The Sage of Main Street
Verified User
WTF man?! Please tell me that's just an excerpt from some shitty blog, or something. The only thing that separates them, from the way others have come along is environmental needs, and conquest. Africans stayed put more, and didn't venture into conquest like the European whites, that couldn't help but put their mitts on everything possible. There is no such thing as a superior race, gender, or anything. It's all ego drivel. It's no surprise that many of the fastest people, are black, or African. It's once again environment. Environmental effects are differences that people take too egotistically, and have declared as race. I'm Dutch, and Dutch are said to be the tallest nationality. It doesn't make them superior.
Decade After Decadent Decade, Generation After Degenerate Generation
Privileged, entitled, and empowered race traitors want to humiliate the rest of us because of their own spoiled and sheltered inferiority. They know that the only thing preventing their downfall is the sense of inferiority they drum into us. No rational person can believe the races are equal; the logical conclusion is that some races reached their evolutionary expiration date back in the Stone Age and only survive because the Survival of the Fittest takes longer than the academic theories tell us. One reason is that it's blocked when an inferior ruling class drags its race off the path forward to where it belongs.
The born-rich deplore, hate, and fear all other White people. Don't be tricked into believing what they preach about our history. They want to bring us into New Age sewage. Only by destroying class pride will we get our racial pride back. The fact that you can defend their lies without hesitation, as if it is the self-evident truth, shows how much we've lost our way.