APP - who do the repugs have that can beat hilary or any dim nominated?

Shouldn't lefties be worrying about the midterms or do they think they are in the bag?

They absolutly have to worry bout the midterms all indications is its going to be another GOP rout.

Having said that, I think it will be short lived they will get their shot at getting trounced next round.
winning the presidency a second time

as i have said before, it looks more and more that we will have a repug dominated congress (for a while longer) and a dim president along with a great deal of gridlock until the repug base dies off without being replaced

oh well

I have to disagree with this in a sense, its not OLD angry white guys, its the two generations behind them that are even madder. The Ted Cruz gen and the one right after him the 30s to mid 50s seem a a whole lot madder than the boomers. Alot of that I believe is that theyve been bullshitted that somehow its the poors fault they are underpaid and have no benefits and have no other job to go to unless they want to move to china.
one... Biden, Cuomo, O'Malley, but she will.
two... ditto, but she won't.
three.... Cruz, Paul, Santorum, as if it mattered. ;)
I am not sure that Biden could beat Cuomo or O'Malley... but I feel pretty certain he could beat Cruz or Rand of Santorum.
and I'm pretty sure that all of them know the difference between prostrate and prostate...

...which only serves to highlight what a total moron YOU are. lol
and I'm pretty sure that all of them know the difference between prostrate and prostate...

...which only serves to highlight what a total moron YOU are. lol

Do they also understand what "join'" means?? :dunno:

I love that he has me on IA; because then I can keep pointing out that he's a liar and how fucking stupid he is, without him crap flooding his weak attempts to explain away his actions.