The protests are not about Floyd, but the accumulation of police violence against unarmed blacks that culminated with him. There is no reason to parse the incident. It is what it all means when added together. Blacks and other minorities are tired of the abuse and killing by cops. They want to walk the streets without being shaken down. That is not too much to ask in a country that calls itself the land of the free.
The protests are not about Floyd, but the accumulation of police violence against unarmed blacks that culminated with him. There is no reason to parse the incident. It is what it all means when added together. Blacks and other minorities are tired of the abuse and killing by cops. They want to walk the streets without being shaken down. That is not too much to ask in a country that calls itself the land of the free.

There is nothing worse, and I MEAN nothing worse than some pimply assed white liberal telling everyone how bad minorities have it in this country. Usually from behind their all white gated communities. Seriously Nordberg. STFU.
I call troll bullshit. He's no more from Australia than you or I are from Australia. I'm going with standard American right-wing trump lover.

I don't agree with all of what he says, but he's highly articulate at least. You don't have to listen to him about BLM, you can listen instead to black intellectuals like Thomas Sowell.

Racism is not dead. But it is on life-support, kept alive mainly by the people who use it for an excuse or to keep minority communities fearful or resentful enough to turn out as a voting bloc on election day.

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The worst scum in America: Socialists, Mindless Militant Blacks, Anarchists are running amok across the United States as we speak.

They are destroying your history - your monument and the Statues of your greatest heros.

They are shooting people...beating them up, destroying their property and their livlihoods.

This is NOT a civil rights protest, this is nothing to do with the death of George Floyd.

"Black Live Matter" are now a hard left political movement, that has more strength than the Democratic or Republican parties. FACT.

Why are YOU doing nothing, why are your legitimate political leaders doing NOTHING ?

Why will you not defend your country and your culture when it is under attack.

Why will you not defend the fundamental values of your Republic when they are being spat upon by black thugs, criminals and antisocial cretins ?



The time to start defending it is WAY past due. I, and the rest of the proud WHITE Americans in our great country need to commence KICKING ASS NOW. NOT tomorrow or next week, but RIGHT NOW. I've got some really nice SOLID boots that are JUST right for the occasion.
There is nothing worse, and I MEAN nothing worse than some pimply assed white liberal telling everyone how bad minorities have it in this country. Usually from behind their all white gated communities. Seriously Nordberg. STFU.

Sadiq Khan forced the Met Police to rein back on the number of stop and searches. Predictably knife crime went through the roof as did acid attacks. The people who call for less police are invariably those that live in leafy suburbs.
Sadiq Khan forced the Met Police to rein back on the number of stop and searches. Predictably knife crime went through the roof as did acid attacks. The people who call for less police are invariably those that live in leafy suburbs.

It will come here. Then those that think it is a good idea now will be screaming for the police. Much to late then.
ya'll should go to Mexico were you'll be safe from these ppl.........

We can pass the hat around & get yea both a one way to Juarez & we'll toss in a twelve pack & two thai sticks if you're on the bus tomorrow AM....

hasta la vista big babies





"The white Liberal differs from the white Conservative only in one way; the Liberal is more deceitful, more hypocritical, than the Conservative. Both want power, but the White Liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor and by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the White Liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or a weapon in this political football game, that is constantly raging, between the White Liberals and the White Conservatives. The American Negro is nothing, but a political football."

- Malcom X (1963)

It is White Socialists that ARE the problem. That includes you reverse PC ALT White socialists.

Fantastic post, thanks.
I recall that calif highway patrol officer teeing off on that homeless women, hitting her like she was a punching bag..

he did no time, kept all his goodies etc etc etc....

Not that I would recommend it, but lots of these "ppl" could do wonders for their race by getting themselves sterilized or take the next step & help the planet out also by recycling themselves out @ sea some place... :dunno:

I don't agree with all of what he says, but he's highly articulate at least. You don't have to listen to him about BLM, you can listen instead to black intellectuals like Thomas Sowell.


Shelby Steele is another that ought to be listened to, he is perfectly clear that BLM is not a legitimate civil rights movement.

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS: Let's talk now in depth about race relations in America after what we've seen. Shelby Steele is a senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. Shelby, thanks for being here. We appreciate it. I want to get your 30,000-foot view of what we've seen over the past few days and your reaction to it.

SHELBY STEELE, SENIOR FELLOW, STANFORD UNIVERSITY'S HOOVER INSTITUTION: Well, boy, it's -- in many ways, it's something of a carnival. There's there is, I think, a lot less happening that seems to. It's very dramatic on the surface and it looks like, you know, sort of classics of reminiscent of the civil rights movement and so forth.

But actually, it seems to me there's not much happening here at all. It's a kind of a repeat of what we've seen for throughout my lifetime. And so, I think there's something -- there's pathos here.

It's like we've done this too many times. We've been here too many times. We've seen this kind of thing and there's a big hullabaloo, and then it sort of fades away, and this is already beginning, I think, to fade. What was it all about? What was the point? What did these various groups -- what did they want?

They -- striking to me about this particular one is that there was not even a list of demands, usually, there's always a long elaborate list of demands. That wasn't the case here. There's nothing that you can come away from. This entire episode last two weeks or so.

That -- that's meaningful. We -- people are talking about police reform. Well, I'm all for police reform. I think most people want to -- want to see the best policing we can possibly get.

But this, this wasn't called, and police reform didn't trigger this. This is -- this is something else. It seems to me there's a generation here that doesn't quite know where to go, doesn't know what to looking at racial tensions, and problems in the black community, and there's no longer any sort of idea what we ought to be doing to work on those things to fix them.

You'd know all about Mexico, I guess, Bill. I mean Mexifornia :) is your home isn't it? Same culture as Mexico: - shit all over the sidewalks with used syringes as well, rampant poverty, corrupt government. Lots of drugs and prostitutes for sale, lots of violent crime and property crime, abysmal public schooling, high taxes, lots of Chicos without licences (Arriba -Ariba !!!) driving around drunk as skunks on Tequilla. But I guess you don't see any of this nasty stuff from the perfumed- porch of your whites- only walled complex. Right Bill? So you'll just keep voting on Democrat and vitue signalling from your rose garden....HYPOCRITE


Billy Boy IS a bit dim.
The protests are not about Floyd, but the accumulation of police violence against unarmed blacks that culminated with him. There is no reason to parse the incident. It is what it all means when added together. Blacks and other minorities are tired of the abuse and killing by cops. They want to walk the streets without being shaken down. That is not too much to ask in a country that calls itself the land of the free.

BIG 'Sigh'.:|
I don't agree with all of what he says, but he's highly articulate at least. You don't have to listen to him about BLM, you can listen instead to black intellectuals like Thomas Sowell.


It's not about BLM, but more about his over-the-top hatred of anything liberal in the US. No matter what the issue du jour in America, this guy weighs in with a furious rant about liberals. It's too much and unbelievable, to me at least.