White Votes Matter (more)


Verified User
Why you might ask? It is quite simplistic in nature. There are more white people working than any other race. I have a fearless dedication to reason and truth. Be careful America, minorities latch onto power like the Eunuch Mandarins' of the Forbidden City (D.C.). Don't believe me yet? Well, Bathhouse Barry has left the oval office and is still making speeches while white people are being forced to sit in the back of the bus (or in my recent case, train).
Why you might ask? It is quite simplistic in nature. There are more white people working than any other race. I have a fearless dedication to reason and truth. Be careful America, minorities latch onto power like the Eunuch Mandarins' of the Forbidden City (D.C.). Don't believe me yet? Well, Bathhouse Barry has left the oval office and is still making speeches while white people are being forced to sit in the back of the bus (or in my recent case, train).

Oh look. It's another little snowflake all butthurt because ppl of color have the same rights he/she/it has.... and use them.

Glad to add one more lil racist prick to my Wall of Ignore. Getting crowded up there.
Why you might ask? It is quite simplistic in nature. There are more white people working than any other race. I have a fearless dedication to reason and truth. Be careful America, minorities latch onto power like the Eunuch Mandarins' of the Forbidden City (D.C.). Don't believe me yet? Well, Bathhouse Barry has left the oval office and is still making speeches while white people are being forced to sit in the back of the bus (or in my recent case, train).

Ding! Cuckoo! Ding! Cuckoo! Ding! Cuckoo! Ding! Cuckoo! Ding! Cuckoo! Ding! Cuckoo! Ding! Cuckoo!
Oh look. It's another little snowflake all butthurt because ppl of color have the same rights he/she/it has.... and use them.

Glad to add one more lil racist prick to my Wall of Ignore. Getting crowded up there.

That was mighty white of ya to refer to me as a snowflake. LMFAO.

I rode the train from Chitcago AKA little africa, home to NW Indiana and not one single black person offered to move so I could sit. What the Hell?
Why you might ask? It is quite simplistic in nature. There are more white people working than any other race. I have a fearless dedication to reason and truth. Be careful America, minorities latch onto power like the Eunuch Mandarins' of the Forbidden City (D.C.). Don't believe me yet? Well, Bathhouse Barry has left the oval office and is still making speeches while white people are being forced to sit in the back of the bus (or in my recent case, train).

Do you have photos of Obama ever walking into a bathhouse?
Poor poor, snowflake. A member of the white group that has an overwhelming lead in the number of congressmen. All the senators. Almost all the judges. Vast majority of police. Look at the color of Trumps cabinet. What ?one black president in history and you feel cheated? Ever compare the health access for blacks opposed to whites? How about job opportunities? Hows the blackschools system compared to snowflake high? Born with huge advanateages because of your color. What an uninformed bigoted baby. Back of the bus. What crap.
This is the lamest of this trolls crap. Man does this twerp like to post early, last one I recall might of been 3:00 in the morning.
Oh look. It's another little snowflake all butthurt because ppl of color have the same rights he/she/it has.... and use them.

Glad to add one more lil racist prick to my Wall of Ignore. Getting crowded up there.

Wish I knew where they're all oozing in from, maybe Stormfront.
Lol, thanks. I try to use things that show trump in the worst light. :D
I don’t get to see them, some of the sig lines are obnoxious, so I turn them off. The same with avatars, they got obnoxious one time, I turned them off and haven’t turned them back on.
That was mighty white of ya to refer to me as a snowflake. LMFAO.

I rode the train... (content omitted)... and not one single black person offered to move so I could sit. What the Hell?

Did you ask anyone to make space for you? I've found people on the train and other public transit do subtle things to discourage strangers from taking the seat next to them. It's not a race thing. People do that. And 99% of the time if you politely ask someone to move their backpack so you can get a seat they will.
Why does this place get so many of these attention whore trolls? Could they be more blatantly obvious? I just can't tell if it's someone trying to play an act to mock a certain race, or lifestyle, or if it's the type just trying to be a little prick about every thing for a high.
Why does this place get so many of these attention whore trolls? Could they be more blatantly obvious? I just can't tell if it's someone trying to play an act to mock a certain race, or lifestyle, or if it's the type just trying to be a little prick about every thing for a high.

Kinda like you and a few others who created "socks" to troll on a previous forum? Was that one of your "highs"?
Why does this place get so many of these attention whore trolls? Could they be more blatantly obvious? I just can't tell if it's someone trying to play an act to mock a certain race, or lifestyle, or if it's the type just trying to be a little prick about every thing for a high.
Because it's lightly moderated. P re tty much anything goes.
Why you might ask? It is quite simplistic in nature. There are more white people working than any other race. I have a fearless dedication to reason and truth. Be careful America, minorities latch onto power like the Eunuch Mandarins' of the Forbidden City (D.C.). Don't believe me yet? Well, Bathhouse Barry has left the oval office and is still making speeches while white people are being forced to sit in the back of the bus (or in my recent case, train).

dear fucking idiot racist,

you want everyone to hate non white people and the white people who are not fucking racists

unfortunately for you the reality is racists are the most hated people on the planet.

yeap YOU

the world hates you

the world will always hate your stupid fucking racist ass

suck rat sperm from the dead rats in the sewer.

everyone hates YOU

fuck you very much