APP - who do the repugs have that can beat hilary or any dim nominated?

the overall problem is that we need more moderates on both sides that can work with each other. this while the current repugs seem bent on self destruction
oth, maybe gridlock is not completely bad except for the poor which is really bad. we need an intact safety net

The teaparty wants to run the country one way, their way and they wont settle for anything less and that is what will send them right down the tube. Nothing ever gets done without compromise.
You have to own a super majority in the house senate and have the whitehouse to do what the teaparty wants to do.

The far right can stand on their heads make all the noise they want, blame obama for everything but the truth is the teaparty faction of the house has assured that absolutely nothing has gotten done for the american people in the last 6 yrs. All they have done is vote to repeal obamacare 43 times and vote to end everything for the working class and the middleclass.

No increase in Minimum Wage
Stop unemployment.
Cut social security and Medicare
Ryans budget killed SS Cut medicare and gave the rich a huge tax cut.

Then they block a bill to stop giving subsidies to Big Farms, Big Oil and Big pharma all while screaming the country is broke and we cant afford food stamps.

They dont even try to disguise they are of the rich and for the rich only. One day the teaparty supporters and voters who dont have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of are going to wake up and the light bulb will come on finally and they will realize HOLY SHIT we screwed ourselves and the koch brothers will be laughing at them
the repugs will retain control of the house and likely get control of the senate, but they are unlikely to get the necessary 2/3 majority in both houses to override a presidential veto.

so where does that leave our government? in grid lock again.

but for how long?

After the miserable experience that this country has had with a Republican majority I can't see them winning any either house and if Hillary runs; which she will, she will be elected. I think she's going to wait till that last minute to announce and I think that right now she's running over all of the possible attack scenarios in order to short circut them very early on.
I see all of the likely republican candidates as unelectable, but I would have said GWB was unelectable.
After the miserable experience that this country has had with a Republican majority I can't see them winning any either house and if Hillary runs; which she will, she will be elected. I think she's going to wait till that last minute to announce and I think that right now she's running over all of the possible attack scenarios in order to short circut them very early on.

it is the next election that the dims must work their ground game as hard as possible or maybe they expect to have to redo the election in the courts.

between putin and china and the repugs we live in interesting times.
it is the next election that the dims must work their ground game as hard as possible or maybe they expect to have to redo the election in the courts.

between putin and china and the repugs we live in interesting times.

Here here. Now; if we could only find that plane.
DonQ, Jet and Jarod I would have agreed with all 3 of you 6 months ago, now im not so sure.

The nightmare for both parties is Rand Paul, hes totally against democrats fiscally and against republicans socially and hes surging, hes doing far better than I ever thought he would. Having said that hes not my choice. I think he lies through his teeth and will say anything to get in the public eye and get elected.
Rand Paul seems to be the favorite of Millenials 18-30ish. Thats a huge voting block, second only to the babyboomers.

The democrats will either have no primary in 2016 or Two person primary. Every indication is the republican primary is going to be a bigger clusterwuck than the last one, the list of hopefulls is huge and growing.
Teaparty candidates cant win potus so if one of them wins the primary any democrat would win.
Rand Pauls greatest challenge is yet to be seen, if direct questions dont make him out to be a liar from what he said in the past, all that comes out in campaigns.
If he can win the primary, he could very well beat hillary in my mind. The millinials will love him and vote for him and coupled with that there might be enough independents to carry him. The right will vote for him if the choice is him or Hillary. Like I said he has to stay in the lead and win the primary.
DonQ, Jet and Jarod I would have agreed with all 3 of you 6 months ago, now im not so sure.

The nightmare for both parties is Rand Paul, hes totally against democrats fiscally and against republicans socially and hes surging, hes doing far better than I ever thought he would. Having said that hes not my choice. I think he lies through his teeth and will say anything to get in the public eye and get elected.
Rand Paul seems to be the favorite of Millenials 18-30ish. Thats a huge voting block, second only to the babyboomers.

The democrats will either have no primary in 2016 or Two person primary. Every indication is the republican primary is going to be a bigger clusterwuck than the last one, the list of hopefulls is huge and growing.
Teaparty candidates cant win potus so if one of them wins the primary any democrat would win.
Rand Pauls greatest challenge is yet to be seen, if direct questions dont make him out to be a liar from what he said in the past, all that comes out in campaigns.
If he can win the primary, he could very well beat hillary in my mind. The millinials will love him and vote for him and coupled with that there might be enough independents to carry him. The right will vote for him if the choice is him or Hillary. Like I said he has to stay in the lead and win the primary.

a lot can happen between now and the 2016 primaries. nothing is certain. paul will have to walk a tight rope and try to convince rep moderates, conservatives and ultraconservatives that he is their man. he will have to do a lot of tap dancing (lying) to accomplish that, but then too many hear what they want to.

as for the millennials, the

question is do they live in the 'bubble' or do they listen to what is being said.

also, the dims have a better ground game than the repugs which is why we are likely to have a repug dominated congress with a dim president.

the repugs will really have to go after the millennials in a big way and they may be the only hope that the repugs have of replacing the older angry white men that are dying off.

then there is the nonwhite vote that the repugs seem to have little to no chance of recruiting

also, there is the attraction of electing the first female president.

oh well
DonQ, Jet and Jarod I would have agreed with all 3 of you 6 months ago, now im not so sure.

The nightmare for both parties is Rand Paul, hes totally against democrats fiscally and against republicans socially and hes surging, hes doing far better than I ever thought he would. Having said that hes not my choice. I think he lies through his teeth and will say anything to get in the public eye and get elected.
Rand Paul seems to be the favorite of Millenials 18-30ish. Thats a huge voting block, second only to the babyboomers.

The democrats will either have no primary in 2016 or Two person primary. Every indication is the republican primary is going to be a bigger clusterwuck than the last one, the list of hopefulls is huge and growing.
Teaparty candidates cant win potus so if one of them wins the primary any democrat would win.
Rand Pauls greatest challenge is yet to be seen, if direct questions dont make him out to be a liar from what he said in the past, all that comes out in campaigns.
If he can win the primary, he could very well beat hillary in my mind. The millinials will love him and vote for him and coupled with that there might be enough independents to carry him. The right will vote for him if the choice is him or Hillary. Like I said he has to stay in the lead and win the primary.

Rand Paul, like Paul Ryan is out to lunch in the most hysterical sense of the word and is part of Ayn Rand cult. He may as well be married to Sarah Palin. No, the Republicans are going to lose this one too. If we really want to see change in the Republican party, we're going to have to hope for a clean sweep and super majority. I would love to vote for some Republicans again, but I won't under any circumstances with the terms that way they are now. Hillary is gping to get all the girls going, and thus their boyfriends too . . .
our candidate got reelected to the presidency.... kicking the snot out of the man in the magic underwear....

we got that join' for us... and then we have Hillary waiting in the wings.

the GOP's worst nightmare.... sixteen years of negroes and women in the white house!
our candidate got reelected to the presidency.... kicking the snot out of the man in the magic underwear....

we got that join' for us... and then we have Hillary waiting in the wings.

the GOP's worst nightmare.... sixteen years of negroes and women in the white house!

You mean the woman you didn't want? The woman Bill didn't even want he had to go trolling for strange?
our candidate got reelected to the presidency.... kicking the snot out of the man in the magic underwear....

we got that join' for us... and then we have Hillary waiting in the wings.

the GOP's worst nightmare.... sixteen years of negroes and women in the white house!

I wasn't aware you were in the White House and that he had joined you there. :eek:
BTW if 2010 was a wipeout for the dems, what has changed in four years to improve their fortunes?

winning the presidency a second time

as i have said before, it looks more and more that we will have a repug dominated congress (for a while longer) and a dim president along with a great deal of gridlock until the repug base dies off without being replaced

oh well