Who else is going to promote 2nd amendment rights?
Who else is going to promote 2nd amendment rights?
Blacks.....COULD HAVE constructed their own FREE REPUBLIC on the continent of Africa and never have had to concern themselves with the issue of slavery. If they had been smart enough to form such a society constructed upon societal representation. TRUTH: Slavery was accepted in the United States of America simply because SOCIETY wanted it to could be no other way in a Constitutionally based Free Republic that functions through representation of the majority.
so you are going to kill non republicans now
You've said you want to kill us. Do you think we won't defend ourselves?
No one should or even think about killing your kind, the demographics are taking care of that, naturally
No one should or even think about killing your kind, the demographics are taking care of that, naturally
Yes, that's the point, the nation and it's substantial people, blathering on endlessly about liberty and equality for all, allowed capital to push for, engage in and embrace slavery. That's where america's seed wealth came from. Stolen land/resources and enslaved labor. Simple american societal values. The cleansed and enslaved did it to themselves. This is the ONLY anyone can get to some notion of "american exceptionalism", which is just another way of saying "we're entitled".
Allowed? Really? Just who ALLOWED slavery to exist? Hell, even the Constitution and following amendments were by founding decree....super majority ratification only. Meaning that it was THE PEOPLE who drafted and confirmed/ratified these founding documents by a super majority decree. The government has the authority to "ALLOW" or "PROHIBIT" void of representation in a representative republic? Is there any reason or logic in such a statement? None. As was pointed was THE PEOPLE, that made the laws through representation that "allowed" slavery to exist because THE MAJORITY of this infant republic demanded that such laws exist. Morality is not legislated.....laws are but a reflection of any societies morality or a lack thereof.....laws do not create morality, laws simply define what a society find MORAL in any Free Representative Republic.
Does that reality negate the TRUTH found in the preamble to this nation's first act of legislation....the declaration of independence? Of course not.....truth never evolves because its not capable of evolution or it was never truth to begin with. Society, evolved and accepted that universal truth and ended the institute of flesh peddling as being immoral to the majority of society. Societal Mores' changed...The TRUTH of everyone being CREATED EQUAL never evolved....what was true thousands of years ago is just as true today.
Even more. Just point out one CIVIL LIBERTY that exists today that did not exist when slavery was the law of the land.....that was not legislated via the will of the majority....just ONE right that minorities and females enjoy today that did not come about by acceptance and change of THE MAJORITY in this republic that is governed by THE PEOPLE. Again....point out just one civil liberty that did not come into existence void of acceptance and allowance of the MAJORITY.
All Fentoine can do is blame white people for the miserable conditions within the black community.
I found there was no celebrated THANK YOU when the same people that is being lambasted by the leftist black community gave them every civil liberty that have today through the same process that allowed slavery to exist. A free republic that exists to serve THE PEOPLE can do nothing but reflect the will of the people who founded it. When society evolved ….. slavery was ended by the very same representation that allowed it to exist.
Some shoot pineapples don't they?![]()
Another NRA hater?
Googled both of those, I got nothing. I rest my case.
The poorly educated fearful shrinking demographic
As if clutching their guns and bibles will change anything for them
Obama also made these men shed white tears, which meant they needed more firearms. “A lot of people talked about how important Obama was to get a concealed-carry license: ‘He’s for free health care, he’s for welfare.’ They were asking, ‘Whatever happened to hard work?’
Obama’s presidency, they feared, would empower minorities to threaten their property and families,” reads the study. In addition, “gun owners had become 50 percent more likely to vote Republican since 1972 — and that gun culture had become strongly associated with explicit racism.”
Again.....its LEGAL to buy and purchase a weapon. Its therefore impossible to stop criminals from obtaining a product that is readily available. Gun ownership is a guaranteed right protected via Constitutional decree. Therefore there is no solution in stopping criminals from using a legal product to kill.....the solution must be sought elsewhere, like finding a viable DEFENSE against such criminal activity. It is illegal to kill another person in the United States. Yet that law will not stop the criminal anymore than more regulation of an existing constitutional right will stop criminals from obtaining and using firearms. Protect people via application of practical self defense solutions. Guns, just like Government are a necessary evil in this free republic....if you wish this republic to remain free.
I found there was no celebrated THANK YOU when the same people that is being lambasted by the leftist black community gave them every civil liberty that have today through the same process that allowed slavery to exist. A free republic that exists to serve THE PEOPLE can do nothing but reflect the will of the people who founded it. When society evolved ….. slavery was ended by the very same representation that allowed it to exist.
The poorly educated fearful shrinking demographic
As if clutching their guns and bibles will change anything for them
Obama also made these men shed white tears, which meant they needed more firearms. “A lot of people talked about how important Obama was to get a concealed-carry license: ‘He’s for free health care, he’s for welfare.’ They were asking, ‘Whatever happened to hard work?’
Obama’s presidency, they feared, would empower minorities to threaten their property and families,” reads the study. In addition, “gun owners had become 50 percent more likely to vote Republican since 1972 — and that gun culture had become strongly associated with explicit racism.”
That's completely unfair. Most gun crazy whites do it out of fear of criminals, and terrorists.
NRA stands for Negotiate Rights Away. try googling gun owners of america or second amendment foundation