Who gets pardons after the Nov election ?

The iran arms sales took place to raise money for the Contra's. It was done because the democratic controled congress would not allow funding of a group that was fighting the communist sandinistas. so Reagan authorized an end run around congress. Of course in those days the soviets were a much bigger threat and problem than the ayatollahs in iran. And it wasn't realized what a major threat iran would become. There again they thought containment would work and by supporting saddam against iran they could keep both busy fighting each other while they dealt with the larger problem, the soviets.

North was a fall guy and a pardon for him was inevitable.

Things change drastically as the years go by. Our allies today could be our enemies tomorrow.
That would be less true if we'd stop trying to use brutal dictators -- and brutal, murdering would-be dictators like the Contras -- as our agents.

North was a traitor, plain and simple. The men who ordered him to do what he did were worse.
That would be less true if we'd stop trying to use brutal dictators -- and brutal, murdering would-be dictators like the Contras -- as our agents.

North was a traitor, plain and simple. The men who ordered him to do what he did were worse.

Gaffer forgot one critical element to the story.

Reagan illegally sold arms to the iranians, as part of his negotiation with terrorists to secure release of american hostagess.
I fondly remember the days when Republicans thought following the letter of the law, was imperative. There was no excuse for breaking the law. Ever. At lease when it came to Democratic blowjobs.

Don't worry, those days will be coming around again before long.
True enough. This one ended with a *thunk* as they dropped the box off in the basement for storage... With that Powell aide owning it up it pretty much ends the search. It won't be this that tons of people get pardons for, maybe Scooter, but maybe not even him indictment is not the same thing as conviction.

May I ask what logic brings you to the conclusion... that because Armitage owned up to being the first leak to Novak, that the investigation is NOW pretty much being wrapped up, huh?

Especially when Fizgerald has known about Armitage for years and this has not stopped him from trying to get to the bottom of whether Vice President Cheney gave the okay to his cronies such as Libby, to leak this information to the Press core, covertly, so that they would pursue the nepotism angle with Wilson's credibility or the lack there of... angle...

And with the same stone they could expose Valerie Plame's Cia status, ruining her career, INTENTIONALLY, so that they could remove her from her 2nd in charge position of the group of CIA agents that were responsible for wmd non/proliferation in the middle east....especially since this group of Agents disagreed with the administration's position of Saddam's WMD capabilities.

And why did Libby lie and Rove lie also...until he found out his lie was going to come forward and then he begged the grand jury to forgive him because he supposedly FORGOT...crapola. And Libby went as far as committing 5 separate FELONIES through out the wild goose chase he put Fitzgerald and the grand jury on, eventually leading to the Obstruction of Justice Charge?

Why do that? The only thing that makes sense is that Libby and other's did not know about Armitage perhaps....not when they were originally testifying...thus the LIES? I dunno? That does not make sense for him to do in the first place UNLESS their truely was something to hide and Fitzy has mentioned that it was the VP that got this whole thing rolling....

But then the VP said that he declassified this info so it could be released...

But then the date of his/bush's declassification was AFTER Libby had leaked the info to Judith Miller, WHICH WAS PRIOR to Armitage leaking to Novak. That point keeps being ignored by you.

Plus there is a minimum of 6 well known and prominant Journalists that were contacted by either Rove or Libby with this information about Plame.

If that is not a CONCERTED EFFORT TO LEAK HER IDENTITY, then I just don't know what is....?

In addition to this, saying she was just an ANALYST when NOW it has come out that they CLEARLY KNEW she was 2nd IN CHARGE of WMD non/proliferation in the Middle east, and classified UNDERCOVER... and that she openly opposed the Vice President's view on this issue with Saddam's WMD capabilities.

yes, the Republicans along with their media coconspirators have tried to make us all believe that this whole affair is over JUST BECAUSE OF ARMITAGE, and thru their Mind Control tactics of repeating the same lies over and over again and specifically leaving out pertinent facts on the subject, might have us believe that the Fat Lady has sung...

But she hasn't.

Fitzgerald hasn't, not yet closed the case.

And as you predict, it may be over and nothing may come of this because of how our government controls all... including the outcome of investigations, I will never forget... what this administration DID to a dedicated citizen of this country...(who at one time, had one of the highest risk covert government jobs ever, a CIA NOC /recruiter, and who also had a 20 year Career with the CIA already, and had planned to continue that career even farther)...by exposing her undercover status, for the PERSONAL gain of the Vice President, not even for the safety of our country or something....Sad INDEED.

May I ask what logic brings you to the conclusion... that because Armitage owned up to being the first leak to Novak, that the investigation is NOW pretty much being wrapped up, huh?

Especially when Fizgerald has known about Armitage for years and this has not stopped him from trying to get to the bottom of whether Vice President Cheney gave the okay to his cronies such as Libby, to leak this information to the Press core, covertly, so that they would pursue the nepotism angle with Wilson's credibility or the lack there of... angle...

And with the same stone they could expose Valerie Plame's Cia status, ruining her career, INTENTIONALLY, so that they could remove her from her 2nd in charge position of the group of CIA agents that were responsible for wmd non/proliferation in the middle east....especially since this group of Agents disagreed with the administration's position of Saddam's WMD capabilities.

And why did Libby lie and Rove lie also...until he found out his lie was going to come forward and then he begged the grand jury to forgive him because he supposedly FORGOT...crapola. And Libby went as far as committing 5 separate FELONIES through out the wild goose chase he put Fitzgerald and the grand jury on, eventually leading to the Obstruction of Justice Charge?

Why do that? The only thing that makes sense is that Libby and other's did not know about Armitage perhaps....not when they were originally testifying...thus the LIES? I dunno? That does not make sense for him to do in the first place UNLESS their truely was something to hide and Fitzy has mentioned that it was the VP that got this whole thing rolling....

But then the VP said that he declassified this info so it could be released...

But then the date of his/bush's declassification was AFTER Libby had leaked the info to Judith Miller, WHICH WAS PRIOR to Armitage leaking to Novak. That point keeps being ignored by you.

Plus there is a minimum of 6 well known and prominant Journalists that were contacted by either Rove or Libby with this information about Plame.

If that is not a CONCERTED EFFORT TO LEAK HER IDENTITY, then I just don't know what is....?

In addition to this, saying she was just an ANALYST when NOW it has come out that they CLEARLY KNEW she was 2nd IN CHARGE of WMD non/proliferation in the Middle east, and classified UNDERCOVER... and that she openly opposed the Vice President's view on this issue with Saddam's WMD capabilities.

yes, the Republicans along with their media coconspirators have tried to make us all believe that this whole affair is over JUST BECAUSE OF ARMITAGE, and thru their Mind Control tactics of repeating the same lies over and over again and specifically leaving out pertinent facts on the subject, might have us believe that the Fat Lady has sung...

But she hasn't.

Fitzgerald hasn't, not yet closed the case.

And as you predict, it may be over and nothing may come of this because of how our government controls all... including the outcome of investigations, I will never forget... what this administration DID to a dedicated citizen of this country...(who at one time, had one of the highest risk covert government jobs ever, a CIA NOC /recruiter, and who also had a 20 year Career with the CIA already, and had planned to continue that career even farther)...by exposing her undercover status, for the PERSONAL gain of the Vice President, not even for the safety of our country or something....Sad INDEED.

Mostly because there were leaks each time before something of substance happened in this case. There is silence. Previous performance tells me it is unlikely to get anybody else.
Well, You are probably right Damo, nothing further will come of it until Libby's trial for the 5 Felony Charges...

But my bet is that Bush will Pardon Libby....and that is WHAT all of this garbage and hype is ultimately about.

The reason I think this is because Fitz had already said that he/Libby would call Vp Cheney to the stand....

And you KNOW the Administration will never allow the VP to go under Oath...thus the pardon BEFORE the trial...

place your bets! :)