Who complains more??

Who complains more??

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The rivalry between TOP and Owl is about who is 'Queen of the Henhouse'.
They both had their separate cliques at Amazon and would spend hours dissing each other and doxxing each other.
They would take turns getting each other 'banned', which was the highlight of their day.
It was like a long running Soap Opera, you could tune in at any time and know exactly what was going on.
It seemed to keep the females happy.

My problem (Jack's problem) with Owl is that she acts just like Trump.
She immediately 'name-calls' people (like Trump and his 'Crooked Hillary' or 'Little Marco')
She has become OBSESSED with TOP. She claims to have 'moved on', but not a day goes by that she doesn't reference TOP in some way. (Check out posts here by Owl for confirmation)
Do you see Trump's obsession with the Bidens, well that pales to Owl's OBSESSION with TOP.
Trump has a cold, mean-spirited, dark heart, ... so does Owl. They're like mirror images.
I've mentioned words like 'compassion', 'kindness', 'Brotherhood' (Sisterhood), ... Owl has no concept of what those words mean.
Now, MY theory, and I've stated this before, some have been skeptical, but I think I'm right on this, ... Owl is in fact Kellyanne Conway, sent here to make Blue Team look bad.
I can't see Owl going any where near a Bernie Sanders Rally that preaches 'Brotherhood', what a contradiction.

I view Owl as a secular humanist and would think she would hold herself as a higher caliber human being. She continues to disappoint me. (It's becoming annoying) :(

top talks like a retard

she also acts like a retard. Some assholes doxxed her and had a massive info dump on her up on imgur for 3 years that was being repeatedly posted on other forums.
Out of the kindness of my heart, I personally messaged IMGUR and got the whole dox dump removed in like 2 days. If top was smart or industrious at all, she probably should have been on that. But I digress.

I have nothing personal against top. I just don't think i've ever had a sentient conversation with her.

To answer your question, I think the entire goodreads crew is kinda spazzy. It's hard to pick favorites. Maybe jack is my favorite.

owl is pretty chill. So I think top is more stalker-y and obsessed-y. Perhaps. but i don't really know the two's history to make an educated judgment. Neither do most of the people in this thread, we are all just dicking around. lets not pretend otherwise.
No I don't, and more to the point, I couldn't give a fuck. You're always claiming to have a huge intellect, wonderful rich husband and millions in the bank yet somehow this poor pitiful woman obsesses you on almost daily basis, something is just not quite right here.

I read Owl's posts frequently and I do not recall her ever saying she has a huge intellect or that she sits on a cache of millions of dollars.

You must literally be following her around, reading everything she writes, and actually stress out about it.

I already knew you were a mentally unstable liar and infamous slanderer. But it also sounds like you stalk Owl around, lurk her, and obsess about her.
You know nothing of went on before we got here so you might as well butt out right now. If you want to learn who truly is obsessed with whom, you might venture back in time to the fall of 2018. I was away from here for approximately a month. There were but one or two days out of that time period where Toxic did not bring me up on a daily (sometimes several times daily) basis. Other than that, your opinion is noted and filed in the correct receptacle.

You were never away.
I voted against Owl just to be partisan. Top reminds me of ID and USAloyal, who were both so retarded that they got banned for their flame war antics.
I voted against Owl just to be partisan. Top reminds me of ID and USAloyal, who were both so retarded that they got banned for their flame war antics.

Partisanship has a lot to do with the feud. Owl ran a gang of ultra-liberal women known as "The Coven." TOP was a lone conservative woman, and that's what ground their eye of newt.
Whoops, that didn't quite work out as planned, did it? lol

Well, thanks. In the interests of truthiness though, I have done my share of bitching about stuff, mostly related to TRE45ON and his merry band of Trumpanzees. Also have I told you about my blister? lol

The sad creature is quick to join the closest dogpile though. I recall her calling you a "stalker" and "Crypiss" even though you have barely responded to her inane dreck, insulted her, or even given her any attention. Obviously the only knowledge she has about you is either from gossip, or what you have posted since we arrived. Same with Evince, Domer, Frank, BAC, Christie, Phan, etc. If there's a dogpile by Reichwingers guess who you will always find in the middle of it? Pathetic, really.

I did enjoy Grind's comments, above. He needn't wonder about the failure to do anything about the Imgur thing he mentioned that he took care of. Having the dox thing taken down would have destroyed the carefully-crafted Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Perpetual Victimhood's whole schtick. :laugh:

Partisanship has a lot to do with the feud. Owl ran a gang of ultra-liberal women known as "The Coven." TOP was a lone conservative woman, and that's what ground their eye of newt.

Sounds a lot like the coven run by Queen Bee Snarla on the old Netscape Rate Bush board. They used to attack any woman who was not a Liberal as well. She tried to do the same here with Phantasmal et al, she was eventually run off this board by myself and others. It is truly baffling how women like her call themselves Liberals yet will not tolerate any other women with different views.
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Whoops, that didn't quite work out as planned, did it? lol

Well, thanks. In the interests of truthiness though, I have done my share of bitching about stuff, mostly related to TRE45ON and his merry band of Trumpanzees. Also have I told you about my blister? lol

The sad creature is quick to join the closest dogpile though. I recall her calling you a "stalker" and "Crypiss" even though you have barely responded to her inane dreck, insulted her, or even given her any attention. Obviously the only knowledge she has about you is either from gossip, or what you have posted since we arrived. Same with Evince, Domer, Frank, BAC, Christie, Phan, etc. If there's a dogpile by Reichwingers guess who you will always find in the middle of it? Pathetic, really.

I did enjoy Grind's comments, above. He needn't wonder about the failure to do anything about the Imgur thing he mentioned that he took care of. Having the dox thing taken down would have destroyed the carefully-crafted Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Perpetual Victimhood's whole schtick. :laugh:

What Grind doesn't understand is that TOP's genius is so subtle that only Owl and Mason know that she is insulting them.:thinking:

I call him Meissen as he is both precious, in the perjorative sense, and extremely fragile.
Whoops, that didn't quite work out as planned, did it? lol

Well, thanks. In the interests of truthiness though, I have done my share of bitching about stuff, mostly related to TRE45ON and his merry band of Trumpanzees. Also have I told you about my blister? lol

The sad creature is quick to join the closest dogpile though. I recall her calling you a "stalker" and "Crypiss" even though you have barely responded to her inane dreck, insulted her, or even given her any attention. Obviously the only knowledge she has about you is either from gossip, or what you have posted since we arrived. Same with Evince, Domer, Frank, BAC, Christie, Phan, etc. If there's a dogpile by Reichwingers guess who you will always find in the middle of it? Pathetic, really.

I did enjoy Grind's comments, above. He needn't wonder about the failure to do anything about the Imgur thing he mentioned that he took care of. Having the dox thing taken down would have destroyed the carefully-crafted Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Perpetual Victimhood's whole schtick. :laugh:

I read Owl's posts frequently and I do not recall her ever saying she has a huge intellect or that she sits on a cache of millions of dollars.

You must literally be following her around, reading everything she writes, and actually stress out about it.

I already knew you were a mentally unstable liar and infamous slanderer. But it also sounds like you stalk Owl around, lurk her, and obsess about her.

All JPP old-timers know what a prize cunt you are already. The fact that you don't know of her constant boasting about the current Mr. Owl and his financial genius is hardly surprising.
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Whoops, that didn't quite work out as planned, did it? lol

Well, thanks. In the interests of truthiness though, I have done my share of bitching about stuff, mostly related to TRE45ON and his merry band of Trumpanzees. Also have I told you about my blister? lol

The sad creature is quick to join the closest dogpile though. I recall her calling you a "stalker" and "Crypiss" even though you have barely responded to her inane dreck, insulted her, or even given her any attention. Obviously the only knowledge she has about you is either from gossip, or what you have posted since we arrived. Same with Evince, Domer, Frank, BAC, Christie, Phan, etc. If there's a dogpile by Reichwingers guess who you will always find in the middle of it? Pathetic, really.

I did enjoy Grind's comments, above. He needn't wonder about the failure to do anything about the Imgur thing he mentioned that he took care of. Having the dox thing taken down would have destroyed the carefully-crafted Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Perpetual Victimhood's whole schtick. :laugh:

You seem to be here daily giving many fucks, given how you follow my posts, assiduously placing groans and childish responses to them. I'm sure you'll show me the posts where I'm "always claiming to have a huge intellect," won't you? As for the rest of that sentence, quite true. He IS a wonderful husband and we are financially well off thanks to his hard work and investing abilities. He hasn't had to live off a woman since he left to go to university.

As for that poor pitiful thing, it IS quite obsessed with me. You're not the only one who's noticed. You should see my inbox. :laugh:

I think that Jack is incredibly perceptive with respect to you, you're little different to Snarla, no wonder Dori Duz latched on to you so quickly. You don't like the fact that we are on to you and don't buy your crap, I don't suppose for one moment that Top is a saint either but your spite and vindictiveness is on show most every day. Naturally Crypiss has latched onto you like a vampire squid, that's what he does best!

Oh and I very much doubt that Grind is sincere about you, it's far more likely that he's bored again and wants to chuck a few hand grenades into the snake pit
Partisanship has a lot to do with the feud. Owl ran a gang of ultra-liberal women known as "The Coven." TOP was a lone conservative woman, and that's what ground their eye of newt.

"Lone"? Brunette, ET, Tomcat, Chuck Norris, Eagle, RB, Sheila in NJ, Cherry Sunshine, Bookbubba, et al would be so crushed that you've already forgotten them. lol

In reality it was just the opposite, my dear. When I first arrived at Amazon circa 2009 or 2010, I was wooed and courted by Toxic (then known as TOPICWAQ because that's what she did -- invade discussions and whack/hijack the topic to make it all about herself) to join her team. They already had a nice group of targets: Mina, Susan B., Lisa E., Katherine Pefley, C. Batty, Monica Harris -- all lefty women. There were also a couple of lefty guys they hated, like ZOMG Pink Ponies and Joe Hill. When I said I wasn't interested, that's when the war began. When did you show up there?

I know you specialize in re-writing history in order to fit it with your conspiracy theories, so you go right ahead and continue to believe that poor widdle victim Toxic was a valiant lone figure, standing against the forces of Owl Darkness and Evil. It would make a great Disney flick. :laugh:
Oh and I very much doubt that Grind is sincere about you, it's far more likely that he's bored again and wants to chuck a few hand grenades into the snake pit

No doubt. It's more like a spot of revenge rather than a spirited defense. They get tired of the constant word salad complaints and reports from that quarter. Ask them if you don't believe it!
im sincere about owl! i like owl. Why would I dislike her? I don't automatically hate liberals. I like rana too. As long as someone is somewhat reasonable or at the very least can put politics aside to talk about other stuff, I don't have a problem with them. Don't be salty tom.
cypress is a beta male, do not pay attention to the beta male cuck,who cries about girls on the internet when they don't pay attention to him. pay him no heed.
im sincere about owl! i like owl. Why would I dislike her? I don't automatically hate liberals. I like rana too. As long as someone is somewhat reasonable or at the very least can put politics aside to talk about other stuff, I don't have a problem with them. Don't be salty tom.

Like weed. lol
Nah. He's not whiny and stalkerish like Earl and USF and sometimes Havana.

how would you like it if usf was in love with you? i'd be pretty gross, right? Cypress acted like a total beta, a total fat, fedora wearing, neckbeard loser. Now normally I would not care, but he portrays himself as this enlightened guy, but he is in fact a total creep. :creepy: