Who complains more??

Who complains more??

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Whoops, that didn't quite work out as planned, did it? lol

Well, thanks. In the interests of truthiness though, I have done my share of bitching about stuff, mostly related to TRE45ON and his merry band of Trumpanzees. Also have I told you about my blister? lol

The sad creature is quick to join the closest dogpile though. I recall her calling you a "stalker" and "Crypiss" even though you have barely responded to her inane dreck, insulted her, or even given her any attention. Obviously the only knowledge she has about you is either from gossip, or what you have posted since we arrived. Same with Evince, Domer, Frank, BAC, Christie, Phan, etc. If there's a dogpile by Reichwingers guess who you will always find in the middle of it? Pathetic, really.

I did enjoy Grind's comments, above. He needn't wonder about the failure to do anything about the Imgur thing he mentioned that he took care of. Having the dox thing taken down would have destroyed the carefully-crafted Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Perpetual Victimhood's whole schtick. :laugh:

Nah. He's not whiny and stalkerish like Earl and USF and sometimes Havana.

You don't know him very well, we do!
how would you like it if usf was in love with you? i'd be pretty gross, right? Cypress acted like a total beta, a total fat, fedora wearing, neckbeard loser. Now normally I would not care, but he portrays himself as this enlightened guy, but he is in fact a total creep. :creepy:

USF? As if. I already have the creepy old clinging Jack crushing on me... one weirdo is enough. I've never seen his or USF's or Earl's or Havana's kind of behavior in Cypress. I can only go by what I've seen and experienced; I prefer that to gossip and innuendo.
You don't know him very well, we do!

I don't know you very well either, nor most of the other ppl here.

Let's see -- 10 years of experience with one mentally-disturbed stalker versus two years of regular-person-said-to-be-a-stalker-but-doesn't-act-like-one... which one do you think you'd believe the worst of? Hint: It is not Cypress.