Please list what you need from me so you will show up in my building lobby with the proof that you played a sport in college on scholarship.
Already have. You refused. Something bullshit a doorman.
Please list what you need from me so you will show up in my building lobby with the proof that you played a sport in college on scholarship.
The elimination of white males. Isn't that what your feminism is all about?
You're a victim owl lady - right?
Already have. You refused. Something bullshit a doorman.
My bad, I forgot, you will only come to my building if you can come directly to my unit and not have to meet me in the lobby which is building policy. We have multiple doormans but our main one is a black dude who would kick your *ss so probably best you don't show up
You forgot? Bullshit.
What makes you think that nigger could kick his own ass much less anyone else? Is it because he's black. Sounds like you're stereotyping to me.
You have the address loser
Please explain, if you can, what Scandle these 4 have in common and what did they get away with?
Please take your time on this one.
You make no sense. No one is "eliminating white males." And no, I'm a survivor. I've never been a victim; never will be either. Thanks for asking though, Concern Troll.
keep in mind white people have also had their votes stripped by the ID laws
I think in reality its less than half of white voters who voted for trumpy
republican cheating and Russian collusion gave us trumpy
and Bush both times
and Bush 41 once
and Reagan twice
the republican party has been cheating in elections for decades now
The real American voter base doesnt want to be a racist country anymore
Its like blaming the black voters for not turning out when they are kept from turning out
gerrymandering effects white voters too
No, that's according to *you* and your ilk. You're only repeating what your masters have implanted in your head.Let me clarify, assertive white males.
Then you're not a feminist if you're not a victim. The feminist movement is all about victim-hood.
Everybody in america is a victim according to the left.
That is not what the OP asks. It simply asked for the name of 1 black person, man or woman, that could survive one of Trump's scandals.
Each of those people could survive one of Trump's scandals. It's relatively simple.
Name One (1) Black Man or Woman on this Planet who could survive just One (1) of Donald Trump's scandals?
No Excuses Please, just provide a Name.
Barack obama.
No, that's according to *you* and your ilk. You're only repeating what your masters have implanted in your head.
White males still hold most of the power and influence in the U.S. They're not going anywhere. It is interesting though that you fear that they are. Why is that? There are those who say that it's because you (group you) fear that once whites are a minority, that we'll be treated by the majority the way we've treated minorities in the past. You're not worried about that though, right?
Barack obama.
Your power is on the east and west coasts and we're in the middle - everything in between.
My 'fear' is for my country that you were previously destroying until us deplorables rose up and stopped you.
You will never stop whining - you're like the race hustlers. You will always need white oppressive males and your glass ceiling like the race pimps will always need racists.
Heheheh, that's hilarious. We don't whine, honey. We march, we organize, we register folks to vote... and most of all, we have progress on our side. The history of humankind has always been one of progress, despite a few blips here and there like the Dark Ages, the Inquisition, and the Trump Administration. Just as the Dark Ages were eventually followed by the Renaissance, so too will the brief but ugly Trump Era be followed by a restoration of America and the ideals that have made us great -- Equality. Freedom. Peace. Prosperity. Not just for white males, but for everyone who desires these things.
Your power is on the east and west coasts and we're in the middle - everything in between.
My 'fear' is for my country that you were previously destroying until us deplorables rose up and stopped you.
You will never stop whining - you're like the race hustlers. You will always need white oppressive males and your glass ceiling like the race pimps will always need racists.
Really ... any one of them could Fuck a Porn Star and "cum" home to their significant other and Fuck them? ... and still get Cheers from their Supporters?
Yea Right ...
Watch it ... you said the "P" word ... Progress, that's the most fearful word in The Republican World.