Who complains more??

Who complains more??

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top talks like a retard

she also acts like a retard. Some assholes doxxed her and had a massive info dump on her up on imgur for 3 years that was being repeatedly posted on other forums.
Out of the kindness of my heart, I personally messaged IMGUR and got the whole dox dump removed in like 2 days. If top was smart or industrious at all, she probably should have been on that. But I digress.

I have nothing personal against top. I just don't think i've ever had a sentient conversation with her.

To answer your question, I think the entire goodreads crew is kinda spazzy. It's hard to pick favorites. Maybe jack is my favorite.

owl is pretty chill. So I think top is more stalker-y and obsessed-y. Perhaps. but i don't really know the two's history to make an educated judgment. Neither do most of the people in this thread, we are all just dicking around. lets not pretend otherwise.
top talks like a retard

she also acts like a retard. Some assholes doxxed her and had a massive info dump on her up on imgur for 3 years that was being repeatedly posted on other forums.
Out of the kindness of my heart, I personally messaged IMGUR and got the whole dox dump removed in like 2 days. If top was smart or industrious at all, she probably should have been on that. But I digress.

I have nothing personal against top. I just don't think i've ever had a sentient conversation with her.

To answer your question, I think the entire goodreads crew is kinda spazzy. It's hard to pick favorites. Maybe jack is my favorite.

owl is pretty chill. So I think top is more stalker-y and obsessed-y. Perhaps. but i don't really know the two's history to make an educated judgment. Neither do most of the people in this thread, we are all just dicking around. lets not pretend otherwise.

Meissen is the most retarded, he is both precious and fragile like German porcelain. Jack can be a dick but is mostly ok. RB60, Sirthinksalot, Controlled Opposition, Tranquillus in Exile and Country Boy are cool for the most part. Joan of Snark can be sometimes but can't keep her nasty bitchy side under control for very long, she's like a Snarla retread.
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A thread created by someone crying out for attention.

By the standards of message boards, I have never observed Owl engaging in undue complaining, I have never seen her whine, or be a crybaby.

In my extensive interactions with Owl, her posts range from domestic politics, foreign policy, science, religion, art, culture, music, pop culture, and a dose of message board banter everyone indulges in. Everyone has the right to respond in kind to insults, obsessions, and bogus innuendo.

This other poster I rarely pay attention to, but she seems to have an unhealthy obession with Owl, and I literally never recall it writing anything interesting, topical, erudite, insightful, entertaining, or funny.
A thread created by someone crying out for attention.

Whoops, that didn't quite work out as planned, did it? lol

By the standards of message boards, I have never observed Owl engaging in undue complaining, I have never seen her whine, or be a crybaby.

Well, thanks. In the interests of truthiness though, I have done my share of bitching about stuff, mostly related to TRE45ON and his merry band of Trumpanzees. Also have I told you about my blister? lol

In my extensive interactions with Owl, her posts range from domestic politics, foreign policy, science, religion, art, culture, music, pop culture, and a dose of message board banter everyone indulges in. Everyone has the right to respond in kind to insults, obsessions, and bogus innuendo.

This other poster I rarely pay attention to, but she seems to have an unhealthy obession with Owl, and I literally never recall it writing anything interesting, topical, erudite, insightful, entertaining, or funny.

The sad creature is quick to join the closest dogpile though. I recall her calling you a "stalker" and "Crypiss" even though you have barely responded to her inane dreck, insulted her, or even given her any attention. Obviously the only knowledge she has about you is either from gossip, or what you have posted since we arrived. Same with Evince, Domer, Frank, BAC, Christie, Phan, etc. If there's a dogpile by Reichwingers guess who you will always find in the middle of it? Pathetic, really.

I did enjoy Grind's comments, above. He needn't wonder about the failure to do anything about the Imgur thing he mentioned that he took care of. Having the dox thing taken down would have destroyed the carefully-crafted Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Perpetual Victimhood's whole schtick. :laugh:
A thread created by someone crying out for attention.

By the standards of message boards, I have never observed Owl engaging in undue complaining, I have never seen her whine, or be a crybaby.

In my extensive interactions with Owl, her posts range from domestic politics, foreign policy, science, religion, art, culture, music, pop culture, and a dose of message board banter everyone indulges in. Everyone has the right to respond in kind to insults, obsessions, and bogus innuendo.

This other poster I rarely pay attention to, but she seems to have an unhealthy obession with Owl, and I literally never recall it writing anything interesting, topical, erudite, insightful, entertaining, or funny.

Yeh but you're the board creep and that's beyond dispute. All the board old timers like myself, Cawacko, Threedee, Grind and Superfreak agree on that. You're a ponsified dilettante who likes to think that they are so sophisticated whilst others, of a different viewpoint, are knuckle scraping primates. You may have fooled the neophytes but we know the truth.
Whoops, that didn't quite work out as planned, did it? lol

Well, thanks. In the interests of truthiness though, I have done my share of bitching about stuff, mostly related to TRE45ON and his merry band of Trumpanzees. Also have I told you about my blister? lol

The sad creature is quick to join the closest dogpile though. I recall her calling you a "stalker" and "Crypiss" even though you have barely responded to her inane dreck, insulted her, or even given her any attention. Obviously the only knowledge she has about you is either from gossip, or what you have posted since we arrived. Same with Evince, Domer, Frank, BAC, Christie, Phan, etc. If there's a dogpile by Reichwingers guess who you will always find in the middle of it? Pathetic, really.

I did enjoy Grind's comments, above. He needn't wonder about the failure to do anything about the Imgur thing he mentioned that he took care of. Having the dox thing taken down would have destroyed the carefully-crafted Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Perpetual Victimhood's whole schtick. :laugh:

I know that you feel vindicated as can be judged by your extensive bragging but he did say we don't know the whole story and we sure as hell won't get that from you or Meissen. If your intellect is so towering and awe inspiring, then why don't you choose the higher ground and stop being so bitchy. You could easily ignore Top but I can't help thinking that you need her to validate yourself. Instead we only ever get the 'yeh but she does it as well' defence.
Here is the translation

I really wish everyone would hate Cypress and wish he were dead, like me and my my boyfriends do!!!!!!!!!

The hate fetishes, death fantasies , gossip, bogus innuendo, and decade-long festering grudges you and your coterie of rightwing boyfriends cling to has no effect on me and is utterly inconsequential.

Your hatred of me and your message board obsession is best addressed by mental health professionals
I know that you feel vindicated as can be judged by your extensive bragging but he did say we don't know the whole story and we sure as hell won't get that from you or Meissen. If your intellect is so towering and awe inspiring, then why don't you choose the higher ground and stop being so bitchy. You could easily ignore Top but I can't help thinking that you need her to validate yourself. Instead we only ever get the 'yeh but she does it as well' defence.

You know nothing of went on before we got here so you might as well butt out right now. If you want to learn who truly is obsessed with whom, you might venture back in time to the fall of 2018. I was away from here for approximately a month. There were but one or two days out of that time period where Toxic did not bring me up on a daily (sometimes several times daily) basis. Other than that, your opinion is noted and filed in the correct receptacle.
Yeh but you're the board creep and that's beyond dispute. All the board old timers like myself, Cawacko, Threedee, Grind and Superfreak agree on that. You're a ponsified dilettante who likes to think that they are so sophisticated whilst others, of a different viewpoint, are knuckle scraping primates. You may have fooled the neophytes but we know the truth.

In other words, he routinely gets out his intelligence and knowledge and beats you over the head with it and you don't like it. So conjuring up lies and slander is the best you can do so we'll all see how smart you are(n't). :laugh:
Whoops, that didn't quite work out as planned, did it? lol

Well, thanks. In the interests of truthiness though, I have done my share of bitching about stuff, mostly related to TRE45ON and his merry band of Trumpanzees. Also have I told you about my blister? lol

The sad creature is quick to join the closest dogpile though. I recall her calling you a "stalker" and "Crypiss" even though you have barely responded to her inane dreck, insulted her, or even given her any attention. Obviously the only knowledge she has about you is either from gossip, or what you have posted since we arrived. Same with Evince, Domer, Frank, BAC, Christie, Phan, etc. If there's a dogpile by Reichwingers guess who you will always find in the middle of it? Pathetic, really.

I did enjoy Grind's comments, above. He needn't wonder about the failure to do anything about the Imgur thing he mentioned that he took care of. Having the dox thing taken down would have destroyed the carefully-crafted Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Perpetual Victimhood's whole schtick. :laugh:

In other words, he routinely gets out his intelligence and knowledge and beats you over the head with it and you don't like it. So conjuring up lies and slander is the best you can do so we'll all see how smart you are(n't). :laugh:

He's a Charlie Manson like character who likes to surround himself with adoring women, you're his Squeaky Fromme.
Whoops, that didn't quite work out as planned, did it? lol

Well, thanks. In the interests of truthiness though, I have done my share of bitching about stuff, mostly related to TRE45ON and his merry band of Trumpanzees. Also have I told you about my blister? lol

The sad creature is quick to join the closest dogpile though. I recall her calling you a "stalker" and "Crypiss" even though you have barely responded to her inane dreck, insulted her, or even given her any attention. Obviously the only knowledge she has about you is either from gossip, or what you have posted since we arrived. Same with Evince, Domer, Frank, BAC, Christie, Phan, etc. If there's a dogpile by Reichwingers guess who you will always find in the middle of it? Pathetic, really.

I did enjoy Grind's comments, above. He needn't wonder about the failure to do anything about the Imgur thing he mentioned that he took care of. Having the dox thing taken down would have destroyed the carefully-crafted Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Perpetual Victimhood's whole schtick. :laugh:

You know nothing of went on before we got here so you might as well butt out right now. If you want to learn who truly is obsessed with whom, you might venture back in time to the fall of 2018. I was away from here for approximately a month. There were but one or two days out of that time period where Toxic did not bring me up on a daily (sometimes several times daily) basis. Other than that, your opinion is noted and filed in the correct receptacle.

No I don't, and more to the point, I couldn't give a fuck. You're always claiming to have a huge intellect, wonderful rich husband and millions in the bank yet somehow this poor pitiful woman obsesses you on almost daily basis, something is just not quite right here.
Damn I'm hurt I didn't even get a dishonorable mention.

He's a Charlie Manson like character who likes to surround himself with adoring women, you're his Squeaky Fromme.
^^ INCEL inspired hate.

On this forum I have been accused of being a Charles Manson, a dangerous sexual predator, a frightening stalker, and it has been claimed that I have multiple court restraining orders filed by several women.

Know who makes these claims?
Yep, that's right. They are made by small coterie of angry teabaggers, rightwing INCEL, rightwing sociopaths.

Feel free to ask any actual female member anything about me. Anything.

I do not give a shit why you are so stressed out about me, or why you continuously stress about what women think about me. Hatred and obsession are going to poison your soul, chap.
No I don't, and more to the point, I couldn't give a fuck. You're always claiming to have a huge intellect, wonderful rich husband and millions in the bank yet somehow this poor pitiful woman obsesses over you on almost daily basis, something is just not quite right here.

You seem to be here daily giving many fucks, given how you follow my posts, assiduously placing groans and childish responses to them. I'm sure you'll show me the posts where I'm "always claiming to have a huge intellect," won't you? As for the rest of that sentence, quite true. He IS a wonderful husband and we are financially well off thanks to his hard work and investing abilities. He hasn't had to live off a woman since he left to go to university.

As for that poor pitiful thing, it IS quite obsessed with me. You're not the only one who's noticed. You should see my inbox. :laugh: