White Privilege 101

You lefties speak of progress yet you want to go back to the Cold War with Russia, 1950s tax code and 1990s gun ban.

Doesn’t sound like progress to me. Just sayin

Your power is on the east and west coasts and we're in the middle - everything in between.

My 'fear' is for my country that you were previously destroying until us deplorables rose up and stopped you.

You will never stop whining - you're like the race hustlers. You will always need white oppressive males and your glass ceiling like the race pimps will always need racists.

Nobody needs white oppressive males but we certainly have an abundant supply in America.
Nobody needs white oppressive males but we certainly have an abundant supply in America.

Nothing oppressive about white males working hard and getting ahead as a result except to those that don't want to work and need someone to blame for their laziness.
Heheheh, that's hilarious. We don't whine, honey. We march, we organize, we register folks to vote... and most of all, we have progress on our side. The history of humankind has always been one of progress, despite a few blips here and there like the Dark Ages, the Inquisition, and the Trump Administration. Just as the Dark Ages were eventually followed by the Renaissance, so too will the brief but ugly Trump Era be followed by a restoration of America and the ideals that have made us great -- Equality. Freedom. Peace. Prosperity. Not just for white males, but for everyone who desires these things.

The Trump effect will be to get people out there voting who always believed voting didn't matter. I bet it matters to them now. Republicans might never win another presidency without gerrymandering (though I'm fairly sure that's the only way they are winning any anyhow).
Nothing oppressive about white males working hard and getting ahead as a result except to those that don't want to work and need someone to blame for their laziness.

Unless they are working hard by stepping on every minority out there which is the definition of oppressive white male.
The Trump effect will be to get people out there voting who always believed voting didn't matter. I bet it matters to them now. Republicans might never win another presidency without gerrymandering (though I'm fairly sure that's the only way they are winning any anyhow).

Gerrymandering, even the kind that creates majority minority districts, doesn't have anything to do with electoral votes other than possible in Nebraska and Maine. 48 States and D.C. use winner take all. How a congressional district is divided doesn't matter when the winner of a state's electoral votes are based on a statewide vote.

The more you dumbasses on the left say things like what you said, the more it proves you have little to no understanding of how things works.

As far as gerrymandering is concerned, in those majority minority districts, it's the only way the Reps from those areas can win. That built in advantage goes a long way in helping those that otherwise couldn't get elected HOA President of the government housing complex.
Unless they are working hard by stepping on every minority out there which is the definition of oppressive white male.

Having more to offer in the way of skills isn't stepping on anyone except to those that have very few skills and want someone else to blame.
Yet, it's only white males who can be legally discriminated against via affirmative action.

People like Gotcha don't have a problem with race being used to benefit minorities. However, let race be used to deny and he'd be the first one to say using race was wrong.
Ditto ....

Really ... any one of them could Fuck a Porn Star and "cum" home to their significant other and Fuck them? :laugh: ... and still get Cheers from their Supporters?

Yea Right ... :rofl2:

Bill Clinton, our first black president.

to be serious though, just look at the NFL.
he didn't have REAL scandals

and no his people would not have kept backing him if he had trump like scandals

that is for moraless right wingers

Sure you would, you did for bubba clinton.... hell the democrat party is chock full of forgiveness for deviant behavior.

studds, clinton, kennedy, etc.
Heheheh, that's hilarious. We don't whine, honey. We march, we organize, we register folks to vote... and most of all, we have progress on our side. The history of humankind has always been one of progress, despite a few blips here and there like the Dark Ages, the Inquisition, and the Trump Administration. Just as the Dark Ages were eventually followed by the Renaissance, so too will the brief but ugly Trump Era be followed by a restoration of America and the ideals that have made us great -- Equality. Freedom. Peace. Prosperity. Not just for white males, but for everyone who desires these things.

You believe and push social justice. You believe and push economic justice. You believe in economic equality.

None of these things have a thing to do with liberty. They are all the polar opposites of liberty.

And you have been defeated.

You've left a trail of bloodshed, poverty and despair wherever you go and whatever you touch. You are no different than your communist forbearers.

Millions of unborn children slaughtered, broken homes, enormous dependency on government.

And you continue to lie through your teeth to the female youth of this country.
You deplorables are getting replaced through the natural process of DNA ... soon that Pure Race will be a thing of the past and replaced with Loving Tolerant Human Beings.

RIP ... no, let me change that, GO TO HELL.

What amuses me is this claim by lefties that whites are the only racists on earth.

Suggest cross breeding should be performed on any other race to eliminate racism and watch these disgraces have a complete meltdown
I sat in a theater last night and listened to Jane Elliot speak about racism. At one point she asked the audience (predominantly white) whether they believed racism was better or worse today than before. Most of the audience said it was better. Then she asked how many white people in the audience would be willing to spend the day as a black person even if you knew you could go back to being white tomorrow? Not a single person raised their hand. She said that means you know racism hasn't gotten any better and you want no part of it.

How many white men on here would be willing to change their skin color for a day and go about their day to day activities? Be honest.
Gerrymandering, even the kind that creates majority minority districts, doesn't have anything to do with electoral votes other than possible in Nebraska and Maine. 48 States and D.C. use winner take all. How a congressional district is divided doesn't matter when the winner of a state's electoral votes are based on a statewide vote.

The more you dumbasses on the left say things like what you said, the more it proves you have little to no understanding of how things works.

As far as gerrymandering is concerned, in those majority minority districts, it's the only way the Reps from those areas can win. That built in advantage goes a long way in helping those that otherwise couldn't get elected HOA President of the government housing complex.

If you control the state, as in being Red or Blue, then chances are the state will go that way in an election so gerrymandering does matter when it comes to the presidential election as blue states tend to vote blue and red vote red (generally).

If you can't win without gerrymandering then maybe you shouldn't win.
Name One (1) Black Man or Woman on this Planet who could survive just One (1) of Donald Trump's scandals?

No Excuses Please, just provide a Name.


Aside from the scandals, no black man or woman could have ever been nominated or been allowed near the oval office if they were as inarticulate, dim witted, arrogant, vindictive, promiscuous and unfaithful as our Orange Hog.