You apparently can't read. Color me surprised. I asked you a question. The question mark should have been your clue. Rational, honest people usually find no difficulty in offering an answer.
Incorrect. I don't need to justify my signature, and I have had opportunities all the time prior to your comments. My signature is just one of the countless things I do not need to justify to anyone, and I don't justify any of them unless I really feel motivated to do so.
It really appears that you are trying to play a game of "I am better than you are" because something about my signature threatens you and makes you feel insignificant.
Of course you are. Everbody knows it. You might not be the clearest speaker/writer at the children's table, but you more than compensate with your flare for diverse crayon hues in your coloring, including hot magenta, mango tango and your signature "laser lemon".
I did my best to help you....the rest is up to you.