Mike, the "escort", said that he released it at this time because of politics. So, I'll trust him. It's about politics.I thought the mere revelation of it at this time made it a campaign issue...
Mike, the "escort", said that he released it at this time because of politics. So, I'll trust him. It's about politics.I thought the mere revelation of it at this time made it a campaign issue...
Mike, the "escort", said that he released it at this time because of politics. So, I'll trust him. It's about politics.
I guess I was in the ballpark.
He said he made $140 each visit and that they usually lasted less than an hour. That was what he said on Peter Boyles' show.
just admit you hired him once.
I have to say, hte meth charges through even me for a loop. I would have never guessed it went there.
the Dems don't have to do a darn thing on this one except make vague references to the immorality of the Republicans.I think the Democrats should try to turn this into a campaign issue.. it makes for as good of one as the Kerry flap
Sounds like he is making himself appear better and better to himself as he makes up stuff. Do you realize that he failed a lie detector test on Friday specifically on the sex questions?really? well, he said $200 an hour and sometimes $300 per visit yesterday and on rita cosby's one on one with him this afternoon, and he said that haggard used meth, every time he came to his house...he had it with him....he had an envelope that was mailed to him by haggard with $200 bucks in it before his last visit.... i am certain it has his fingerprints or saliva for dna still on it, IF this is true....it can be proven....
It's looking more and more like it may be another lying prostitute.So the guy is just another lying reverend.
It's looking more and more like it may be another lying prostitute.
No, he didn't. He was asked to resign because of that.I think you better turn on your tv Damo. Haggard confessed to committing "sexual immorality". In the context of this week's accusations, I kind of assumed he was admitting to what the male prostitute charged. On the other hand, I freely admit I don't get right wing nuts. Maybe he got a sinful thought about having oral sex with his wife of 20 years and that's the sexual immorality he's speaking of.
No, he didn't. He was asked to resign because of that.
This is once again a local story and we get saturated.
Haggard admits to buying meth and getting a massage from the guy. He says that he threw the Meth away. He told the group at his church that he would be exonerated, but they ignored him and fired him for sexual immorality.
Please, don't assume that I don't know what is happening with a local story that we get 24/7 on talk radio and TV.
Look. I just report what the man said just about 30 minutes ago on my radio as I was coming home. Either trust or don't. However, we are getting up to the minute information on a constant basis here... This is making big news with Referendum "I" working at the same time as this and we are getting overflow of information on gay prostitution.“The fact is I am guilty of sexual immorality. And I take responsibility for the entire problem. I am a deceiver and a liar. There’s a part of my life that is so repulsive and dark that I have been warring against it for all of my adult life,” he said
I thought this was pretty clear. I said he admitted he was guilty of sexual immorality, because, he said "the fact is I'm guilty of sexual immorality". But being a liberal, I get very confused about sexual immorality, so probably you would know better what "the fact is I'm guilty of sexual immorality" means, than I would. And if he is on local tv backpeddling, that's fine. I myself, am all for backpeddling. I'll never forget the time that my boyfriend woke me while I had dozed off while sunbathing and somehow I started talking about how I was thinking about spankings and mumbled something about "this one time", and boy not even Haggard can backpeddle the way I backpeddled the second I totally came to, I can tell you that.
I admit I don't get right wing nuts, and for all I know this repulsive and dark side that he has been warring against all of his life is that he enjoys his bowel movements.
It sounds like a confession to me, but you know, it's been so long since I've been to confession, how would I know? I'll leave it to others to judge for themselves.