White Christian nationalists are poised to remake America in their image during Trump’s second term,

You are a racist who racistly imposes nefarious characteristics and motives onto American patriots and onto "whitey."

So, yes, you are a racist and an America-HATER.

I impose characteristics and motives onto white people?

What characteristics have I imposed?
@Tobytone, AProudLefty is totally unoriginal. As you noticed, he cannot generate any of his own thoughts.

@Tobytone, AProudLefty HATES America, and patriots make him become totally unhinged, especially Christian patriots. He HATES anyone who tries to make America great again.
This ^ sicko wants this. Mindless obedience. Orwell has something to say about it.

jesus-camp (1).gif
Yes. Read your posts. You claim to be able to read their minds (omniscience fallacy). You claim that you read their minds and that they are scheming to create "white America."

You find white patriots to be unpalatable like the KKK. Read your posts.

Both groups (christian nationalists & KKK) are hugely anti other races.

I don't claim to read anyone's mind. I take them at what they say.
One more time.

Christian nationalism
Political ideology

Christian nationalism is a form of religious nationalism that focuses on promoting the Christian views of its followers, in order to achieve prominence or dominance in political and social life.

You paying attention, @IBDaMann ?
One more time. Christian nationalism Political ideology
One more time. Christianity is a religion. Patriotism is simply patriotism.

One more time. Christianity is a religion. Patriotism is simply patriotism.

Overview Christian nationalism is a form of religious nationalism

Christian nationalism is patriotism in Christians.

One more time, Christian nationalism is patriotism in Christians.
One more time. Christianity is a religion. Patriotism is simply patriotism.

One more time. Christianity is a religion. Patriotism is simply patriotism.


Christian nationalism is patriotism in Christians.

One more time, Christian nationalism is patriotism in Christians.
I'll put you down as wanting America to be a Christian theocracy.
This is what Christian nationalists want.
You are obviously a deaf studies dropout who knows neither what patriots want nor what Christians want.

But now we know that you believe you can read minds. Too funny. What number am I imagining? Round to two decimal places.