White House officials agree with NYT op-ed

Trump's horrible flaws were easy to see. He was a joke in the debates and campaign. He has no knowledge base and shows no real belief system other than if it helps him and makes him money, it is good, It has been about himself from the beginning and it still is. Those inside, who thought they were doing the people's work, are disappointed .
lol....dozens of unnamed people agree with other unnamed people........you people are so fucking stupid......

It makes perfect sense that these people would want to hide their identity.

God help us all if Trump were to ever fire all those who are protecting us from him, and hired a bunch of mindless idiot loyalists who would kiss his ass like you do.
It makes perfect sense that these people would want to hide their identity.

God help us all if Trump were to ever fire all those who are protecting us from him, and hired a bunch of mindless idiot loyalists who would kiss his ass like you do.

because they fessed up to treason
No they are protecting the Constitution, they work for the people not for the mentally ill shitgibbon

they are not elected by the people. they are working in the shadows - won't even put a name to their actions

nice try tardo - right out of Orwellian speak.
Seen on Twitter:

"I'm no HR professional but it's prob a bad sign when an employee writes an anonymous letter calling you a brain-dead asshole and you can't even narrow it down to 100 people".
No they are protecting the Constitution, they work for the people not for the mentally ill shitgibbon

But they're not even really doing that.

They're saying they are, but it's specious at best. I don't see any of his fascism being hindered at all.
It makes perfect sense that these people would want to hide their identity.

Not when you are pretending to be a real journal writing news stories. OR, have all our news organizations morphed into the National Inquirer?

God help us all if Trump were to ever fire all those who are protecting us from him, and hired a bunch of mindless idiot loyalists who would kiss his ass like you do.

Who elected these people? NO ONE. They aren't protecting anyone you brain dead twit. This is hyperbolic bullshit.
Not when you are pretending to be a real journal writing news stories. OR, have all our news organizations morphed into the National Inquirer?

Who elected these people? NO ONE. They aren't protecting anyone you brain dead twit. This is hyperbolic bullshit.

Compare the NYT here, turdlicker, to the sources you halfwits routinely site. No contest, douchenozzle.

Now, since you are an inarticulate cunt, cue that pathetic meme.

^Yep, as predictable as the sunrise.

Thanks for proving me correct, inarticulate cunt.

Cue the childish meme, the sign of a loser.
^Yep, as predictable as the sunrise.

Thanks for proving me correct, inarticulate cunt.

Cue the childish meme, the sign of a loser.

I cannot believe they even allow Turd Delector to post on this forum.

BTW - TD.... I still have you on ignore and I don't see your juvenile shit.