White Supremacists With a Weapon's Cache--Say It Isn't So!

Could you be anymore patronizing"

You live in a country whose government, government regulations, interstate highway system, education system. state and local governments and the police and fire departments in those jurisdictions have made it possible for you to amass whatever it is that you think the government is coming to take away from you. Under the rules that you agree to be staying in this country, remember if you don't like it here you can always leave. For instance you could migrate to Mexico which actually has the highest inequality; instead of America which only has the second highest inequality, in the world. Or you can pay your taxes to live in what so many mistakenly call the "greatest" country in the world. If you stay; you have to pay. If your taxes go up then make more money or leave. That is what the right wingers here keep telling me, if I don't like it here I can leave, no one is forcing me to stay here and no one is forcing you to stay in America. It's really that simple. Our infrastructure is collapsing all around us: over 87,000 bridges in America have been deemed unsafe, college tuition has gone through the roof, students need tens of thousands of dollars in student loans to complete their degrees, part time jobs don't pay enough to cover the cost of books let alone tuition, K-12 schools are closing all over the country as municipalities are forced to cut costs, and state and local governments cannot make ends meet while idiots like you claim that taxes are too high. Pay up or move!
Yes, I could be more patronizing, but do you really want me to? And most of those problems you want to throw money at? They are addressed by state and local taxes, and I don't care if people can't pay their dang college tuition(except for veterans). Your 87K unsafe bridges? I pay almost 7 bucks per tank of gas in fed and state taxes, what the hell are they using that money for? I don't mind paying taxes, I am a net consumer of tax dollars by way of a military pension and now a job with the state, in a few years I shall retire and collect another pension from the state, and a few years after that social security. In fact, after I retire, I'll be making more money sitting on my well toned muscular ass than when I was working(By the way, that would be a good time to MEANS TEST my income and see if they could trim a few hundred bucks off my social security). I reiterate, I don't mind paying taxes, I mind how my tax dollars are spent, and I am TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY!(See what I did there? TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY, T.E.A.! that's the motto of the Tea Party!)
Yes, I could be more patronizing, but do you really want me to? And most of those problems you want to throw money at? They are addressed by state and local taxes, and I don't care if people can't pay their dang college tuition(except for veterans). Your 87K unsafe bridges? I pay almost 7 bucks per tank of gas in fed and state taxes, what the hell are they using that money for? I don't mind paying taxes, I am a net consumer of tax dollars by way of a military pension and now a job with the state, in a few years I shall retire and collect another pension from the state, and a few years after that social security. In fact, after I retire, I'll be making more money sitting on my well toned muscular ass than when I was working(By the way, that would be a good time to MEANS TEST my income and see if they could trim a few hundred bucks off my social security). I reiterate, I don't mind paying taxes, I mind how my tax dollars are spent, and I am TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY!(See what I did there? TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY, T.E.A.! that's the motto of the Tea Party!)

And just who do you think it is going to be paying all those government pensions that you are hoping to collect when the people coming after you decide they are "TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY!(See what I did there? TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY, T.E.A.! that's the motto of the Tea Party!)" and decide to stop paying your pensions! You know like you are trying to do now! So many of you idiots are on the same program, you plan on being on the government teat the rest of your lives but you don't want to pay in taxes. If everyone takes up your ignorant motto and position you're gonna be fucked.

The largest school massacre in American history occurred in Bath Township, Michigan in 1927. On the morning of May 18, Andrew Keho, the treasurer of the Bath Consolidated School, battered his wife to death and then set fire to his farm. As fire trucks arrived to put out the flames, an explosion went off in the north wing of the school building. A witness said, “After the first shock I thought for a moment I was blind. When it came the air seemed to be full of children and flying desks and books. Children were tossed high in the air; some were catapulted out of the building.” Kehoe had been planning the slaughter for months, slowly secreting dynamite and pyrotol in the basement. As rescuers rushed to the site, Kehoe drove up in his car, stopped and detonated another bomb hidden in his shrapnel-filled vehicle. In total, he killed 38 children, two teachers and four adults. Kehoe’s motive? He said that the local taxes were too high.

"TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY!(See what I did there? TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY, T.E.A.! that's the motto of the Tea Party!)"

Compliments of another no tax hypocritical idiot who plans on being on the government dole the rest of his life. It doesn't get any more irrational than that !
Funny when you quote him and you write Democratic Party with small letters and then write "that" in all caps, not to mention most of your teabagger comments, you don't really strike me as a Democrat. I wonder why you would have this racist as a person you feel is worth quoting. I guess you really don't believe he was in any way representative of today's Democrats do you? Of course you don't! You wouldn't quote him if you did! Not only that but he was mostly sexist too since he never acknowledged the multiple children he had by his slave mistress. Sally Hemings either! A real model of democracy and freedom and "all men are created equal." Yeah, that's the hypocrite. The one you are quoting!
That was a nice catch! Except I don't care. He was a founding father and said many great things. Did you know that he thought a walk in the woods with a gun was one of the most therapeutic things a man could do? I find that early democrats had a lot going for them(and NO! I'm not talking about the slavery and racism). Hell, I WAS a democrat until carter came along and you all went bat-shit crazy. And if you were to call him a racist or a sexist, you would have to explain to him what those things were.
Why that's quite the insight bijou! Thank you for your kindness in sharing. However you unfortunately miss what was being discussed. Desh was talking about the base voters of the two major party's. Criminal white separatists are no more the base of the Republican Party than criminal gang bangers are the base of the Democratic Party.

this is who the base of your party is.

FACT adverse

willing to stop at nothing.

"second amendment remedies" to not winning elections?

Willing to CHEAT in a democracy to win.

why is it its Dems who get shot in the head and NOT republicans?

why is it dems who get their gas lines CUT and not republicans?
Yes, I could be more patronizing, but do you really want me to? And most of those problems you want to throw money at? They are addressed by state and local taxes, and I don't care if people can't pay their dang college tuition(except for veterans). Your 87K unsafe bridges? I pay almost 7 bucks per tank of gas in fed and state taxes, what the hell are they using that money for? I don't mind paying taxes, I am a net consumer of tax dollars by way of a military pension and now a job with the state, in a few years I shall retire and collect another pension from the state, and a few years after that social security. In fact, after I retire, I'll be making more money sitting on my well toned muscular ass than when I was working(By the way, that would be a good time to MEANS TEST my income and see if they could trim a few hundred bucks off my social security). I reiterate, I don't mind paying taxes, I mind how my tax dollars are spent, and I am TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY!(See what I did there? TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY, T.E.A.! that's the motto of the Tea Party!)

I had to read this twice. Apparently you've let the govt. take care of you all your working life but you bitch about someone getting food stamps, etc.

Why didn't you take a job in the private sector, not as secure as a tenured government job?
Is someone comparing this criminally ignorant and malicious family to law-abiding gun owners?
Those don't look like AK47s to me! And the Black Panthers weren't "gang bangers" either! And they didn't go around shooting other black people over drug turf or engage in gang wars. But when you are reduced to pulling shit out of your ass I guess any shit will do no matter how irrelevant to the original discussion!

Actually Ms. Big Money the picture answered the question you asked. And you clearly aren't real familiar with the Black Panthers history.
"TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY!(See what I did there? TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY, T.E.A.! that's the motto of the Tea Party!)"

Compliments of another no tax hypocritical idiot who plans on being on the government dole the rest of his life. It doesn't get any more irrational than that !
Have you signed up for obamacare yet?(oops! sorry! I forgot that pretty much NOBODY has)Because it sounds like you have a learning disability and just maybe obamacare will cover your treatment. For the umpteenth time, I said I am "TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY!" How is your twisted little brain translating that into "NO TAX"? You're a perfect example of a low information, low education voter that is turning this country into another failed socialist banana republic.
I had to read this twice. Apparently you've let the govt. take care of you all your working life but you bitch about someone getting food stamps, etc.

Why didn't you take a job in the private sector, not as secure as a tenured government job?
I had 2 private sector jobs after the military, then I was INVITED by the state to teach. When I was in the military, I made less than the folks that clean the crappers in the senate building. My medical care...well, let's just say you in the civilian world are about to get a taste of it. And I took a $4 an hour pay CUT to teach(along with a potentially very lucrative 401k), also I am now paying 3% of my salary toward my retirement. I mentioned that I would be making more (with social security factored in)as a retiree than when I was working, and I would be willing to be means tested against some formula to possibly reduce my social security. Where did I ever say anything about food stamps? But now that YOU mentioned it, what's wrong with time limits on these programs, along with the intensive education of our young people on subjects such as "you can't continue to pump out babies when you're single, unemployed and have quit school and expect Americans that have made the RIGHT choices to pay your bills 101". And with that, I think we can declare that this thread has been thoroughly hijacked. I apologize.