Melchizedek = Michael
Verified User
Do you support the coward's call for violence?
I have no idea what Dutch writes, I have him on ignore !
He's a baiter! A Master baiter
Do you support the coward's call for violence?
^^^I have no idea what Dutch writes, I have him on ignore !
He's a baiter! A Master baiter
Where do the cops need to gather to blow them away?
How am I violent, liar? Answer my question. Why do you call for violence when there is none, coward?
You call for violence, yet say I, who calls for no violence, falls under the Red flag laws? You are a raging idiot.
There will probably be no attacks. All the hardcore militia WSEs are either in prison or on the run. The rest have faded into the woodwork and claimed they were never in a militia. Stone is like that.there will be no attacks.
we have faith in the system.
There will probably be no attacks. All the hardcore militia WSEs are either in prison or on the run. The rest have faded into the woodwork and claimed they were never in a militia. Stone is like that.
We? You speak for all the White Supremacist Jew-hating racists, Fredo? AsSpecial AgentSTY approached you about delivering a package for him?
there will be no attacks.
we have faith in the system.
I'm a double agent for jesus.
...who drives a Ryder van to a Federal building?
My advice is to never deliver any packages for anyone, Fredo.![]()
I'll deliver the message.
Your threat to shoot anyone who takes what's yours is a start, Arbie. I call for violence against violent terrorists, son. The fact you have a problem understanding the difference supports my previous conclusion about your wit and state of mind.
Feel free to report me, Arbie. Let me help you:
You call for violence when none exists, but you're a coward and won't do a damn thing anyway.
Your inane accusations and lies tell all one needs to know about you. You're a lying malcontent.
Feel better, Arbie? I forgive your rants because you are obviously not operating at factory specs anymore. I can't believe that a machinist of your high level of expertise got through life as a semi-literate, emotionally unbalanced dumbass. Ergo, something has happened to you between now and then...and I doubt it was a choice.
Who's "we", Arbie? You, yourself and Irene?Well, we ALL know you're no pilot
Just keep lying, coward...
My signature is singularly focused to piss you off, and it is quite effective.DU have an explanation for your obnoxious sig?
My signature is singularly focused to piss you off, and it is quite effective.
How would you like me to change it?
You apparently can't read. Color me surprised. I asked you a question. The question mark should have been your clue. Rational, honest people usually find no difficulty in offering an answer.I said it is obnoxious,
Incorrect. I don't need to justify my signature, and I have had opportunities all the time prior to your comments. My signature is just one of the countless things I do not need to justify to anyone, and I don't justify any of them unless I really feel motivated to do so.and I gave you an opportunity to justify it, as this is what the Better People do.
Of course you are. Everbody knows it. You might not be the clearest speaker/writer at the children's table, but you more than compensate with your flare for diverse crayon hues in your coloring, including hot magenta, mango tango and your signature "laser lemon".I am better than you are.