White Supremacists With a Weapon's Cache--Say It Isn't So!

Yes, I claim that criminal racist separatists are not the Republican base.

I still say you take away the word "criminal" and I don't think you have much of an argument! All they are doing is acting on their belief; the rest of these teabaggers would love to but they are afraid to do more than carry their assault rifles openly in any town from Houston to Portland and try to raise hell and intimidate the attendees and others at town halls all over the country. And any of their rallies were certainly punctuated by racist imagery, open carry demonstrations, and other indications of where they stood on taxation. I don't know of any segment of the Democratic Party that includes contingents of Black people deliberately walking around the nations cities sporting AK47s. You can try to put some distance between these wild-eyed Republicans who were willing to take action in support of their twisted no tax ideology and the rest of the Republicans but the basic beliefs are similar; the only difference is the lengths they are willing to go to attain their goals, but the goals themselves are certainly the same.
they were all saying the same shit the tea baggers say

too much taxes and don't take our guns.

do you claim they are not your base?
Do YOU want to be taxed more? I have a solution for that!
1) Sit down, go through your finances and figure out how much more taxes you can afford to pay.
2) Get your check book, a #10 business size envelope, a stamp and a pen(the IRS will NOT accept ANY form of correspondence written in crayon).At this point I usually pour myself a stiff single malt scotch, but as you seem to be looking forward to this, I suggest a big root beer float with sprinkles and a rainbow colored straw. Put it in your favorite mug, you know, the one with the unicorn on it?
3) Take the amount from line 1(sound familiar?)and enter it on a check made out to "the U.S. Treasury"(trust me on this, I have to do this every April 15. I tried making the check out to "The Infernal Revenue Disservice" one year. They didn't like it too much).
4) Put the check in the envelope(a personal note telling them what a good job they're doing is always appreciated:rofl2:seriously though, I wouldn't know, I don't think ANYONE has ever done that before)
5) I believe you reside in the People's Republic of California, address the envelope thusly:
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service Center
Fresno, CA 93888-0099 (don't forget the stamp).
As to the gun issue, this requires that you exhibit even LESS brain power and regard for your personal welfare. Just walk up to the door of someone you know that owns a gun. Knock on the door and say, "I demand that you relinquish your firearms to the local constabulary in the name of social order and discipline!" It all starts with you, desh! Out of the tiny acorn grows the mighty oak!
I still say you take away the word "criminal" and I don't think you have much of an argument! All they are doing is acting on their belief; the rest of these teabaggers would love to but they are afraid to do more than carry their assault rifles openly in any town from Houston to Portland and try to raise hell and intimidate the attendees and others at town halls all over the country. And any of their rallies were certainly punctuated by racist imagery, open carry demonstrations, and other indications of where they stood on taxation. I don't know of any segment of the Democratic Party that includes contingents of Black people deliberately walking around the nations cities sporting AK47s. You can try to put some distance between these wild-eyed Republicans who were willing to take action in support of their twisted no tax ideology and the rest of the Republicans but the basic beliefs are similar; the only difference is the lengths they are willing to go to attain their goals, but the goals themselves are certainly the same.

So racial separatists who are willing to kill are the base? Ok. At the few Republican esque meetings I've ever attended I've heard many a people say "I'll shoot a mother fvcker in a minute if they don't lower taxes right now". Drug and gang killings have nothing on the number of deaths in the U.S. by people who want lower taxes just popping caps in people's asses.
I don't know of any segment of the Democratic Party that includes contingents of Black people deliberately walking around the nations cities sporting AK47s.

I always love this line. It's the equivalent of RazorX posting some article on the worst black or Hispanic gang banger out there who has murdered multiple people claiming him to be the Democratic base.

Cawacko, I would love it if the Repubs weren't controlled by the white supremacists in their party. We need a lot more people like you to take your party back.

But the policies of the Repubs have been increasingly racist and sexist; we can only assume they are pandering to this element of the party.

Please, do prove us wrong.
Huh, I never knew the Black Panthers were Democrats. Then again, maybe that's because they weren't.

But blindly lumping these supremacist guys in with all Republicans is wrong to do as well. With so many people identifying themselves as Republicans spouting racist stuff during events such as the Trayvon Martin case I can see why it might be tempting, but that doesn't make it ok.
Cawacko, I would love it if the Repubs weren't controlled by the white supremacists in their party. We need a lot more people like you to take your party back.

But the policies of the Repubs have been increasingly racist and sexist; we can only assume they are pandering to this element of the party.

Please, do prove us wrong.

tk, white separatists are an extremely small minority of people in America. To claim they are the base of the Republican Party and that they somehow drive policy is ridiculous to me.
Haha. I almost posted that too. The Black Panthers still get referenced quite a bit out here in Oakland where they were founded.

Those don't look like AK47s to me! And the Black Panthers weren't "gang bangers" either! And they didn't go around shooting other black people over drug turf or engage in gang wars. But when you are reduced to pulling shit out of your ass I guess any shit will do no matter how irrelevant to the original discussion!
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Do YOU want to be taxed more? I have a solution for that!
1) Sit down, go through your finances and figure out how much more taxes you can afford to pay.
2) Get your check book, a #10 business size envelope, a stamp and a pen(the IRS will NOT accept ANY form of correspondence written in crayon).At this point I usually pour myself a stiff single malt scotch, but as you seem to be looking forward to this, I suggest a big root beer float with sprinkles and a rainbow colored straw. Put it in your favorite mug, you know, the one with the unicorn on it?
3) Take the amount from line 1(sound familiar?)and enter it on a check made out to "the U.S. Treasury"(trust me on this, I have to do this every April 15. I tried making the check out to "The Infernal Revenue Disservice" one year. They didn't like it too much).
4) Put the check in the envelope(a personal note telling them what a good job they're doing is always appreciated:rofl2:seriously though, I wouldn't know, I don't think ANYONE has ever done that before)
5) I believe you reside in the People's Republic of California, address the envelope thusly:
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service Center
Fresno, CA 93888-0099 (don't forget the stamp).
As to the gun issue, this requires that you exhibit even LESS brain power and regard for your personal welfare. Just walk up to the door of someone you know that owns a gun. Knock on the door and say, "I demand that you relinquish your firearms to the local constabulary in the name of social order and discipline!" It all starts with you, desh! Out of the tiny acorn grows the mighty oak!

Could you be anymore patronizing"

You live in a country whose government, government regulations, interstate highway system, education system. state and local governments and the police and fire departments in those jurisdictions have made it possible for you to amass whatever it is that you think the government is coming to take away from you. Under the rules that you agree to be staying in this country, remember if you don't like it here you can always leave. For instance you could migrate to Mexico which actually has the highest inequality; instead of America which only has the second highest inequality, in the world. Or you can pay your taxes to live in what so many mistakenly call the "greatest" country in the world. If you stay; you have to pay. If your taxes go up then make more money or leave. That is what the right wingers here keep telling me, if I don't like it here I can leave, no one is forcing me to stay here and no one is forcing you to stay in America. It's really that simple. Our infrastructure is collapsing all around us: over 87,000 bridges in America have been deemed unsafe, college tuition has gone through the roof, students need tens of thousands of dollars in student loans to complete their degrees, part time jobs don't pay enough to cover the cost of books let alone tuition, K-12 schools are closing all over the country as municipalities are forced to cut costs, and state and local governments cannot make ends meet while idiots like you claim that taxes are too high. Pay up or move!
Who are the "white supremacists" in the GOP?

Let's not forget Thomas Jefferson was a white supremacist who owned over 1,000 slaves and believed distinctly in their general inferiority to white people, and of the first 16 presidential elections from 1788 to 1848, all but 4 placed a Southern slaveholder in the White House! And as Jefferson wrote in Notes on the State of Virginia he was especially troubled by their odor and the fact that their skin color made it extremely hard to tell what they were thinking because they didn't show embarrassment of other emotions like white people did. There was of course more but those are just off the top of my head, I read it several years ago now. But I remember being generally dismayed with his attitude even though it probably wasn't the worst for that period!
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Let's not forget Thomas Jefferson and was a white supremacist who owned over 1,000 slaves and believed distinctly in their general inferiority to white people, and of the first 16 presidential elections from 1788 to 1848, all but 4 placed a Southern slaveholder in the White House! And as Jefferson wrote in Notes on the State of Virginia he was especially troubled by their odor and the fact that their skin color made it extremely hard to tell what they were thinking because they didn't show embarrassment of other emotions like white people did. There was of course more but those are just off the top of my head, I read it several years ago now. But I remember being generally dismayed with his attitude even though it probably wasn't the worst for that period!
Thomas Jefferson? The father of the democratic party? THAT Thomas Jefferson?
And couldn't you think of someone a little more recent? Like maybe Strom Thurmond? Oh wait, he started out as a dem, and had a daughter with his black maid. Dang, you can't catch a break!
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Thomas Jefferson? The father of the democratic party? THAT Thomas Jefferson?

Funny when you quote him and you write Democratic Party with small letters and then write "that" in all caps, not to mention most of your teabagger comments, you don't really strike me as a Democrat. I wonder why you would have this racist as a person you feel is worth quoting. I guess you really don't believe he was in any way representative of today's Democrats do you? Of course you don't! You wouldn't quote him if you did! Not only that but he was mostly sexist too since he never acknowledged the multiple children he had by his slave mistress. Sally Hemings either! A real model of democracy and freedom and "all men are created equal." Yeah, that's the hypocrite. The one you are quoting!
Those don't look like AK47s to me! And the Black Panthers weren't "gang bangers" either! And they didn't go around shooting other black people over drug turf or engage in gang wars. But when you are reduced to pulling shit out of your ass I guess any shit will do no matter how irrelevant to the original discussion!

You wouldn't know a thing about guns so what they "look like" to you is meaningless in the extreme.