APP - who do the repugs have that can beat hilary or any dim nominated?

Personally I like gridlock. But don't worry your purty little head there are enough big gibblemebt RINOS to keep feeding the Goliath.
BTW. Many in the left claimed between Trayvin and shutting down the gobblement that the dems were a lock in November. You seem to be singing a different tune
BTW. Many in the left claimed between Trayvin and shutting down the gobblement that the dems were a lock in November. You seem to be singing a different tune

between gerrymandering and other voter suppression tricks, even though the repugs have created a number of 'safe' districts, they cannot last because their base continues to shrink. eventually, they will begin to lose their lock of 'safe' districts, but it will take a while.
between gerrymandering and other voter suppression tricks, even though the repugs have created a number of 'safe' districts, they cannot last because their base continues to shrink. eventually, they will begin to lose their lock of 'safe' districts, but it will take a while.

Thanks for educating me. Here I thought both parties gerrymandered districts, but apparently it is only a GOP tactic. Good to know
Thought this was APP. Anyone could beat HRC if they can stay on message. The present administration is making it easy but staying on message is a real problem. We shall see jf anyone is up to the task.
Thought this was APP. Anyone could beat HRC if they can stay on message. The present administration is making it easy but staying on message is a real problem. We shall see jf anyone is up to the task.

LOL, anybody like Perry, Gingrich, Bachmann, Cain, Karger, Paul, Santorum, or (LOL) (ROFL) Romney?

Whatever dude. The last GOP candidate caused a mass exodus from the GOP, and he was the best you had to offer. How can you be in such denial?

Your party is fading from relevance as fast as Ted Cruz is shutting down the government.
Thanks for educating me. Here I thought both parties gerrymandered districts, but apparently it is only a GOP tactic. Good to know

of course both parties gerrymander, however, the last election resulted in a repug win just when it was time for redrawing districts which gave the repugs a major edge until next time.

however, even with that advantage, the repugs are doomed unless they find a way to broaden their base.

as it stands now, we will continue to elect dim presidents and repug congresses, but not for more much more than 6-8 years, unless the repugs make some major changes which given the current party leadership is not likely.

you still have not addressed who the repugs have that can beat any of the likely dim nominees. assuming that for some reason hillary cannot run

oh well
of course both parties gerrymander, however, the last election resulted in a repug win just when it was time for redrawing districts which gave the repugs a major edge until next time.

however, even with that advantage, the repugs are doomed unless they find a way to broaden their base.

as it stands now, we will continue to elect dim presidents and repug congresses, but not for more much more than 6-8 years, unless the repugs make some major changes which given the current party leadership is not likely.

you still have not addressed who the repugs have that can beat any of the likely dim nominees. assuming that for some reason hillary cannot run

oh well

It is years before the nomination. Lots of things can happen. You have coronated Hillary. Of course, if I had listened to you and your crowd, Hillary would be 6 years into her Presidency right now. So Pardon me if I am not sold that you lefties are sold on Hillary. You dumped her at the altar once, you can do it again once somebody prettier and blacker comes along. Kinda like you did in 2008 ;)
LOL, anybody like Perry, Gingrich, Bachmann, Cain, Karger, Paul, Santorum, or (LOL) (ROFL) Romney?

Whatever dude. The last GOP candidate caused a mass exodus from the GOP, and he was the best you had to offer. How can you be in such denial?

Your party is fading from relevance as fast as Ted Cruz is shutting down the government.

Stay on message. That was the caveat. Its also been absent. Have you not noticed that your party has been shedding support steadily for years ?
It is years before the nomination. Lots of things can happen. You have coronated Hillary. Of course, if I had listened to you and your crowd, Hillary would be 6 years into her Presidency right now. So Pardon me if I am not sold that you lefties are sold on Hillary. You dumped her at the altar once, you can do it again once somebody prettier and blacker comes along. Kinda like you did in 2008 ;)

black males were able to vote before any women. so i supposed that we had to have a black president before we could have a female president.

i supported her then and if she chooses to run in '16 i will support her again. i just do not think that there is a repug potential presidential nominee capable of winning in '16 regardless of who the dims run
black males were able to vote before any women. so i supposed that we had to have a black president before we could have a female president.

i supported her then and if she chooses to run in '16 i will support her again. i just do not think that there is a repug potential presidential nominee capable of winning in '16 regardless of who the dims run

like I said lefties dropped her like a stale piece of bread
if that is true, then how did we win the presidency twice in a row?
Is "stay on message" not a familiar term for you ? GOP has chosen to go off message. Your president cost congress dearly and that is picking up steam and forcing retirements. Overfocusing on one facet benefits the right greatly so I hope many in the left continue to do so. But it is only sounding like whistling past the graveyard.
The republican party has lost more registered voters than the democrats to independents.

There are more registered independents than registered dems or gop. When independent voters were polled whether they lean left or right as of Last month The dems led the gop by 7% total.

Despite recent gains in state elections mostly in the SOUTH, the republican party has lost more of their base to independent and libertarian. The direct cause for that is quite apparent and that is the far right faction <teaparty> and their antics. Ted Cruz thinks hes loved, most of the country thinks hes a stone cold jackass and he isnt going anywhere but where he is, the jackass senator from texas.
All the indications are texas will be a blue state before too long, its strongly headed in that direction.

The teaparty is in decline even though they roar like lions. A good indication of that is Mitch McConnel, the koch pacs and others poured tons of cash into negative ads to bolster thier teaparty choice and McConnel leads in polls from 26% to a whopping 42%. McConnel was supposed to be easy pickins for the teaparty.

We Are Going To Crush Them Everywhere'

Mitch McConnell On Tea Party Challengers: 'We Are Going To Crush Them Everywhere'

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) says he isn't worried about tea party-backed candidates challenging GOP incumbents in this year's midterm elections.

"I think we are going to crush them everywhere," McConnell told the New York Times in an interview published Saturday. "I don't think they are going to have a single nominee anywhere in the country."

McConnell is one of several senators facing tea party opposition in their primary races this spring. McConnell's main opponent is Kentucky businessman Matt Bevin, who has spent the campaign attacking the senator's conservative credentials. As the Associated Press reported last month, McConnell and other GOP incumbents have started to come out aggressively against these candidates, using opposition research to undermine them.

However, polls in the race tell a different story. A survey released last month by GOP firm Wenzel Strategies found McConnell with a 42 point lead over Bevin, while a Bluegrass Poll pinned McConnell's lead at 26 points.

The republican party has lost more registered voters than the democrats to independents.

There are more registered independents than registered dems or gop. When independent voters were polled whether they lean left or right as of Last month The dems led the gop by 7% total.

Despite recent gains in state elections mostly in the SOUTH, the republican party has lost more of their base to independent and libertarian. The direct cause for that is quite apparent and that is the far right faction <teaparty> and their antics. Ted Cruz thinks hes loved, most of the country thinks hes a stone cold jackass and he isnt going anywhere but where he is, the jackass senator from texas.
All the indications are texas will be a blue state before too long, its strongly headed in that direction.

The teaparty is in decline even though they roar like lions. A good indication of that is Mitch McConnel, the koch pacs and others poured tons of cash into negative ads to bolster thier teaparty choice and McConnel leads in polls from 26% to a whopping 42%. McConnel was supposed to be easy pickins for the teaparty.

We Are Going To Crush Them Everywhere'

Mitch McConnell On Tea Party Challengers: 'We Are Going To Crush Them Everywhere'

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) says he isn't worried about tea party-backed candidates challenging GOP incumbents in this year's midterm elections.

"I think we are going to crush them everywhere," McConnell told the New York Times in an interview published Saturday. "I don't think they are going to have a single nominee anywhere in the country."

McConnell is one of several senators facing tea party opposition in their primary races this spring. McConnell's main opponent is Kentucky businessman Matt Bevin, who has spent the campaign attacking the senator's conservative credentials. As the Associated Press reported last month, McConnell and other GOP incumbents have started to come out aggressively against these candidates, using opposition research to undermine them.

However, polls in the race tell a different story. A survey released last month by GOP firm Wenzel Strategies found McConnell with a 42 point lead over Bevin, while a Bluegrass Poll pinned McConnell's lead at 26 points.

the overall problem is that we need more moderates on both sides that can work with each other. this while the current repugs seem bent on self destruction
oth, maybe gridlock is not completely bad except for the poor which is really bad. we need an intact safety net