White Votes Matter (more)

Why does this place get so many of these attention whore trolls? Could they be more blatantly obvious? I just can't tell if it's someone trying to play an act to mock a certain race, or lifestyle, or if it's the type just trying to be a little prick about every thing for a high.

its a real racist

the republican party is full of them

all the sites have many of them unless they are too heavily moded

I prefer to actaully be able to see them be themselves so I cant tell them just how much the world hates their dumb sociopaathic asses
That was mighty white of ya to refer to me as a snowflake. LMFAO.

I rode the train from Chitcago AKA little africa, home to NW Indiana and not one single black person offered to move so I could sit. What the Hell?

they hate you like the rest of the world does you dumb fucking sociopathic racist
Did you ask anyone to make space for you? I've found people on the train and other public transit do subtle things to discourage strangers from taking the seat next to them. It's not a race thing. People do that. And 99% of the time if you politely ask someone to move their backpack so you can get a seat they will.

great point

when you treat other humans like a person who deserves respect you often get it right back
Did you ask anyone to make space for you? I've found people on the train and other public transit do subtle things to discourage strangers from taking the seat next to them. It's not a race thing. People do that. And 99% of the time if you politely ask someone to move their backpack so you can get a seat they will.

Sensed your hostility.
Poor poor, snowflake. A member of the white group that has an overwhelming lead in the number of congressmen. All the senators. Almost all the judges. Vast majority of police. Look at the color of Trumps cabinet. What ?one black president in history and you feel cheated? Ever compare the health access for blacks opposed to whites? How about job opportunities? Hows the black school system compared to snowflake high? Born with huge advanateages because of your color. What an uninformed bigoted baby. Back of the bus. What crap.
Spirit of '76

Evolution was never completed. Mankind still comprises many unfit subspecies. The Third World and the people who originated from there are a threat to the future of the evolved races. Race traitors in positions of power are an even worse threat. The inferior races don't have the brains, organization, patience, or dedication to overcome us otherwise; they are wild beasts easy to pick off once the upper-class shields protecting them are disintegrated.

The degenerate born-rich and their boytoys deplore, hate, and fear all other White people. The untamed Blacks are merely a tool of the ruling class turned loose on the majority. We must overthrow the important pieces, and their pawns will know the jungle game is over for them. Whites must bypass the self-destructive savages and concentrate on taking all power away from the tiny elite that makes laws and promotes submissive attitudes against the majority's free will. It will only take 1% of us to overthrow the lawmakers and brainwashers. The rulers are proven cowards and will surrender their self-granted privileges very quickly.
Spirit of '76

Evolution was never completed. Mankind still comprises many unfit subspecies. The Third World and the people who originated from there are a threat to the future of the evolved races. Race traitors in positions of power are an even worse threat. The inferior races don't have the brains, organization, patience, or dedication to overcome us otherwise; they are wild beasts easy to pick off once the upper-class shields protecting them are disintegrated.

The degenerate born-rich and their boytoys deplore, hate, and fear all other White people. The untamed Blacks are merely a tool of the ruling class turned loose on the majority. We must overthrow the important pieces, and their pawns will know the jungle game is over for them. Whites must bypass the self-destructive savages and concentrate on taking all power away from the tiny elite that makes laws and promotes submissive attitudes against the majority's free will. It will only take 1% of us to overthrow the lawmakers and brainwashers. The rulers are proven cowards and will surrender their self-granted privileges very quickly.

Psst -- That's not sage in your crack pipe, dude.
Spirit of '76

Evolution was never completed. Mankind still comprises many unfit subspecies. The Third World and the people who originated from there are a threat to the future of the evolved races. Race traitors in positions of power are an even worse threat. The inferior races don't have the brains, organization, patience, or dedication to overcome us otherwise; they are wild beasts easy to pick off once the upper-class shields protecting them are disintegrated.

The degenerate born-rich and their boytoys deplore, hate, and fear all other White people. The untamed Blacks are merely a tool of the ruling class turned loose on the majority. We must overthrow the important pieces, and their pawns will know the jungle game is over for them. Whites must bypass the self-destructive savages and concentrate on taking all power away from the tiny elite that makes laws and promotes submissive attitudes against the majority's free will. It will only take 1% of us to overthrow the lawmakers and brainwashers. The rulers are proven cowards and will surrender their self-granted privileges very quickly.

WTF man?! Please tell me that's just an excerpt from some shitty blog, or something. The only thing that separates them, from the way others have come along is environmental needs, and conquest. Africans stayed put more, and didn't venture into conquest like the European whites, that couldn't help but put their mitts on everything possible. There is no such thing as a superior race, gender, or anything. It's all ego drivel. It's no surprise that many of the fastest people, are black, or African. It's once again environment. Environmental effects are differences that people take too egotistically, and have declared as race. I'm Dutch, and Dutch are said to be the tallest nationality. It doesn't make them superior.
WTF man?! Please tell me that's just an excerpt from some shitty blog, or something. The only thing that separates them, from the way others have come along is environmental needs, and conquest. Africans stayed put more, and didn't venture into conquest like the European whites, that couldn't help but put their mitts on everything possible. There is no such thing as a superior race, gender, or anything. It's all ego drivel. It's no surprise that many of the fastest people, are black, or African. It's once again environment. Environmental effects are differences that people take too egotistically, and have declared as race. I'm Dutch, and Dutch are said to be the tallest nationality. It doesn't make them superior.

A book called Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond makes the case, very convincingly that white Europeans rose to dominate much of the word because of the domesticable plants and animals available to them. It had everything to do with the circumstances of their geography and nothing to do with anything innate about the people. But I doubt people like "The Sage" read books

A book called Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond makes the case, very convincingly that white Europeans rose to dominate much of the word because of the domesticable plants and animals available to them. It had everything to do with the circumstances of their geography and nothing to do with anything innate about the people. But I doubt people like "The Sage" read books

