Ah, so that's why the Congressional Black Caucus honored Bill Clinton as the first black president. They're racists That makes sense, good point.
racists see white people who fight racism as defunct black people
perfectly clear statement asshole
and YES I have been in the presence of ONLY WHITE PEOPLE who got really pissed at me for calling out their racism.
One of the reactions I often get is this bullshit about me nit really believing what I'm saying as if I'm only doing it to ACT like a liberal
as if there is no true LIBERALS
that people like me only FAKE believing what black and other people of color complain about as racism
Its fucking mind boggling to hear these idiots incapable of believing that racism actually exists.
It does
Its blatant
and I will call it out when I see it
no matter who it is
its the only way to really end this stupid, society destroying fucking cancer of the mind
it will destroy the white race if we don't start all facing reality
Its real
and if white people become the minority it will he targeted at white people you fucking stupid ass racists
guess the fuck what
I will call out racism then too.
it is an idiotic society destroying pack of evil