Who do JPP posters remind you of?

Scarborough? How could you!


You can't control who you dream about Cypress! believe me I've tried. Like right after I saw that nighmare on elm street movie, and I kept dreaming about Freddy Kruger (not sex dreams though, don't worry). It was horrible. But I couldn't make myself not dream about it.
You can't control who you dream about Cypress! believe me I've tried. Like right after I saw that nighmare on elm street movie, and I kept dreaming about Freddy Kruger (not sex dreams though, don't worry). It was horrible. But I couldn't make myself not dream about it.

It's okay ;) just kidding!

I think I may have had a dream about Michelle Malkin. She's not bad looking, if you put duct tape over her mouth. The moment she starts talking, she doesn't seem attractive at all!
"Did you ever have a sex dream about Joe Scarborough? I did. It was weird because I don't even like Joe Scarborough all that much. And for a couple of weeks I couldn't watch his show because i felt like I actually had had sex with him, but wasn't too happy about it. "

LOL.... uh... no, never had a sex dream about Joe... not exactly my type. :)

"It could have been worse I guess. I could have dreamt I had sex with Tucker Carlson."

Or worse... NEWT... :D

Oh God, that could put me into therapy for two years. ech!
It's okay ;) just kidding!

I think I may have had a dream about Michelle Malkin. She's not bad looking, if you put duct tape over her mouth. The moment she starts talking, she doesn't seem attractive at all!

LOL! She is wayyy worse than Joe Scarborough.
Hmmm... Glenn Beck? Joe Scarborough?.... not too familiar with Beck, the Scarborough I can live with. A fair comparison.

Cypress... I'll let you in on a little secret.... I voted for Salazar.

By the way... if one of the thieves or pedophiles is MY Senator or Rep... they would not get my vote. Regardless of party. But I am NOT going to hold the entire party responsible for the actions of a few. Would you refrain from voting for any Democrat because of Ted Kennedy? or Jeffereson? or Clinton? yeah... didn't think so. ;)


Kudos to you. You really didn't have much choice though, did you? Wasn't he running against that kooky, whacked-out Pete Coors? Of nazi-loving, Coors beer fame? ;)

Kudos to you. You really didn't have much choice though, did you? Wasn't he running against that kooky, whacked-out Pete Coors? Of nazi-loving, Coors beer fame? ;)
Worse. At the State Assembly, Pete Coors actually didn't get enough votes to get on the primary ballot, Bob Shaffer (A former Congressman of mine who had my support and vote) kicked his butt. Instead of collecting signatures they recounted the ballots and suddenly found enough for him to barely make it onto the ballot.

At the next state Assembly there was a system set up to ensure that would never happen again. But it took like 5 times as long to actually vote. I had to show my ID like 6 times. My guy didn't make it on the ballot, and Beauprez lost to Gov Ritter.
huge insult to donna

Cypress yes Alan is good for you with a little college age castro supporter thrown in. I do think Alans way more manly than you.

Duhla, is like Elane on seinfeld
USC is like the outcast dr. on Mash
"Kudos to you. You really didn't have much choice though, did you? Wasn't he running against that kooky, whacked-out Pete Coors?"

yeah... not a hard decision. Although had Shaffer been on the ballot it would have been a tougher call. In the end, I probably would still have voted Salazar as he is a pretty moderate Dem with a work ethic I greatly respect. He is also good at having his staff respond to emails... and not afraid to tell you when he disagrees with you... which I also respect. At this point he would have to screw up bad to lose my vote next time around. Thus far, while we don't see eye to eye on every issue... he still gets my vote.
"Worse. At the State Assembly, Pete Coors actually didn't get enough votes to get on the primary ballot, Bob Shaffer (A former Congressman of mine who had my support and vote) kicked his butt. Instead of collecting signatures they recounted the ballots and suddenly found enough for him to barely make it onto the ballot."

yeah... that was one of the factors that soured me on Coors from the start.
Worse. At the State Assembly, Pete Coors actually didn't get enough votes to get on the primary ballot, Bob Shaffer (A former Congressman of mine who had my support and vote) kicked his butt. Instead of collecting signatures they recounted the ballots and suddenly found enough for him to barely make it onto the ballot.

At the next state Assembly there was a system set up to ensure that would never happen again. But it took like 5 times as long to actually vote. I had to show my ID like 6 times. My guy didn't make it on the ballot, and Beauprez lost to Gov Ritter.

Thanks. I think I saw a Salazar-Coors debate on Cspan. And I was thinking to myself: "Where did the GOP get this Coors guy? Is he the best they can do?"
Thanks. I think I saw a Salazar-Coors debate on Cspan. And I was thinking to myself: "Where did the GOP get this Coors guy? Is he the best they can do?"

Well if Bush was the best of the republican candiates, per the Republicans illogic.
Well if Bush was the best of the republican candiates, per the Republicans illogic.
Coors had the support of the same people who support Bush, as did Beauprez. It is taking some time to get those people to realize that their "help" isn't really "help" anymore.
Coors had the support of the same people who support Bush, as did Beauprez. It is taking some time to get those people to realize that their "help" isn't really "help" anymore.

Yep the Bush "victory " was a big loss for the republicans. And the same crew seems to be pushing Freddy Thompson....
huge insult to donna

Cypress yes Alan is good for you with a little college age castro supporter thrown in. I do think Alans way more manly than you.

Duhla, is like Elane on seinfeld
USC is like the outcast dr. on Mash

Elaine is cool, so that's a pretty lame insult Top.