evil was racism, which polluted his policies.
The inconvenient truth they ignore: Hitler's other policies were socialism and communism in practice. He was just another left-wing extremist with an extra layer of racial hatred.
Libtards equate nationalism with Hitler's racism because it's easier than addressing the real issue - their disdain for what America represents.

“If I get in, you’re going to be using that power at a level that you’ve never used before,” Trump told an annual gathering of National Religious Broadcasters in Tennessee during a campaign stop earlier this year.
Hope so, about time we fight the Libtards with their own tactics. Gloves off, it's time to reduce the left to the small minority they should be. Christianity is the best hope of achieving that goal. After all, regardless if you're religious, the same applies if you want to fix your broken brain: Repent, Ask for Forgiveness, Admit the truth. See what I mean?
I do not hate America.
We'll see about that. Do you want to see the US President making America great?

In fact, I love America!
I'm taking this with a shaker of salt.

I love that all races, religions and sexual orientations can succeed here.

The issue with white nationalists is that they are all for white America.
You seem to be a racist. You appear to HATE "white" Americans, and what's more, you clearly HATE patriots, which gives away that you you HATE America.

What we have established:

1. You are a RACIST. You seem to not be happy that "white" people can succeed here.
2. You HATE America and you HATE American patriots.

So I ask again: Why do you HATE America and why do you HATE "white" people?