White Privilege 101

Sooo, you're saying the Congressional Black Caucus is hyperbolic? Valid point.

Yes or know ... is this a White Man?

Yeah, I'd like to see them. I'd just like to see *something* green about now. lol We've had some slightly warmer than normal weather but still have a foot of snow or more on the ground, and it's currently snowing again.

Amen to that. We're supposed to get 2 to 4 Thurs and Fri. But sunny and 40's over the weekend.
Bill Clinton. He was first black president

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legal sexual contact is not comparable to the shit Donny has done you idiot

Bill got massive shit for it too

you idiots liked Donny MORE for his grabbing Pussy tape
legal sexual contact is not comparable to the shit Donny has done you idiot

Bill got massive shit for it too

you idiots liked Donny MORE for his grabbing Pussy tape

Billy didn't have to Grab The Pussy, the Pussy went down on his Billy.
Yes. It's hard to see in the tiny pic, but it's part of my late mother in law's birdhouse collection on an old birdfeeder pole in my yard. If I remember, I'll post some pics when I get home tonight.

Had to get rid on my Birdfeeders ... attracted too many Ground Squirrels and Voles ... started Fuking Up the Grass
Looks florescent to me. Maybe you should ask the Congressional Black Caucus. :dunno:

racists always see white people who fight racism as defunct black people

I have been treated as such when I pointed out racism in real life

stupid fucking white people looking at me like I'm insane for saying "that is a racist thing to say" and then explaining why its racist.

they look at me like I'm a traitor for merely pointing out reality

accuse me of FAKING what I believe

I hate racists
So throwing names out without context or explanation is acceptable ... why would you be unwilling to backup your claim?

Curious ...

Just following the directive if your OP.

.......No Excuses Please, just provide a Name.


As you can see, you said very explicitly to JUST provide a name. You didn’t ask for explanation.

I am sorry if I understood your op better than you did
Just following the directive if your OP.

As you can see, you said very explicitly to JUST provide a name. You didn’t ask for explanation.

I am sorry if I understood your op better than you did

Got it, so Bill Clinton is now Black and he got away with ... what? Tell me what scandle did he get away with?