Who do JPP posters remind you of?

I didn't mean it as an insult I think she's cool too
Intelectual, she's and editor right your an writer.
I think your very smart I just razzz you on the business and economics stuff which undoubtedly is not your fav
I didn't mean it as an insult I think she's cool too
Intelectual, she's and editor right your an writer.
I think your very smart I just razzz you on the business and economics stuff which undoubtedly is not your fav

Well...I will have to bookmark this post!
Hmmm... Glenn Beck? Joe Scarborough?.... not too familiar with Beck, the Scarborough I can live with. A fair comparison.

Cypress... I'll let you in on a little secret.... I voted for Salazar.

By the way... if one of the thieves or pedophiles is MY Senator or Rep... they would not get my vote. Regardless of party. But I am NOT going to hold the entire party responsible for the actions of a few. Would you refrain from voting for any Democrat because of Ted Kennedy? or Jeffereson? or Clinton? yeah... didn't think so. ;)
I think comparrison tp Glenn Beck is an insult. ( He is on CNN- far too often)
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I watched Glen Becks show once. He's a fucking retard he had me yelling at the TV.

I'm glad to see you all find me incomparabe though :)